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Finally. Did 100 push-ups in 5 Minutes. 

Just 2-3 Months ago I was only able to do about 25 in the same time frame.


Next Goal: 200 Push-ups in 6 Minutes


Im excited about the progress.

Godspeed. I want to get way further. 


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5 minutes ago, Marcel said:

Finally. Did 100 push-ups in 5 Minutes. 

Just 2-3 Months ago I was only able to do about 25 in the same time frame.


Next Goal: 200 Push-ups in 6 Minutes


Im excited about the progress.

Godspeed. I want to get way further. 


Don't stress too much. But great work. Thumbs up. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Reena said:

Don't stress too much. But great work. Thumbs up. 


Cute. Im not stressing hun. I always set ridiculous goals. You’d be surprised how much further you can get just because of the fact that your sights are set further then what seems logical.

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For some reason this question has been stuck in my mind since this morning.


Who is the most powerful person in the world?


So I thought. What actually matters in that regard and how much does it matter. Finances?

Connections? Education? Birthplace? 

Obviously this list could be stretched and evaluated way further upon then that. But I had an insight that may answer that question.


It is the person how has fixed in their subconscious mind that they are the most powerful person in the world and the universe will happily CoCreate with them to achieve that aim. 

Now. This is highly dependent on the picture the person in question has in mind. 


I think of Ghandi who refused to defend himself ever. That’s real power. Compared to having a whole army to protect you. 

Obviously this isn’t mutually exclusively.  It is combinable. Relativ and Absolute Power in unison. 

Wonder why that was on mind.


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Fitness goals:


Do 200 push ups in 6 Minutes

Do 300 push ups in 12Minutes

Do 500 Push ups in 20 Minutes 

Do 1000 Push ups in 35 Minutes


Do 10 Muscles Ups in a row 

Do 10 Hands stand push-ups in a row

Do 5 one arm pull ups in a row 

Do the Human Flag and hold it for 1 minute.


Do 300 squats in a row 

Do a 100kg deadlift x 10


Relearn doing backflips on ground while standing


Run one Kilometer under 3 Minutes 

Run two Kilometer under 7 Minutes 

Run four Kilometer under 16 Minutes 

Run ten Kilometer under 35 Minutes



*Update if anything comes to mind






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Posted (edited)

I work as a paramedic. 

And I have seen and experienced a peculiar pattern again and again. It’s almost like a universal law. 

It’s a phenomenon I call:


Peacehavens and Firesources.



Peacehavens. Are paramedics that barely have any work to do. When they are around, barely anything and sometimes even nothing happens at all, even when there are 20.000  plus people  present at an event.


Firesources. Are paramedics that have a lot of work to do. When they are around they attract emergencies, sometimes even life threatening ones, almost constantly. Even when there are less then 1000 people at an event. ( Which to my standards and work experience isn’t a whole lot )


I am a Peacehaven and I have noticed that if you have enough people like me working at the same event, the likelihood that something happens reduces drastically. Irrespective of how big that event is. Just by our presence. 

I only have anecdotal evidence for this. But I experience it at work all the time.
I definitely believe that we have a tremendous effect on our environment, most of them we are unconscious about it though.



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synchronicity. It’s an interesting topic. 

I am at the point where I genuinely need to be very conscious of what exactly I think and feel. 

For example. I had never seen a Lamborghini in real life. So i thought about a red Lamborghini on a Sunday evening. The next day. I drove my usual route to work, which is just a 6km drive by the way and sure enough a red Lamborghini drives past me on the other lane. 

Coincidence. Maybe 


Here comes one of the craziest experiences I had regarding synchronicity or maybe I should say manifestation.

I literally changed the weather. 

Now, hear me out. A bit of context. I randomly meet an old schoolfriend of mine and we met up to train together the next day.

This was a particularly rainy looking day, black clouds everywhere, the weather broadcast said it would rain like crazy and it even heavily smelled like rain all day long.

Our plan, we made the day before,  was to train outside at a public callisthenics station.

So I saw the weather outside and just imagined that, when we train, the sun would be shining. I only did this once about 2 hours before we started our training and then went about doing some household stuff and waited for my buddy to arrive at my place. 


Can you guess what happened next?

When we were walking to the callisthenics station,  all the black clouds went away. We trained outside for about an hour or two under a blue sky with sunny, almost windstill weather.

The even crazier part about this is. When we were done training, me and my buddy walked back to my place and in the meantime all of the black clouds had come  rushing back from seemingly nowhere and it very quickly started raining buckets , once we were inside. 🌧️


Coincidence? I’m really not sure 🤔 


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The huge opportunity cost of casual relationships. I have never been in a casual relationship, but I have read enough posts and have seen enough people i know chase after them. 

I never understood the appeal and now that I am in a genuinely committed relationship. ( Married ) I am absolutely convinced that they ( casual relationships ) aren’t worth their time.


Having a genuine love connection until the end of your life with a singular person is worth so much. Do you have any idea how good it feels to have found and committed to the right person. You just know when it happens and it’s completely mindblowing. The love runs so deep and the amount and intensity of benefits I experience because of it are incredible. 

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I had an interesting conversation with one of my neighbours today. We got talking about our jobs and about how you won’t get rich from them and that in his words „nowadays it’s all about survival in this world“


Which struck me as a bit odd, because I live in a first world country and in a relatively affluent neighbourhood as well.

So to hear him have such a negative mindset about the world at large surprised me.  

I wonder how he got to this understanding or what / who got him to adopt this notion.

Mind you, the guy owns his own house. Don’t know how exactly his finances are, but he sure isn’t starving. All His family lives pretty much in walking distance from him. They are set up nicely with multiple flats and a house. 


So just speaking from this standpoint. How on earth did he of all people arrive at the conclusion „that it’s all about survival nowadays“. I’m truly dumbfounded by this. 







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Life is a game. We have all heard that before.


A game can only exist within boundaries, within set rules, concerning a clear predetermined objective and outcomes for all players involved.  

Outcomes ranging from lost to won, which can mean a myriad of different things and manifests itself in a myriad of ways as well. 

Some level of conscious organising is necessary to that end. Some thought needs to be put in it. Some intention. Some purpose. Some Goal

Without those elements there is just pure potential. There would be nothing at all. No game would be playable whatsoever


.Yet,  at the same time there would be an infinite potential for a game, since no parameters have been set yet and creativity can play its hand. 


There is Nothing and Everything present at the same time and it really is just that, nothing more, nothing less.


It never changes its form to something else. Because what else could it possibly become other than nothing and everything, which it already is, will forever be and has been.





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Nightmares. I have them frequently.


Recently I had one in which I was killed via gunshot to the chest. I woke up in a bit of a panic and even felt a pain sensation where the gun shot wound would have been. 

It felt real. Like a literal parallel lifetime that just ended. Somewhat of a lucid dream as well. Seeing everything from a first person perspective.


Being tied to a chair. Everything looked like the Wild West. A revolver pointed at my chest by someone who had a cowboy 🤠 hat deep in his face. No clue who it was, didn’t say a word and opened fire.


I do really wonder. What on earth was on my mind or what exactly needed to be processed, for something like this occur.

I don’t get it.

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Mostly some sort of unresolved stress. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Growing up I felt as if the world had turned its back on me. My mom telling me she wants to die because I’m an only child daily. My dad which I never had an actual father son conversation with to this day. Just me. By myself playing computer games. Most of my life was misery. But now. Miraculously. I am grateful for everything. Everything turned out perfectly. I couldn’t have asked for a better life. I am prepared to take over the world. Not that I want to. I already have everything i wanted @Reena I love you eternally. You are my light and I will hold onto it forever. My commitment is unwavering. You and me eternally❤️

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Horoscope for August 2024 Taurus. 


August 2024 - It’s an emotionally powerful month, Taurus. It all begins on August 4, when the Leo new moon activates your zone of intuition, bringing major insights that lead you to new beginnings. With your environment in the spotlight as well, you might use this time to beautify your living space, pulling in bold animal prints and patterns. Later in the day, love planet Venus enters Virgo, activating your zone of pleasure. Take a practical approach to love, money, and creativity. Then, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, urging you to release perfectionism and rest.

On the fourteenth, Mercury retrograde backtracks into Leo, inviting you to take an intimate look at your needs, feelings, and closest bonds. Setting up in your zone of family, Mercury retrograde encourages you to heal past pains with the people closest to you. Your professional life is illuminated during the Aquarius full moon on August 19, and all eyes are on you!

The sun enters thoughtful Virgo on the twenty-second, providing a major boost of energy. Notice what inspires you during this surge of empowerment and chase your dreams! By channeling Virgo’s organizational prowess, you can create and execute a master plan to success. Virgo is a productive sign that activates your sense of creativity.

When Mercury stations direct in Leo on August 28, you’ll feel ready to express your emotions. Ask for what you want! Venus enters Libra the next day, pulling your attention to self-care and personal development. As work-related manifestations come to life, give yourself credit for all that you’ve accomplished.

Good luck this month, Taurus!

Standout days: 2, 7, 27
Challenging days: 12, 18, 23


From horoscope. Com

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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