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On 8/19/2024 at 10:43 PM, Serenity said:

I achieved a small victory recently. On Thursday, I took the B2 Goethe certificate exams, which assess proficiency in German.

I dedicated myself to intensive German classes for three months: from 9 AM to 12:30 PM, and for the last three weeks, an additional 2-3 hours in the afternoon. The exam has a tough reputation, so I wasn't very optimistic about passing.

To my surprise, I passed three out of the four modules, falling just three points short in the fourth (57/100 instead of the required 60/100). Interestingly, I scored lowest in the speaking part, which usually has the highest success rate. It's a pleasant surprise because I didn't expect to pass the writing section. That's the biggest failed rate. There I got a humble 64/100 which is a pass.

Now, I have three out of four parts of the Goethe certificate completed, and I have the option to retake the speaking component. The other three parts are 'bestanden' for good. 😊

German has always been challenging for me among languages. I am hoping to take C1 classes in the future, which makes me feel very excited because there I'll be able to consume content with almost as much ease as with English. Can't wait to passively consume German content like it's a breeze 😍.


That's cool, how do you practice speaking? I want to reach level c1 in English

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On 8/26/2024 at 2:29 PM, Isagi Yoichi said:


That's cool, how do you practice speaking? I want to reach level c1 in English



Thank you for the appreciation!


I tend to read and consume content passively quite often. I lean towards being more introverted, so I learn a lot of vocabulary through reading and listening. After that, I try to connect with like-minded people who share similar interests to discuss and delve into these topics. It's a great motivation for me. 😀

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I'm in the middle of the swiss alpes and just remembered that one of my favorite feeling ever is looking up the sky and then realizing that there aren't only a few of them visible but thousands as my eyesight adjusts.



“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Feeling overwhelmed with grief tonight.


Couldn't figure out exactly why. Just weeping. 


Grief at all the opportunities to LOVE better, by choosing this way instead of fear. How would things be?


“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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5 days to go.


Currently feeling lazy and unfocused. About to start finally focusing again on my website and content but want my summer session results before going all in. 




I feel so lazy that I don't feel even like expressing and writing. 🫣

Plus I got neck and back pain.


I feel grumpy as fuck. Dissatisfied. Low energy. Hopping from one thing to the other without much satisfaction. Maybe that's the emotion named boredom.


I feel like shit because I don't want to take on the responsibility.  I don't want to commit. I don't want to feel discomfort.


So many of the things I'd like to do feel like chores. Chores, chores, chores, chores everywhere. Ughhh.


Someone's got a huge issue with taking on responsibility. Being consistent. Relying on one self and dealing with the mood swings. That feeling of low energy.




I am confused as I have been so challenged in the last years, without taking proper breaks. I think I basically took 10 days off finally after a very intense summer. And a year where my health problem made me believe I might had a brain tumor or a multiple sclerosis or something. Been through fucking hell.


But I am super happy with what I've done and how I've been growing.


It's just that I hate changes in priority, tasks and routine. Basically, had to reshuffle everything since March. And I've been coaching most weeks, that's true, but I've let down all content related projects, despite finding really cool stuff that I could have shared. 


I feel guilty and frustrated for not doing more. I want to show what I can do. To connect with people and show the real me. To make the world slightly more beautiful with my art. 


To show what I am capable of. The depth of that hidden power. And it's like, when it's repressed, it's eating me alive.


OLD PROJECT, BE DONE, BE DONE, BE DONE!! So I can focus on the new knowing I have always the safety to resort to you.

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I feel even guilty when I write about how much under the water I am or have been. Feels like stage Orange maladaptive bragging. 


Look how busy I am. 💩


Capitalist hell. Been on fucking survival mode yeah. 😒 Nothing cute about that. 



“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I love my remarkable tablet so much. It's the only present I bought myself that was paid with a 100% conscious and love work. Each time I see it, I can't help but think it's been birthed and manifested by my most beautiful feelings and energy.


And it's a creative tool.


My precious



Edited by Serenity

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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