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How to overcome the emotion of boredom - 3 key areas I identified!


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3 key areas - engagement, adventure and reward. 



I have seen many people on the forum complain about boredom and that's legit since I've experienced bouts of it myself as well at different points of time. So I contemplated on the psychology of boredom and realised that the human brain might require certain specific areas to be activated on a regular basis to get rid of boredom. 

I think engagement especially healthy engagement is absolutely essential to keep you going through the day to overcome boredom. Whether you're on a trip with your family or waiting for someone you want to know how to spend that time in a way that keeps your attention locked in that period of time. This is one key area to overcome boredom.


Adventure is the next key area. If some sort of adventure is lacking in your life, it easy to feel bored. There's where to begin to attract unnecessary drama into your life which is unhealthy. Look for healthy adventure. It can be as simple as listening to music or watching a show, anything that gets you pumped up. Even positive affirmations for that matter. 


Reward is the next key area that I identified during my contemplation. I have understood that rewarding oneself in some form especially if you're going through intense boredom and depression lights up areas of the brain that leads to healthy stimulation. This rewarding makes you feel fulfilled and makes you want to work hard and be more productive, so always look for ways to reward yourself. It could be as simple as just walking along the beach, taking out some "me" time or eating a bar of chocolate or anything you like that makes you happy in the moment. 


Try out these three key areas everyday and meticulously plan your day around them and boredom will become history. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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I must be weird, because I loved the state of boredom.. it feels peaceful and serene. 

Boredom is a state of mind. I welcome peaceful quiet inactivity, I embrace it with a passion.


Or maybe I’m just an odd ball.


Awake or Asleep, Alive or Dead, it’s all the same empty nothingness to me. I love it - I truly do. 🥰

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