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2 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

But i dont mean knowing It with language or as a concept. (Like, "oh, is God!" Or "Oh is me!", or "oh is a dream!")


I mean Directly grasping what ISSSSS consciousness. 


How do you even know reality exists?? That something is even happening right now?

How can you trust the language? There is no such thing as reality. Nothing has never happened, now is before so called birth. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, James123 said:

How can you trust the language? There is no such thing as reality. Nothing has never happened, now is before so called birth. 

is easy to say it but are you full of love all the time? I still find myself looking for love outside. Lately there is an inner freedom that is open most of the time, but sometime inertias and compulsions pop up. 



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Posted (edited)

I think Bliss and Love are synonymous.  Paradoxically detachment leads to the greatest Love.  Indifference is not the inverse of Love.  Indifference is Love.  I'm not talking about egoic indifference.  I'm talking about Divine Indifference.  You're kindest to those who you do not have egoic interest in if you interface with them.  Notice this.  It's very paradoxical.  You're indifferently friendly.  This is somewhat similar to unconditional love, but also not because Love requires detachment.  Once you have an egoic interest in something or someone, you're a crocodile (and everyone else is a crocodile too) on some level, because you (and we) are weighing interests and seeking our own interest first primarily.  This is where we get the "battle of the egos" phenomena or thing happening that we're all privy to that's really just a feature of life until it's not.  But even when it's not it is, it's got this kind of turnabout to it.  It's a game that can be leveled-up on but not entirely transcended either because you're Watching it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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8 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

is easy to say it but are you full of love all the time? I still find myself looking for love outside. Lately there is an inner freedom that is open most of the time, but sometime inertias and compulsions pop up. 



I am in love, however not all the time. But I have overcome and surrender many of my addiction, master emotionally and etc... however, I am still working on my psychedelic addiction. Even if I recognize what enlightenment is, realize that nothing has never happened, etc... as a self we are still human end of the day. What We really are is nothing. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 5/24/2024 at 2:11 AM, Phil said:



On 5/24/2024 at 6:58 AM, James123 said:

I am in love, however not all the time. But I have overcome and surrender many of my addiction, master emotionally and etc... however, I am still working on my psychedelic addiction. Even if I recognize what enlightenment is, realize that nothing has never happened, etc... as a self we are still human end of the day. What We really are is nothing. 

Nice, man, really happy for you. 



Even if I recognize what enlightenment is, realize that nothing has never happened, etc... as a self we are still human end of the day. What We really are is nothing. 

But the self is not human, the self is creating the human body and mind but the human self is a momentary construction within consciousness. We might create a character for work, other for family, ...etc but that is a momentary creation, that´s not the Self. 



@Phil There’s an angle prior to full of love and love being found outside that maybe hasn’t been considered and pairs perfectly with the inner freedom. 

not sure if I understand!


Right now my intuition is...focus on the Self, inspect this mysterious self where I don´t know where it begins and where it ends...and most important prioritise the Self before other 'selves', which is why I have been doing in the past, ive always forgot the Self and went outside to look for love-good feeling, etc...in other 'selves'. But that is ridiculous because I haven´t experienced ever other selves, just the Self + ideas of other selves. But never truly another self. 



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1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

But the self is not human, the self is creating the human body and mind but the human self is a momentary construction within consciousness. We might create a character for work, other for family, ...etc but that is a momentary creation, that´s not the Self

Real Self is Nothing, regular self is ego. Lol. After knowing that You can literally construct whatever you want. 🙂 I just choose to create love. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Posted (edited)

Shiva is that which is Not!

I am Shiva.


The real Self is within 'Experience' but is not bound to whatever phenomena of Experience.


Is in the world, but is not of the world. It is not bound by anything.


Untouchable by anything, not mortal nor inmortal, completely beyond any duality.


That which can not ever be aimed, described, felt, seen, thought, grasped, that´s what the real nature of Me is. 






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40 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Yes 🙏 Love is also a creation but is a high conscious creation. Is wiser to create Love than to create hell for sure!

Definitely. For sure. ❤️ 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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The narrative of the knower is the obscuring. The knower knows about love, like love is a creation and Self is creating a human body, a mind and characters, while in reality there is no knower or any actuality of anything the knower knows. The knower is the judge of what is high & low conscious as well, in the overlooking of the simple fact consciousness is appearing as & conscious of the narrative(s). 

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Posted (edited)


2 hours ago, Phil said:

No you don’t & no it isn’t. 



As much as I appreciate your work around here, my intuition tells me you haven´t gotten all the way and since im trying to go all the way (beyond what you think is 'the end') you sometimes get triggered and try to 'bring me down' as like im not getting it. 


 I still consider you a great guy, is just, from my experience, this is the intuition and vibe im getting, but I might be wrong, after all I haven't met you and I can only get this from messages so is a form of communication that can let to misassumptions, but I think you should respect the perceptions of other people


Basically everything that does not match your narrative you will think 'we dont get it ', so is difficult to meet you somewhere at the road. For you is even x or y, there´s nothing in between. So it's tough. And if that 'x' would be the ultimate then ok, but I dont get that vibe from you. I get the vibe you are in staircase to heaven, you are in the high steps, but not fully in the top, you are lacking some more steps... and im trying to truly get to the top but you see it as bad...I feel that is not fair game. Why don't you join me boy? 


2 hours ago, Phil said:

No you don’t & no it isn’t. 

For example this... It kinda feels a bit like not cool. 

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

For example this... It kinda feels a bit like not cool. 

I think what people don't get is that even if you don't think there are separate selves, Love requires acting as if there are because to teach at all presumes separate selves or else - who are you teaching?  But I think a trap is to teach and also presume there are no separate selves which is like filling up a bucket with a hole at the bottom.  No, to teach, we pretend as if there are separate selves while also realizing there's not.  Love is a form of play or fun.  There's no need to be harsh if it's seen this way.  I call this Love and I kind of discovered this somewhat recently on here.  It was my Love Awakening - and I'm still waiting for someone to bite my head off and tell me I'm wrong, which I expect at some point will happen, because egos like to win, including my own.  But there's a way to soften the sharks in the shark tank though too through Love realization.  We don't need to be harsh or mean if we have a certain kind of understanding of what's happening.  One wouldn't take a dump in their own mind if they knew that's what they were doing.  You put a flower in the barrel of the gun being pointed at you and laugh.  You try to keep it fun if you can with the mirage engagement.  So, yeah, I kind of agree with your sentiment here.  It's like why?  Things can be communicated nicely and politely and Lovingly.  But then, the Self doesn't control maya or the ego.  So it's ultimately all an illusion that really is meaningless and untrue.  You can Sit in Bliss through all of it and Watch all of the nonsense, the churning to and fro, the striving, etc.  The samsara but without attachment.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Why I had the intuition you were going to reply to me in a paternalistic-"you still haven´t 'gotten it' " kind of vibe after what I wrote?

Because ‘that’ isn’t intuition, it’s egomaniacal deflection & projection and isn’t seen yet, so the distortion of thought “mind”, seems to be of perception. Experientially, hallucination. 


It, isn’t. 


“No you don’t & no it isn’t”, isn’t at all “you haven’t gotten it yet or you haven’t gone all the way”, as there is no subject & object, in actuality only a thought that appears presently, such as “I do spiritual practices everyday”. The believing of the thought seems to constitute a sep self and an objective reality containing other, separate selves, time and space as well. Therein it seems there are crocodiles if you will 😂, others… which are “against you”, while in truth this is a self referential narrative of thoughts fueled by suppression akin to paranoia (which is not doer doing / as in a suppressor suppressing) nor upholding “the relative” 😂 😂 😂 . Meanwhile, so called relatively or perception is a perfection of synchronicity indicative of the true nature without exception. Is the true nature, as it were. Pure, Magic. 


 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.“ 


It’s too narrow for you. 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Your work

That shoes doesn’t fit me because it’s yours / of a you. 


“When someone offers you a gift which you refuse, to whom does the gift belong?”


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

definetely helps people and appreciate that,

No it doesn’t and no you don’t. 


How do you lie!? How do you lie!? How do you lie!?”


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

but forgive me for not seeing you as the Guru of the Truth, I keep that to myself and my experience. 

Please review the guidelines and consider googling egomaniacal and having a deep discussion with GPT in that regard. Don’t believe a word it says. Have the discussion, just don’t believe a single word, including ‘GPT’.



Said no one ever. 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


As much as I appreciate your work around here, my intuition tells me you haven´t gotten all the way and since im trying to go all the way (beyond what you think is 'the end') you sometimes get triggered and try to 'bring me down' as like im not getting it. 

Projection of someone who is and could go all the way is projection of ignorance. It’s a thought story about not-now, not-this, not-enough, not-whole, not-complete, not-fulfilled, not-me.


No problem, no worries, just, no thanks. 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


Please don´t take this into negative attitude,

That would be impossible. Check direct experience, attempt to take this, whatever this is, to the negative, whatever that is. 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

I still consider you a great guy,

That’s the illusion of ignorance.


And not even”.


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

is just, from my experience, this is the intuition and vibe im getting, but I might be wrong,

Pendulum swing. 

Go to the one that may be wrong now. 


“Go to him, he calls you, you can’t refuse”… 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

after all I haven't met you and I can only get this from messages so is a form of communication that can let to misassumptions, but I think you should respect the perceptions of other people and not assume you have seen it all. 

Form is the thought form.

Thought isn’t form.

Perception of people, let alone other people, is a belief.

That someone else is assuming, is egomaniacal denial, and not even. 


1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


Basically everything that does not match your narrative you will gaslight it as 'those are just thoughts', so is difficult to meet you somewhere at the road. For you is even x or y, there´s nothing in between. So it's tough. But I respect your teaching and like I said, I don´t know exactly what is your human experience or what you are trying to convey. 


just sharing my two cents, much love

Narrative is thoughts, interpretations appearing of, as & as if within the lens Being is being, without interpretation. 


Truth IS everywhere. 



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