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Composing a prayer -

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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I ask for complete restoration and wholeness for planet earth. May the univers's healing power flow through seekers, bringing relief from pain, restoration of health, and a sense of well-being. May the universe shine upon them, bringing forth miracles and blessings in their life.

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Tasks


Dear Universe/God/Higher Power,


As I embark on my tasks today, I humbly seek your guidance and strength. Grant me the clarity of mind to prioritize effectively, the focus to work diligently, and the perseverance to overcome challenges that may arise.May each task I undertake be infused with purpose and meaning, contributing to my growth and the greater good. Help me approach my responsibilities with a positive attitude, embracing each opportunity for learning and improvement.


Grant me the wisdom to manage my time wisely, the creativity to find innovative solutions, and the resilience to stay motivated in the face of obstacles. May my efforts be fruitful and bring fulfillment to both myself and those around me.I surrender my tasks to your divine guidance, trusting that with your support, I can accomplish all that is set before me. Thank you for the blessings of productivity, progress, and achievement.


Amen/So be it.


(May your tasks be guided and your efforts be fruitful.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for resources 


Benevolent Universe/God/Higher Power,


As I navigate the journey of life, I ask for your abundant blessings and the resources necessary to fulfill my purpose. Guide me to the knowledge, skills, and opportunities that will empower me to make a positive impact in the world.Open my eyes to the resources that surround me, both tangible and intangible. May I recognize and utilize the talents, relationships, and experiences you have graciously bestowed upon me.Grant me the wisdom to manage the resources entrusted to me with care and responsibility.


Help me to be a wise steward of my time, energy, finances, and possessions, using them in alignment with your will.When resources seem scarce, remind me of your infinite abundance and your promise to provide for my needs. Expand my vision to see the possibilities that lie beyond my current circumstances.I trust in your divine provision and ask that you connect me with the resources, people, and circumstances that will enable me to fulfill my highest potential.


May I be a channel of your abundance, sharing and investing in ways that uplift and empower others.Thank you for your unfailing generosity and for the resources that sustain and enrich my life. I surrender my needs to you, knowing that you will supply all that I require according to your perfect plan.


Amen/So be it.


(May you be abundantly resourced to fulfill your purpose.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Posted (edited)


Prayer for Focus


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you today, seeking your divine guidance and the gift of focus. In a world filled with distractions and competing demands, I ask that you sharpen my mind and direct my attention to the tasks and priorities you have set before me.Grant me the discipline to quiet my thoughts and silence the noise that often pulls me away from what truly matters. Help me to be present in each moment, fully engaged and committed to the work at hand. Bestow upon me the wisdom to discern what is essential and the courage to let go of what is not.


May I have the wisdom and clarity to set aside unimportant matters and the determination to persevere through challenges.Strengthen my ability to concentrate, to delve deep into complex problems, and to find creative solutions. Empower me to work with efficiency and effectiveness, making the most of the time and resources you have entrusted to me.


When my focus wavers, gently draw me back to the path you have laid out. Remind me of my purpose and the impact my work can have on the world around me. May my efforts bring glory to your name and contribute to the greater good.I surrender my mind to the will of the universe. Fill me with your Universal Benevolent Love and Light, that I may think your thoughts and see through your eyes. Guide my hands and direct my steps, that I may walk in obedience to your will.In the name of Universal Benevolent Powerful Love, I pray for the gift of focus. May it be a tool in your hands, used to further your grand consciousness and to fulfill the unique calling you have placed on my life.


Amen. So be it. 


(May your mind be focused and your work be fruitful.) 


Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Overcoming Obstacles


Benevolent Universe/God/Higher Power,


I come to you today, acknowledging the obstacles and challenges that stand in my way. In a world filled with uncertainty and adversity, I seek your strength, wisdom, and guidance to overcome the barriers that threaten to hinder my progress. I pray that the Universe grant me the courage to face each obstacle head-on, trusting in  unfailing love and protection of the Benevolent Universe. When fear and doubt creep in, remind me of your boundless love to be my ever-present help in times of trouble.Equip me with the resilience to persevere through setbacks and the determination to never give up. May I find inspiration in the stories of those who have overcome great odds, knowing that with you by my side, all things are possible.Sharpen my problem-solving skills and open my eyes to creative solutions. Help me to think outside the box and explore new paths when the way forward seems blocked.


When obstacles seem insurmountable, lift my gaze to the hills, for my help comes from the universe. May my trust in the sovereignty and goodness of the benevolent universe be the anchor that steadies me in the midst of life's storms.Surround me with a support system of family, friends, and mentors who will encourage me and hold me accountable. May I also be a source of strength and inspiration to others facing their own challenges.Most importantly,  help me to keep my eyes fixed on the universe, the author and perfecter of my faith. May my ultimate goal be to bring glory to your presence, knowing that the obstacles I face are opportunities for you to demonstrate your power and faithfulness. I pray for the strength and wisdom to overcome every obstacle that stands in my way. May your grace be sufficient for me, for your power is made perfect in weakness.


Amen. So be it. 



(May you be empowered to overcome every obstacle in your path.)


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Abundance


Gracious Universe, Source of all Life and Abundance,


I come before you today, acknowledging your infinite generosity and your boundless abundance. I ask that you pour out your abundance upon me, that I may live a life of purpose, prosperity, and generosity. Open my heart and mind to receive your grace and graciousness, that I may be a vessel for your abundance to flow through. May I recognize the abundance that already surrounds me, in the form of relationships, skills, and opportunities.Grant me the wisdom to steward my resources wisely, that I may use them to bless others and bring benevolence and productivity to the world. May I be a good manager of the talents and gifts you have entrusted to me, multiplying them for the benefit of all.


Prosper my endeavors, that I may have more than enough to meet my needs and to share with those around me. May my work be fruitful, and may I be a source of provision and hope to others. I pray for abundance in every area of my life: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. May I be filled with your joy, peace, and love, that I may overflow with kindness, compassion, and generosity.Help me to see abundance not just as a means to an end, but as an end in itself – a reflection of your nature and a testament to your goodness. May I never forget that true abundance comes from you, and that it is your desire to bless me richly. I pray for the abundance that only the benevolent universe can provide. May it flow through me like a river, touching every aspect of my life and the lives of those around me.


Amen. So be it. 


(May you be blessed with abundance in all areas of your life.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Posted (edited)


Prayer for Structure


Dear  Benevolent universe   


I come to you today, seeking your guidance in establishing structure and order in my life. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, I long for the stability and direction that only the universe can provide. Help me to recognize the importance of structure in my life. May I understand that it is not a constraint, but a framework that allows me to thrive and fulfill my purpose. Grant me the wisdom to discern what areas of my life need structure and the discipline to implement it.


Assist me in setting clear goals and priorities, that I may focus my energy and resources on what truly matters. Help me to create routines and habits that support my growth and well-being, such as regular prayer, study, and self-care practices. When unexpected challenges arise, may the structure I have built provide a solid foundation upon which I can stand firm. Give me the flexibility to adapt and adjust as needed, while still maintaining the core elements of my routine. Help me to find joy in the order and structure you provide. May I not view it as a burden, but as a gift that brings clarity, focus, and a sense of accomplishment. Help me to strike a balance between structure and spontaneity, that I may embrace both the predictable and the unexpected.


As I establish structure in my life, may it be a reflection of your own nature – orderly, purposeful, and consistent. May it serve as a testament to your faithfulness and a reminder of your constant presence in my life. Dear Benevolent universe,I pray for the wisdom, discipline, and courage to build a life of structure and order. May it be a foundation upon which I can build a life of purpose, productivity, and peace.


Amen. So be it. 


(May your life be filled with structure and order, guiding you towards your purpose.) 


Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Content (Emotional and Spiritual content, not contentment) 


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you with a heart full of emotions, seeking your guidance and wisdom in navigating the complexities of my feelings. In a world that often overwhelms with its highs and lows, I ask for your presence to bring clarity, peace, and healing to my emotional landscape. Help me to embrace my emotions as a gift from the universe, a reflection of the depth and richness of human experience. Grant me the courage to acknowledge and express my feelings honestly, without fear or shame.Guide me in understanding the messages that my emotions carry, whether they be joy, sorrow, anger, or fear.


May I learn to listen to the whispers of my heart and discern the truths that lie beneath the surface of my feelings.Teach me to respond to my emotions with grace and compassion, both towards myself and towards others. Help me to cultivate empathy and understanding, recognizing that we are all on a journey of growth and healing.When I am overwhelmed by intense emotions, grant me the strength to find peace in your presence. May your love be a balm to my soul, soothing the wounds of past hurts and bringing comfort in times of distress.


Help me to cultivate emotional resilience, to weather the storms of life with grace and fortitude. May I find strength in vulnerability, courage in authenticity, and hope in the knowledge that you are with me always. I pray for emotional wholeness and healing. May my feelings be a source of growth and transformation, leading me towards a deeper connection with you and with others.


Amen. So be it 


(May your emotions be a pathway to deeper understanding, healing, and connection with the divine.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Guidance


Dear Divine Universe,Benevolence, Eternal God, Divine Light, and Compassionate Guide,


I humbly come before you, seeking your divine guidance and wisdom to illuminate my path. In a world filled with uncertainty and choices, I look to you as the source of truth, clarity, and direction.Lord, grant me the discernment to recognize your voice amidst the noise of the world, and the courage to follow where you lead. Help me to trust in your plan for my life, knowing that you have a purpose and a path uniquely designed for me.Guide my steps, Dear Universe, that I may walk in alignment with your will. Lead me away from paths of darkness and confusion, and into the light of your truth and love. May your presence be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Grant me the patience to wait for your timing, the humility to accept your guidance, and the faith to step out in obedience.


Help me to surrender my own desires and plans, and to submit to your higher wisdom and perfect will. In moments of indecision and doubt, may your peace that surpasses all understanding fill my heart. Give me the strength to trust in your goodness, even when the way forward seems unclear.As I journey through life, may your guidance be my constant companion, leading me towards growth, purpose, and fulfillment. May I be a reflection of your light and love in all that I do, bringing glory to the universe. I pray for divine guidance and direction. May your presence be my compass, guiding me towards the abundant life you have prepared for me.


Amen. So be it. 


(May you be guided by the light of divine wisdom and grace in all your endeavors.) 



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Motivation


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you today, seeking your inspiration and motivation to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. In a world that can often feel overwhelming and draining, I ask that you ignite a fire within me, fueling my passion and drive to pursue your will for my life. Fill me with a deep sense of purpose, knowing that I am created for a reason and that my life has meaning and significance. Help me to see beyond the immediate obstacles and focus on the greater good that my efforts can bring about.Grant me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and take risks in pursuit of your calling. When I am tempted to give up or lose heart, remind me of the victories you have already won in my life and the promises you have made to never leave me nor forsake me, Dear Universe.


Surround me with a community of believers who will encourage and motivate me in my journey. May I also be a source of inspiration and support to those around me, lifting them up and spurring them on towards greater heights. Help me to find joy in the process, not just the end result. May I embrace the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and refinement. Teach me to find satisfaction in the work itself, knowing that it is pleasing to you.


As I seek your motivation, may my heart be filled with a deep love for humanity and a desire to bring glory to the consciousness of the universe. May my actions and efforts be a reflection of your love and grace, touching the lives of those around me. I pray for the motivation to pursue the will of the universe with passion and perseverance. May your Spirit be the wind at my back, propelling me forward in the path you have set before me.


Amen. So be it. 


(May you be filled with divine motivation to pursue your purpose with passion and perseverance.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Fuel


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, Source of Strength and Sustenance,


I come before you seeking the fuel to energize my body, mind, and spirit. In a world that can often drain my energy and leave me weary, I ask for your divine power to revitalize me and propel me forward in all that I do. Infuse me with physical energy to tackle the tasks and challenges of each day. Grant me the vitality to care for my body, nourishing it with wholesome food, restful sleep, and rejuvenating exercise. May my physical health be a reflection of your care and provision.Fill my mind with mental clarity and focus, that I may approach each task with diligence and purpose. Help me to sharpen my intellect, expand my knowledge, and cultivate a curious spirit that seeks to learn and grow.


May my mental energy be a beacon of light in a world of confusion and distraction.Sustain my spirit with emotional resilience and inner peace, that I may weather the storms of life with grace and fortitude. Grant me the courage to face challenges with faith and the wisdom to find joy in the midst of trials. May my spiritual energy be a source of inspiration and hope to those around me.


As I seek fuel for my body, mind, and spirit, may the universe be the ultimate source of power and strength in my life. Help me to draw upon your infinite resources, knowing that in you, I can find all that I need to thrive and flourish. I pray for the fuel to sustain me in body, mind, and spirit. May your energy flow through me, empowering me to live a life of purpose, passion, and service.


Amen. So be it. 


(May you be filled with divine fuel to energize your body, mind, and spirit for the journey ahead.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Dream Board


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you today, seeking your guidance and inspiration as I create a dream board to visualize and manifest the desires of my heart. In a world that often limits our imagination, I ask that you would expand my vision and empower me to dream big dreams that align with your will for my life. As I gather images, words, and symbols that represent my aspirations, fill my heart with faith and expectation. Help me to see beyond the constraints of my current circumstances and embrace the limitless possibilities that you have in store for me.


Grant me the wisdom to discern which dreams are in alignment with the purpose and plan of the universe. May my dream board reflect a life of purpose, passion, and service, one that brings fulfillment and blesses the lives of those around me.As I gaze upon my dream board, may it serve as a constant reminder of my faithfulness and the promises the universe has made over my life. When doubt and discouragement creep in, may it be a beacon of hope, reminding me of the vision the universe has placed in my heart.


I ask that the universe would breathe life into my dreams, transforming them from mere wishes into tangible realities. Guide my steps as I take action towards their fulfillment, and provide the resources, relationships, and opportunities necessary for their manifestation.May the process of creating and meditating on my dream board draw me closer to the universe. Help me to see your hand at work in the unfolding of my dreams, and to trust in your perfect timing and plan.I pray for the courage to dream boldly and the faith to believe that in the universe, all things are possible. May my dream board be a testament to grace and power of the universe and a reflection of the abundant life the universe has promised.


Amen.So be it. 


(May your dream board be a powerful tool for visualizing and manifesting the desires of your heart, in alignment with the will of the universe and your life.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Spiritual Growth


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, source of all wisdom and truth, 


I come before you today, humbly seeking to deepen my spiritual connection with the universe. In a world that often pulls me in many directions, I ask that you would anchor me firmly in your love and grace, that I may grow in my faith and understanding of your ways. Open my heart and mind to receive your guidance, that I may walk in  light and in spiritual wisdom. Help me to grow with diligence and discernment, that it may become a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.


Grant me the discipline to make time for prayer and meditation, that I may commune with the universe in the quiet moments of my day. May my conversations with you be a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration, as I seek to align my will with yours.


Surround me with a community of believers who will encourage and challenge me in my spiritual journey. May I also be a source of encouragement and support to others, sharing the love and grace that you have so freely given to me.When doubts and questions arise, help me to approach them with humility and an open heart. May my faith be strengthened through the process of seeking answers and wrestling with difficult concepts. Help me to live out my faith in practical ways, serving others with compassion and bringing love and light into the world. May my actions be a reflection of the universe, and may they inspire others to seek you as well. I pray for continued spiritual growth and maturity. May my relationship with you deepen and flourish, bearing fruit in every area of my life.


Amen. So be it. 


(May your spiritual journey be one of growth, wisdom, and deeper connection with the divine.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Posted (edited)


Prayer for Growth


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, source of all wisdom and truth, Gardener of our Souls,


I come before you today, acknowledging my desire to grow and flourish in your love and grace. Like a seed planted in fertile soil, I ask that you would nurture me, prune me, and help me to reach my full potential. Help me to embrace the process of growth, even when it is uncomfortable or challenging. Grant me the wisdom to see setbacks and difficulties as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles to be avoided.Prune away the dead branches of my life – the habits, thoughts, and behaviors that no longer serve me or bring glory to your name.


Help me to let go of the things that hold me back, that I may make room for new growth and transformation. May I drink deeply from the wells of your wisdom, that I may grow strong and resilient in the face of life's storms.Expose me to the light of your presence, that I may bask in the warmth of your love and grace. May your light illuminate the areas of my life that need attention, and guide me towards greater wholeness and holiness.As I grow, help me to bear fruit that will last – the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


May my life be a testament to your transformative power and a blessing to those around me. I pray for continued growth and transformation. May I be like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in season and prospering in all that I do.


Amen. So be it. 


(May you grow in wisdom, grace, and the fruit of the Spirit, becoming all that the universe has created you to be.) 


Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Manifestation


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, source of all wisdom and truth, Gardener of our Souls,

Master of Possibilities,


I come before you with a heart full of dreams and desires, seeking your guidance and assistance in manifesting my deepest intentions. In a world where faith and action can bring about miracles, I ask for your divine intervention to align my will with your divine plan. Grant me the clarity to envision my goals and the courage to pursue them with unwavering faith.


Help me to see beyond the limitations of my current circumstances and to believe in the power of manifestation through your grace.Guide me in setting clear intentions and taking inspired action towards their realization. May my thoughts, words, and deeds be in alignment with the highest good, bringing about positive change in my life and the lives of those around me.Empower me to release any doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs that may hinder the manifestation of my desires.


Fill me with confidence, trust, and a deep sense of knowing that all things are possible through your grace.As I co-create with the the universe, may I be a channel of your love, light, and abundance in the world. Help me to manifest not only for my own benefit but also for the greater good, that I may be a beacon of hope and inspiration to others. I pray for the manifestation of my highest intentions and the fulfillment of my soul's purpose. May my dreams become reality, guided by your wisdom and grace, and may my life be a testament to the power of faith and manifestation.


Amen. So be it. 


(May your intentions manifest in alignment with the divine plan, bringing blessings and abundance into your life and the lives of those around you.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Intention


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you today, seeking your guidance and wisdom as I set my intentions for the days, weeks, and months ahead. In a world that often pulls us in many directions, I ask that you would help me to focus my energy and attention on what truly matters. Grant me the clarity to discern the will of the universe for my life and the courage to align my intentions with your divine plan. May my goals and aspirations be rooted in  love, grace, and purpose, rather than in the fleeting desires of the world.Help me to set intentions that are specific, measurable, and achievable, that I may track my progress and celebrate the victories along the way.


May my intentions be a reflection of my values and priorities, guiding me towards greater wholeness, purpose, and fulfillment.When obstacles arise and challenges test my resolve, remind me of the power of intention and the importance of perseverance. Help me to stay focused on my goals, even when the path forward is unclear or difficult. May my intentions be a catalyst for positive change, not only in my own life but also in the lives of those around me.


Help me to use my gifts and talents in service of others, that my intentions may bring about greater good in the world.As I set my intentions, I ask that you would surround me with a community of support and accountability. May I also be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others, sharing the wisdom and insights I gain along the way.I pray for the wisdom, courage, and discipline to set and pursue intentions that align with the will of the universe for my life. May my intentions be a reflection of your love and a testament to your power to transform lives.


Amen. So be it. 


(May your intentions be guided by divine wisdom and empowered by faith, leading you towards greater purpose and fulfillment.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Competitiveness


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


You have instilled within me a drive to excel,
A burning desire to push boundaries and achieve greatness.Grant me the strength and determination to face challenges head-on with unwavering resolve. Let my competitive spirit fuel my ambition, propelling me forward with relentless passion.Guide my actions with wisdom and integrity,
That I may compete fairly and honorably.
May my pursuit of victory never compromise my values. But rather inspire me to reach new heights through ethical means.Bless me with the focus and discipline. To train my mind, body, and spirit for the battles ahead.
Grant me the courage to take calculated risks. And the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.Instill in me the humility to learn from defeats,and the grace to celebrate victories with gratitude. May my competitive spirit bring out the best in others,
Inspiring them to rise to the occasion and push their limits.Let my competitiveness be a force for good,motivating me to make a positive impact on the world.May my triumphs serve as a testament to the greatness of the universe. 

Amen. So be it. 


(May your ambitions be guided by divine wisdom and empowered by faith, leading you towards greater purpose and fulfillment.) 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Posted (edited)

Prayer for Goals


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before You with a heart full of aspirations, seeking  divine guidance of the universe as I set forth on my journey.Grant me the wisdom to discern Your will for my life,that the goals I pursue may align with Your greater plan.May my ambitions be rooted in a desire to serve a greater purpose,
And to make a positive impact on the world around me.Instill in me a clear vision and unwavering focus,that I may not be distracted by fleeting temptations.
Give me the courage to dream big and aim high, while remaining grounded in humility and gratitude.Bless me with the perseverance to overcome obstacles,and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.
When doubts and fears creep in, renew my determination,and remind me of the strength that lies within.Guide my steps and open doors of opportunity,aligning the right resources and people along my path.
May I approach each challenge with diligence and creativity,trusting in your perfect timing and provision. Above all, grant me the wisdom to seek your will,and the grace to accept your plan, even when it differs from mine.
May the pursuit of my goals bring fulfillment to me. 

Amen. So be it. 


(May your goals be guided by divine wisdom and empowered by faith, leading you towards greater purpose and fulfillment.) 


Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Prayer for Skills 


Dear Benevolent Universe, Creator, Source of Love and Compassion, 


I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your guidance and blessings upon the skills I wish to acquire. Grant me the wisdom to learn, the patience to practice, and the perseverance to master these skills.May your light illuminate my path as I strive to grow and develop my abilities. Help me to use these skills not only for my own benefit but also to serve others and make a positive impact in the world.Fill me with passion and dedication so that I may excel in all that I do. Bless me with opportunities to learn, mentors to guide me, and challenges to help me grow stronger.I trust in the divine plan of the universe and believe that with your grace, I can achieve greatness. Thank you for the gift of skills and the chance to continually improve myself.


Amen. So be it. 



(May your skills be guided by divine wisdom and empowered by faith, leading you towards greater purpose and fulfillment.)


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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