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Why doesn't meditation work?

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44 minutes ago, James123 said:

If your mind is quite, you don't even need to meditate.


So there is a me, my mind, and a quiet and noisy mind? And I need to meditate at least 2-4 hours every day to make my mind quiet?


My mind is now noisy and it will become quiet as I move through time to the future and keep meditating every day for hours?



There must be an effortless way.

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23 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


So there is a me, my mind, and a quiet and noisy mind? And I need to meditate at least 2-4 hours every day to make my mind quiet?


My mind is now noisy and it will become quiet as I move through time to the future and keep meditating every day for hours?


That worked on me. You must dedicate your entire life for the truth. Not easy. My mind still active, not quite. However, if the situation is not major I can let go and make it quite easy. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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