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What forms of fasting have you experimented with?


What benefits have you experienced?


What form of fasting have you found most beneficial?


How often and how long do you fast?


Any tips / tricks / suggestions?


Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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There is multiple ways of fasting that i tried , fasting for 3 days straight no food only water when needed not much , and ramadan fasting and other random intermittent fasting , with the 3 days fasting your mind will be so fucking sharp like a huge gone off down also u will feel more light and aware, with ramadan fasting accompanied with spiritual practice ur Kundalini will fire up gradually during the month reaching its peak at the end , the last type of fasting i dont know what the effects are bec u can be doing it without knowing i only eat one time in the day so the effects are the same but lesser. 


There is no tips really except meditation, it will help u with doing it for a longer time like with 3 or 4 days consecutively.



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