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No issue


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There is no issue in expressing any of the emotions on the scale. The entire scale is gone through every day.


Why is change and/or feeling better not happening?


Like for example, right now I'm experiencing the emotion frustration/irritation.


No issue expressing that as you can see.


Why no feeling better or change? Why still experiencing irritation/frustration?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Change is happening. Change is what ‘happening’ is.

Not conceptually - perceptually. As in look around - that is only change / apparent changing. 

Apparent experience must be (appear as if) change - precisely becauseyou do not, and can not - change.

Not a “thinkable you” or a you of thoughts, a sep self - but you, consciousness, that which is self-aware, self-inherently - conscious.  


There is no separate self which feels this way or that, such as better and or worse. There is no past or future, in which a sep self could presently feel better or worse than. The comparison is conceptual, arising only presently, and is not rooted in reality or what is actual. 


How you feel never changes in any circumstance or situation, ever.

How experience feels to you - thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, sensation, emotions, etc - is only change / apparent changing. 


Scale wise, irritation / frustration is “still” felt because pessimism is yet to be acknowledged and allowed (to be felt). It could be that the emotion pessimism is mistakenly identified with. In the sense, “I’m pessimistic”. But pessimism, as an emotion, is guidance for thoughts. The means of alignment of thought with feeling. Of creating consciously. 


If you want to, share that thought, belief or interpretation that it may be aligned with the truth, and you are relived of the discord of how it feels, to you. 

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

If you want to, share that thought, belief or interpretation that is may be aligned with the truth. 


There's chores like cleaning up and school stuff like reading and writing essays that I should be doing today. But the thought of doing those things don't feel good. So I don't seem to get myself to do those things. I should be doing them but am not. Same thing over and over again like years the same thing same feeling again and again. Would like for life to be and feel differently but it isn't changing.


Would like all sorts of things and issues to be different and daily life to feel different (better) but it isn't.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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For it to be true that there is anything ‘you should be doing’, would require two selves. One to observe what the other one is or isn’t doing, and to tell the other one what they should or shouldn’t do or be doing. 


So the limiting / discordant belief - is in that there is some kind of reality to ‘shoulds’. That there even are ‘shoulds’ in reality. ‘Shoulds’ are as real as there being two you’s. 


If there are not two of you, then the thought “I should…” is about a sep self of thoughts, and can not actually be about you, awareness, prior to, appearing as, and aware of the thought. 


Very, very subtle, but worthwhile:


“The thought of doing those things don’t feel good” is about the things, that doing the things is what is discordant as in the doing of those things wouldn’t feel good in a future. 


“The thought of doing those things doesn’t feel good” is about how the thought feels right now and has nothing to do with there actually being a doer or a future. That is what feels off or discordant about the thought, presently. The thought can be aligned presently. The ‘issue’, in a ‘future’, isn’t real, and no alignment can be done in that regard. 



“I don’t seem to get myself to do those things” is perfectly accurate because there are not two of you; one which could or couldn’t get the other one to do those things. 


“Same thing over and over again like years…” the only reality of that is the thought, presently experienced. In terms of perception - there is no years and years, nor is there actually repetition. 


There is no reality of “same feeling again and again”. There are not “feelings”, as in separate, plural, occurring in linear time. There is only the thought that there is, and how that thought feels, presently. 


“Would like for life to be and feel differently but it isn't changing. Would like all sorts of things and issues to be different and daily life to feel different (better) but it isn't.”


It actually is, and these thoughts have no bearing on that it actually is, whatsoever. All that is actually in question, is if self-love is allowed or not. If this present experience, which is not anything thought says it is, is allowed to be enjoyed for what it is, as it is. 

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