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I don't know what to do


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I'm doing seasonal work that ends in october and I first thought that if I don't find anything better to do then I will continue working during the winter season. I no longer want to work here or in any restaurant or hotel.

I have no idea about what to do or where to move.
I feel a lot of worry about needing to figure it out when I just don't know.

It just feels too difficult to plan ahead or figure out by thinking.
It feels like I'm avoiding it all because maybe I feel overwhelment and doubt.

I don't want to commit to a place for a longer time and be stuck where I don't want to be.
I hate work so much, I feel so much pessismism about it.
What I want to do has nothing to do with work but even those things feel too difficult.

I haven't used my dream board for a while, I needed to remove everything and want to fill it up sometime.

I get that doubt can be guidence, but I would like some more help and clarity on what the path of least resistance or easiest way to go is.

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Align with your position where you are first and the fortitude and inpiration will be there to move on. What don't you like about work now and what is the wanted aspect that the unwanted defines? For example I dislike being cold, I want a home with a great central heating system, etc. 

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1 hour ago, noomii said:

I get that doubt can be guidence, but I would like some more help and clarity on what the path of least resistance or easiest way to go is.

This is listening to intuition and it’s beautiful. Acknowledging the emotions felt and the inherent guidance therein, even more so. Indeed there is a less resistant & easier way to go about it. 


First, relax & take a few deep breaths, and celebrate this bigger & deeper picture you’re uncovering. At some point you heard about intuition and emotional guidance and it seemed foreign and didn’t make much sense. It may have even seemed flighty, too good to be true or real, anddeflected as woo woo or spiritual mumbo jumbo or whatever.


Now, you’re acknowledging the reality of intuition and emotional guidance and not only acknowledging, but opening up to listening to it, and much more so - bravely, courageously, vulnerably, maturely and actively looking into this by openly talking & communicating it about to bring about more clarity and effortlessness. Celebrate this Noomii! In ‘the bigger picture’, allow yourself to really notice this and the significance of this and feel this ‘bigger picture’ and the resonating of it, right? It’s quite amazing and again, so beautiful. 



Listening to intuition and emotional guidance is what being practical is. 


A way to frame for communication, let’s say there are two phases, and you’re present experience is like a limbo, an in-between phases. There is some disorientation and uncertainty as the two phases are overlapping, the old phase and the new phase. The old phase is that of there being a doer, and intuition & emotional guidance being foreign (to the doer). The second phase is seeing more clearly there is no doer. It’s seeing ignorance, ignore-ance of the guidance, and denial, ignore-ance of intuition, as, delusion, and being aware of the ensuing confusion, stress, tension & discord with well-being inherent in, denial, delusion & ignore-ance. While you may not be 100% ‘out of the woods’ just yet in a way, the orientation has changed, and that is something to feel great about. Allow this to be seen and to resonate as deeply as possible. Take a few minutes to reflect on this and see this and enjoy this. Allow the excitement of it to be felt. 


1 hour ago, noomii said:

I'm doing seasonal work that ends in october and I first thought that if I don't find anything better to do then I will continue working during the winter season. I no longer want to work here or in any restaurant or hotel.

I have no idea about what to do or where to move.
I feel a lot of worry about needing to figure it out when I just don't know.

Thoughts: I’m doing and I need to figure out. 

Emotional guidance: Worry. 

How’s it feel, great or not great? Not great. 

Is the interpretation resonating with intuition & guidance? No it is not. 

What’s the guidance relaying about what is ‘off’ with the framing or interpretation, what clarity is the guidance offering for the thoughts / interpretation? 

While there is an experience of seasonal work - there is not, in present direct experience, any experience of this ‘doer’. 


What else feels ‘off’?

”If I don’t find anything better to do then I will continue working during the winter season”. 

The lens is clouded by thoughts on behalf of a doer. These thoughts can not resonate because there is no doer. To clarify even more, it’s the same as, “If the unicorn doesn’t find anything better to do then it will continue working during the winter season”. 


As the thoughts on behalf of a ‘doer’ are noticed to be exactly the same as thoughts on behalf of a unicorn, the thoughts are clearly seen to be discordant, because there is no ‘doer’ / unicorn. These thoughts are therein willfully let go - simply and only in abiding with the intuition and guidance, or more simply put - because the thoughts do not resonate. Why does one take one’s hand off the stove? Because a future scenario might be better or worse? No - simply because of the burning sensation. So why does one let a discordant thought go? There’s no difference whatsoever - it’s simply for how it feels. The discord felt is guidance, just as the burn felt is guidance. 


What happened when you take your hand off the hot stove / let the ‘doer framing’ go? The lens through which experience is experienced, is cleared. Emptied. Now, a thought which feels more aligned has a space in which it can arise. That more aligned thought will be along the lines of what is wanted, or simply put - a preference. 


That preference is manifesting. Already. That preference manifesting is reality. it’s not separate from or of reality. It is reality. It’s as real, as reality, as the manifestation, the - ‘seeing it’, ‘tasting it’, ‘touching it’ ‘in the flesh’. 


Experience & preferences arising of experience is not ‘the shitty part’, and the fully manifested in the flesh ‘the good part’. 

There’s no parts. No separation. The obscuring thoughts about there being a doer make it seem like there is the shitty part and the good part. 

Seeing there isn’t the doer, is seeing there isn’t parts, and is enjoying the creation process fully & presently. 



1 hour ago, noomii said:

It just feels too difficult to plan ahead or figure out by thinking.

It’s not difficult, it’s impossible. There is no thinker or ‘figurer outer’. Figuring out isn’t actually experienced. Only the thought that there is a doer or thinker figuring out is experienced. In your direct present experience, there is an experience of these thoughts. There is no an experience of a doer, thinker, or figurer outer. 


So instead of the confusion & delusion of separation… allow the preference(s) to be seen clearly, to be acknowledged, honored even. 


1 hour ago, noomii said:

It feels like I'm avoiding it all because maybe I feel overwhelment and doubt.

Overwhelment and doubt are felt. “It feels like I’m avoiding it” introduces the delusion & confusion… of a sep self, the ‘avoider’. (Exactly the same as introducing a unicorn). Letting the unicorn aspect go is allowing the guidance of overwhlement and doubt to be unobscured & fully felt. Allowing overwhelment & doubt to be fully felt, is naturally then allowing the message to be received and the overwhelment and doubt to subside. 


1 hour ago, noomii said:

I don't want to commit to a place for a longer time and be stuck where I don't want to be.
I hate work so much, I feel so much pessismism about it.

Notice how as focus went to what is not wanted, there is no resonating with intuition & emotional guidance. Or, notice the dip downward from overwhelment and doubt, to hatred. Notice the obscuring aspect is ‘the unicorn hates’. In acknowledging there is no unicorn / hater in your direct present experience, the emotional guidance of hatred is allowed, felt, and indeed does then dissipate or fizzle out. Then notice the pessimism is not about an it as in a separate thing, the pessimism is guidance for the interpretation. Pessimism is not about ‘it’ - pessimism is of the interpretation. The framing. It does not resonate with your being & the true nature of you. Optimism and positive beliefs & expectations resonate with your being & true nature. The truth is not too good to be real. The truth is presently felt as very, very real. 


1 hour ago, noomii said:

What I want to do has nothing to do with work but even those things feel too difficult.

Difficult is the old framing. Acknowledging the guidance of doubt is the new framing. Receiving the guidance of doubt, listen to ‘what it’s telling you’ - is the new framing, because it resonates - yes? Because it’s taking your hand off that stove, yes? The guidance is telling you not to doubt - because it can be - allow the aligned interpretation - aligned with the guidance, aligned with intuition about listening to the guidance. Question the interpretations by comparing to direct experience. Look around. What is difficult right now? Nothing. What is felt as discordant - the framing of “difficult”. What is it felt as discordant - because in your direct present experience - it isn’t true! Rejoice right!? How loving, reassuring, clarifying, inspiring & amazing is This!?


1 hour ago, noomii said:

I haven't used my dream board for a while, I needed to remove everything and want to fill it up sometime.

I get that doubt can be guidence, but I would like some more help and clarity on what the path of least resistance or easiest way to go is.

 You’re already listening to intuition and emotional guidance. Feel. Good. About. It. Write those preferences on that dreamboard and as you do allow full resonating. “This is actually manifesting!” “This, this writing of the preferences right now, IS the manifesting!” There is not, ‘not now’, there is only now, now is the present, the gift. Let go of ‘needing it to be not now’ or different in any way. Enjoy the entire creation process. Or, in short, what @Mandy already said. 😂♥️


It’s already done Noomii. All the experiencing, which birthed the preferences - is already done. It served its purpose so to speak. It’s not only ok to discard it - it resonates and this discarding is putting well-being first. See this, and enjoy and align with the preferences. 🙂


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On 8/7/2024 at 2:51 PM, Mandy said:

Align with your position where you are first and the fortitude and inpiration will be there to move on. What don't you like about work now and what is the wanted aspect that the unwanted defines? For example I dislike being cold, I want a home with a great central heating system, etc. 

I don't like forcing myself to do any task that I don't want to do.
I don't like the feeling of effort in any kind of work.
I don't like feeling worry about what I'm expected to do.
I don't like how most of my coworkers communicate.
I don't like feeling exhausted at work.

I want to feel free to do anything I want out of inspiration.
I want effortlessness, ease, good feeling and relaxation.
I want to travel, have fun and be more in nature.
I want conscious relating & communication. I want to feel aligned with people around me.
I want to feel energized.

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@Phil thank you 🙂
I feel resistance about being aware of doubt everytime it comes up. It feels like I already have a huge pile of other things I expect myself to be aware of and it feels like I'm endlessly adding more things I believe I should do. 

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10 hours ago, noomii said:

I want to feel free to do anything I want out of inspiration.
I want effortlessness, ease, good feeling and relaxation.
I want to travel, have fun and be more in nature.
I want conscious relating & communication. I want to feel aligned with people around me.
I want to feel energized.



Feel different? 

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On 8/8/2024 at 11:23 AM, noomii said:

@Phil thank you 🙂
I feel resistance about being aware of doubt everytime it comes up. It feels like I already have a huge pile of other things I expect myself to be aware of and it feels like I'm endlessly adding more things I believe I should do. 

There isn’t really an experience of doubt every time it comes up. Emotions are felt or not, now only.

That thought likely is met with worry, which would also only be presently felt (if it is). 

The thought, ‘I expect myself to be aware’… would also be a presently experienced thought which you, awareness, are (already) aware of. 

The beauty of the fact that you are already & presently-only aware… and aware of of thoughts and emotions… is there’s no need for beliefs or doing. Those would also be thoughts you would be presently aware of. 


Try out the scale, from worry to positive beliefs / expectations, and see how it feels. Feel how the thoughts resonate with you, awareness.🤍

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@Mandy @Phil 

Sorry for not responding. 🙂

I believed I don't have time to reply and that I experience difficulty with reading/understanding.


On 8/9/2024 at 2:53 AM, Mandy said:



Feel different? 

Yes, sometimes I don't really know what to do with it other than writing it on the dream board. I often write down the same things like that in my notes, sometimes it feels too much.


On 8/9/2024 at 12:27 AM, Phil said:


What if you notice you’re present & aware, and read those thoughts in hindsight, aware those in fact are thoughts that arose? 

Anything stand out?

Seem ridiculous or silly even?

I saw that when I replied but there was still somehow thoughts trying to convince me it's still true.


On 8/10/2024 at 12:03 AM, Phil said:

Try out the scale, from worry to positive beliefs / expectations, and see how it feels. Feel how the thoughts resonate with you, awareness.🤍

I don't feel inspired to use it now. I'm more focused on just inspecting direct experience & beliefs 😊




All three of my bosses have told me I'm too slow and that what I do is just not enough. 

Even when I've been working as quickly as I can and been aware of feeling as much as I can, he told me that I should be able to do it in even shorter time.

I've been working quicker than the normal speed in other jobs I've had. They work at least 2x speed in hotel and restaurants here, I have to multitask a lot and do it all perfectly. I just feel so much worry and overwhelment doing it.


I felt so much unworthiness or insecurity when he told me this, it felt so intense.

I feel a lot of unworthiness about not being able to just let go and feel in alignment.

I feel worry that the people who work here are talking negatively about me, because that's what most people here do about each other and the guests. 


He suggested I could work 15 hours per week for the rest of the time, instead of 30 hours like I do now.  It felt like a relief because the night before I thought I can't take it anymore. I still feel worry about what they will think about my work and how I will feel.


 I'm wondering if the thoughts I experience about me not being good enough are just attracting more of the same thoughts (what the people are saying). That there's no people or separation. 


Two of the girls I live with also have a similiar experience as me, both of them burnt out around the same time as me five years ago. One of them don't work, she's just here to help sometimes and the other one only works a little.


I frequently feel an urge to defend and explain myself so that they will stop judge me and instead tell me what I want to hear. Like really making it known to everyone that I'm a victim and they should show me sympathy. 🙂


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22 minutes ago, noomii said:

I'm wondering if the thoughts I experience about me not being good enough are just attracting more of the same thoughts (what the people are saying). That there's no people or separation. 

Yes, totally. As there’s no people or separation, it’s not that ‘your thoughts’ and attracting ‘their thoughts’. It’s that you’re experiencing the outer reality being created of the inner conversation.


It’s like you’re a flashlight looking / shining through a lens, experiencing a world. Whatever limiting beliefs are in the lens, very much seem to be of the world. The clarifying aspect is they’re felt, and feeling wise it’s self-evident… comparison thoughts about separate selves don’t resonate. 


Imaging, visualizing, fantasizing, dreaming about & believing in what’s wanted manifesting resonates - because you’re creating it. Because you’re creating it, by being it presently, the thought that you’re not good enough is not only discordant but is inevitably seen as preposterous. 

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On 8/22/2024 at 8:28 PM, Phil said:

Yes, totally. As there’s no people or separation, it’s not that ‘your thoughts’ and attracting ‘their thoughts’. It’s that you’re experiencing the outer reality being created of the inner conversation.


It’s like you’re a flashlight looking / shining through a lens, experiencing a world. Whatever limiting beliefs are in the lens, very much seem to be of the world. The clarifying aspect is they’re felt, and feeling wise it’s self-evident… comparison thoughts about separate selves don’t resonate. 


Imaging, visualizing, fantasizing, dreaming about & believing in what’s wanted manifesting resonates - because you’re creating it. Because you’re creating it, by being it presently, the thought that you’re not good enough is not only discordant but is inevitably seen as preposterous. 

Could someone that doesn't believe they're not good enough still create the same situation where the people around say the same things I mentioned, but not believe what they say?


Today I felt a fatigue I haven't felt in a long time

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@noomii What do you care about, love, what is meaningful? In general? What gives you energy?


For the job you're doing right now, what do you care about, love, what is meaningful? Is it important to you that the guests have a nice stay, that you work together as a team? Is there a way to change your focus so that instead of just getting through it, you're a part of it, feeling the satisfaction of the experience you're creating for the guests? Can you look for the  opportunity to go above and beyond in some small way and put a smile on someone's face? 

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20 hours ago, noomii said:

Could someone that doesn't believe they're not good enough still create the same situation where the people around say the same things I mentioned, but not believe what they say?


Today I felt a fatigue I haven't felt in a long time

The world-sphere is experienced by / through the lens-sphere. Without the lens-sphere, the world-sphere is essentially just a sphere of light, just like a star in the sky at night. Beautiful indeed, yet not much of an experience really. Just kinda ‘there’, not very interactive. The lens-sphere is what makes it seem like you’re inside of the world-sphere. Now there seems to be experience. Much going on. Very interactive. 


Because the world is experienced through the lens, beliefs held lens wise, - seem to be - true world wise. The thoughts appearing ‘in’ the lens are not true. None. There is no exception to this - because the truth is - you’re appearing as the spheres. You’re appearing as the so-called thoughts, by being the lens-sphere. 


That you aren’t good enough is a thought. With repetition, justifications & rationalizations about the thought being true - the thought is experienced as a belief. The thought / belief is not true, and isn’t about you. You are aware of, and therefore self-evidently prior to, the thought / belief. It’s an idea of who or what you are, and it is not true, and it is felt as discordant because it is not true. 


Meditation is allowing the discordant thought / belief to fizzle out, disappear. The Goodness you literally are is uncovered, and more prominent and undeniable without the obscuring belief. The belief is the obscuring self-denial, like a cloud saying the sun isn’t shining. The sun’s shining. You are Good. You’re also free, and can listen to the thought / belief, in spite of the discord felt with the Goodness you presently, and eternally are. 


The way to continue to hold the belief as true is to refuse to acknowledge the emotions felt. The emotions effortlessly reveal the belief isn’t true. 

The way to liberate of the belief is meditation and acknowledging the emotions felt. 


So… anything about ‘someone that does or doesn’t believe….’ - is really pointless hypothetical conceptual thinking, mental gymnastics, headaches, tension, fatigue, etc. It’s avoidance of feeling. The thoughts are about something, someone, anything other than - acknowledging the emotions already felt as guidance, and allowing the emotions to be felt fully, and therein allowing the belief to be dispelled by the truth. 


So to speak, the guidance ‘was’ present and clear the very first time that thought / belief arose. The guidance is present & clear every time the thought / belief arises - without exception. The guidance will continue to be infallible, present, clear and guiding, and will never not be present, clear & guiding. 


The spheres are not thoughts, beliefs, or conceptual, but are the reality of your direct experience right now. “Everything else”, is thought which appears ‘in’ the lens. 

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On 8/25/2024 at 1:39 PM, Mandy said:

@noomii What do you care about, love, what is meaningful? In general? What gives you energy?


Sleep, music, friends, nature. Being with no thoughts about what I should. Being completely free of suffering.


On 8/25/2024 at 1:39 PM, Mandy said:


For the job you're doing right now, what do you care about, love, what is meaningful? Is it important to you that the guests have a nice stay, that you work together as a team? Is there a way to change your focus so that instead of just getting through it, you're a part of it, feeling the satisfaction of the experience you're creating for the guests? Can you look for the  opportunity to go above and beyond in some small way and put a smile on someone's face? 


Those questions made me realize how much I don't care about the job. 

I care about being present and express intuitively but I don't feel good about thinking it's something I do or should do. It's a part of the job to behave in a certain way, force a smile and be nice to everyone even though it's not what I want.

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On 8/25/2024 at 3:10 PM, Phil said:

The way to continue to hold the belief as true is to refuse to acknowledge the emotions felt. The emotions effortlessly reveal the belief isn’t true. 

The way to liberate of the belief is meditation and acknowledging the emotions felt. 


So… anything about ‘someone that does or doesn’t believe….’ - is really pointless hypothetical conceptual thinking, mental gymnastics, headaches, tension, fatigue, etc. It’s avoidance of feeling. The thoughts are about something, someone, anything other than - acknowledging the emotions already felt as guidance, and allowing the emotions to be felt fully, and therein allowing the belief to be dispelled by the truth. 


So to speak, the guidance ‘was’ present and clear the very first time that thought / belief arose. The guidance is present & clear every time the thought / belief arises - without exception. The guidance will continue to be infallible, present, clear and guiding, and will never not be present, clear & guiding. 


The spheres are not thoughts, beliefs, or conceptual, but are the reality of your direct experience right now. “Everything else”, is thought which appears ‘in’ the lens. 



I have tried my best for a very long time with meditation and acknowledging emotions, especially with any thoughts about productivity and not being good enough. It feels bad to write this because it feels like I'm trying to prove my worth with what I do.


I don't get what you mean with the guidence being clear the very first time, it doesn't seem like it for me.

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On 8/25/2024 at 3:10 PM, Phil said:

The way to continue to hold the belief as true is to refuse to acknowledge the emotions felt. The emotions effortlessly reveal the belief isn’t true. 

The way to liberate of the belief is meditation and acknowledging the emotions felt. 

Is it not necessary to question beliefs in a contemplative way to let go of them?

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4 hours ago, noomii said:

Is it not necessary to question beliefs in a contemplative way to let go of them?

No, it’s not necessary. 


On 9/10/2024 at 12:22 PM, noomii said:



I have tried my best for a very long time with meditation and acknowledging emotions, especially with any thoughts about productivity and not being good enough. It feels bad to write this because it feels like I'm trying to prove my worth with what I do.


Your worthiness is not in question. 


On 9/10/2024 at 12:22 PM, noomii said:


I don't get what you mean with the guidence being clear the very first time, it doesn't seem like it for me.

It is. It’s infallible. 

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On 9/10/2024 at 11:51 AM, noomii said:

Those questions made me realize how much I don't care about the job. 

I care about being present and express intuitively but I don't feel good about thinking it's something I do or should do. It's a part of the job to behave in a certain way, force a smile and be nice to everyone even though it's not what I want.

The fastest way to move on is to honor and appreciate where you are.

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@Phil @Mandy


I still have no clarity at all about what I want to do and I have to decide things before a certain time. I just don't know how to approach this when there is time pressure. It just always seems like I make the worst decisions when I feel doubt. It seems like I can't wait for this to resolve. It feels really off to force things when there is so much doubt felt and nothing feels right.


Do you have any suggestions about what to do when there are deadlines, time pressure and doubt about decisions?

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