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The Infinite Potential of This is literally...


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I am sitting on a bench.


And realizing, what if threw all this contextual bullshit away...the only thing that'd be left was instant and infinite potential.


I can sense this potential and I'm feeling guilt referring rumination over This. 


Just some inspecting. Maybe rumination IS also just being...like clouds not separate from the sky.


Thoughts seem to separate This into parts, even creating a second "nadosa",  a nadosa whose life has nothing to do with This. A "nadosa" which seems to exist in a timeline, from a to b. This nadosa is so far away from This yet so close. Damn. This is hilarious.


Edited by Nadosa
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But initially focus is a premise, the will to defocus from thoughts and directly acknowledge what is present. Because sometimes, there is still a little intention of "ok let's sit down and acknowledge in order to FEEL better", but actually feeling better just works by feeling better. 


Today I tidied and cleaned up my apartment, it's like meditation too lol: if you put slight effort into "thinking it through", meaning starting to think about THE way, or HOW to start, which inevitably ends in rumination: "okay I MUST start now, but let's first get a coffee, or watch this video, and then I will take the broom, ohh no the bathroom, I hate it, I face it tomorrow, because TOMORROW is THE TIME". Lol. Just let it happen and embrace and make it comfortable, flawlessly. 

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