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Dali IO-6 Bluetooth Headphones

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I recently acquired these and they've been great. I wanted to share it in case someone is looking for good headphones. I'm not a hi-fi expert in any way, but I've been getting more and more into it. If ya like music, why not get the most of it with high quality sound.




There's also IO-4's, which don't have noise cancelling, but are about a hundred bucks cheaper. (I was very lucky, cause I found the IO-6's on sale, being even cheaper than the IO-4's. 🤷)


The sound is almost brutally clear. They're basically closer to professional studio monitors rather than everyday JBLs. I love that crisp clarity, but for those who mostly listen to stuff like rap or metal, these might lack that dynamic bass punch that gives the chills. But for classical, jazz, acoustic, progressive rock etc, these are pretty much perfect in my opinion.


The build quality is almost luxorious, great materials, very nice on the head & ears, nice smooth feel overall. But these are not sports headphones. They're pretty huge.


To get a bit more of that 'punch', (and also tune down the high frequencies cause they can get too spiky with these headphones), I use an equalizer app on my smartphone, called Wavelet. It also has a separate bass tuner, which can really make a difference. I recommend that app too.



Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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