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@ivankiss, slip and slide. Press and slide. Push and duck. Fair. I see it. You feel no empathy. You play and goad while I fight for my life. How obvious can you make it. You're a gang-stalker. I'm not trying to make fun. I'm saying that you are a gang-stalker and I have told you all that if you don't stop then I am going to fight. I am going to push you until you kill me and then 300,000 Barbadians will know what you did to me. And that will.reverberate out. Fuck with me. Leave me alone or I will lose my shit.



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3 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Agape But before you go, please let me know what the hell is a gang stalker. I'm dying to know.

Holy fuck, it's you. You all know much better than I do. But yes, you are son clever. How brilliant you all are for spinning it. In truth, I actually have no idea. I just know how it feels to be around you all. And that feeling is a mixture of rage, contempt and disgust. Do you not seem how your nonchalant confidence.gives you away? 

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@ivankiss, you all don't stand up to truth. You may kill me. But my death will reverberate out. All of you could leave me be. But you all are obsessed. Quite frankly, I think you all are drunk on me. I think you all are sick. All of you are the people who joined the Nazi Party and tortured and murdered the mentally and physically disabled, Jews, gays, homeless people etc. You all are the epitome of evil. And you fuck my life up because you are sadistic. You all are cruel because you choose to be cruel. Because you like it. You all probably have some fucked up ideology that supports your bad decisions. And you view me as all that is wrong. And that lets you dehumanise me. I am.




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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Still no idea what you're rambling about. I'd love to connect, but you're clearly talking to a wall there.


Anyone who reads through these comments can see your nonchalant lack of compassion. It's so obvious to me because I've lived through it over and over and over. I don't even care what other people believe. I know what you are. You have no intention of viewing me as an actual human being. I tried and tried to connect. But you are only a liar. Maybe you only know how to lie. Maybe you are Hell bent on going to Hell. But I will tell the truth. You all have fucked my life up for longer than you have probably been in this. You are a coward. You don't have the guts to be honest. Maybe you are a psychopath. But you're still too much of a coward to admit that you are a gang-stalker. 

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@Agape Cool. I am a gang stalker. We got that out of the way.


Me not absolutely demolishing you in this conversation is the most empathy and respect I can show you. You are hurting enough, I don't want to add too much to your pain. You can throw up a bit more here, if you want to, I think it fits in nice. But please don't go completely bonkers. 

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

Cool. I am a gang stalker

Yeah, it's not for anyone else. I know you are. And it's a game for you all. I don't think you all realise how your handlers will let you go in the next year with AI. Anyways, for fuck's sake. What happened? What the fuck did I do? Why are you doing this? Maybe you're not even one person.. Fuck, I am not even against you all. Fuck, why are you doing.thid? Please, why? What did I do wrong? 

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1 minute ago, Agape said:

Yeah, it's not for anyone else. I know you are. And it's a game for you all.

Us mindless zombies? Bots? NPCs? Who the fuck are you fighting?

3 minutes ago, Agape said:

I don't think you all realise how your handlers will let you go in the next year with AI. 

Is that what it is? Some stupid AI simulation theory? Is that your trip?

4 minutes ago, Agape said:

What happened? What the fuck did I do? 

You just went full on conspiracy theorist crazy, that's what happened. 

5 minutes ago, Agape said:

 What did I do wrong? 

Idk... too much sci fi shows? Too much listening to deluded gurus? Wrong meds? 


I'm beginning to lose my patience, in a fun way. I am warning you again. Chill the fuck down and/or back the fuck away. Or else.

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@ivankiss, look, I don't even hate you. Yes, of course if you all physically torture me then I am done. What the fuck happened to you all? Who hurt you? There are pro-social psychopaths. I didn't hurt you, as far as I know. I have parents and I don't kill myself because they are. But you all push me more and more and more. I don't want to hurt you. That is the truth. Why are you doing this? Please stop this. If you're going to kill me then just do it. Fuck, I am doing my absolute best. 


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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

Idk... too much sci fi shows? Too much listening to deluded gurus? Wrong meds? 


I'm beginning to lose my patience, in a fun way. I am warning you again. Chill the fuck down and/or back the fuck away. Or else.

Dude, you make it way too obvious. You're not Enlightened. You obviously have no ability to feel empathy or compassion. You're just hard and desolate. I know you guys, you'll figure out a way to make me look stupid and that will be that. But your lack of empathy is indicative of who you really are. 

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

can kill you, yes. Any moment I wish. All I have to do is stop thinking about you.

Holy shit, really? That is how low you will sink? Maybe if you were a Zen Monk of 25 years I'd take that. I've been around this shit for a long time now. And I don't even care anymore if any of you assholes were to kill me. Seriously, you are way out of your depth here. Like,.fuck. You do not understand reality.

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This is what happens if you eat one too many of them enlightenment mints. Drink a bit too much of that spiritual poison.


No body is ready for truth, really. But those who are already in terrible conditions, are the least.


Wellbeing first. At least to some degree, common. And then seek truth and shit.

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