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Why Enlightenment and Love made me antisocial?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/18/2024 at 11:59 AM, Phil said:


And not even. 🙂



I think I know what this is pointing to.  You're saying Being (or what I refer to as the Self) belongs to no genus or category.  Being is beyond words or thoughts.  So it's not "and not even" -- it's "not even" because Being is attributeless.  Of course things are said of Being such as Being is consciousness -- but that comes from excluding all other attributes (neti neti) not attributing anything.  Thus the danger is in taking the nonduality away from Being by defining it in terms of attributes of body or attributes of mind.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Joseph Maynor

Yep. It’s like saying it ain’t that either. Not even vs and not even, come on. Such a nondualist. 😆 

Maharshi talks about how neti neti is actually just a pointer because when you're doing neti neti you're assuming a subject-object duality in so doing.  It's not this, It's not that.  So when he uses the phrase Self-inquiry he means that more like Self-realization.  Just that alone helped me -- realizing that neti neti is merely a pointer.  Oterwise you end up thinking Consciousness is a thing that exists or Sat.  But Consciousness is neither Sat or a-Sat (Non-existence) because those are genuses (as in genus) or categories and Consciousness is attributeless (has no attributes).  If this is gotten wrong, people start to believe Consciousness is a thing that can be explored.  It's like no no, Consciousness is the Witness to all that nonsense which is samasara.  Attachment to knowledge of Consciousness is samsara because this is attachment to the mind which is connected with the body.  It's a desire (craving) for knowledge of Consciousness. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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