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Nothing seeks Nothing.


If enlightment is realising there is nothing at all  (that every 'thing' was appearance-mind-imagination-proyection).


Ultimately any sort of feeling that reality is 'something' feels off for that one that is Nothing.


So Nothing can only be truly 100% comfortable in Nothing lol.


Which would explain why according to emotional scale enlightmennt is 1000, the top. Apparently it is beyond things as Love, Bliss or even Ecstasy.


That´s because in love bliss or ecstasy there is even a subtle protection of a 'thing' going on.


makes sense? Yes? No? Would like to hear your views on this. 

Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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13 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Nothing seeks Nothing.


If enlightment is realising there is nothing at all  (that every 'thing' was appearance-mind-imagination-proyection).


Ultimately any sort of feeling that reality is 'something' feels off for that one that is Nothing.


So Nothing can only be truly 100% comfortable in Nothing lol.


Which would explain why according to emotional scale enlightmennt is 1000, the top. Apparently it is beyond things as Love, Bliss or even Ecstasy.


That´s because in love bliss or ecstasy there is even a subtle protection of a 'thing' going on.


makes sense? Yes? No? Would like to hear your views on this. 

My view is that there is nothing beyond the dream of love bliss and ecstasy. In other words the dream is all there is, that can be known. And yet at the same time; what is known can know nothing.


So maybe the purpose of the dream is for the dream character to go beyond the dream to the actuality that nothing ever happened or happens in a dream.

 This is just my opinion though, as I view reality through the lens of my perception here.

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Any sort of feeling, or a thought?


In Nothing, or as Nothing?


Maybe the emotional scale represents truth (“the top”)… and a thought (seemingly via the separate self of thoughts… “leaving the top / moving downward”)… while the discord / alignment felt is of thoughts, and is felt by feeling, which is appearing as, “a thought”.


Can that which is appearing as, ever be “beyond”?


Maybe “metaphysics” is a misunderstanding; a discordant thought. 

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