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tinnitus & meditation

Isagi Yoichi

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I have this illness which is tinnitus I constantly hear ringing in my left ear 


when I do meditation I always hear it and it sounds like white noise but it's natural lol 


when I focus on it, it ruins my meditation and the right ear starts ringing as well 


I just wanted to share it bec I feel bad about everything in my reality now and the shit country I live in.


I want to know if there is a chance I can heal it magically I can wear hearing aids but they are annoying and the voice volume increases 500% so I don't wear them.


one the positive side I can use tinnitus as an anchor to the present moment lol.

Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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6 minutes ago, Phil said:


Breathe deeply, relax, welcome any emotions which might arise into the spaciousness you truly are, and make a fun game of inspecting and noticing exactly that in your op. 

i did it but i didn't feel anything, there might be a feeling stuck in my chest its contracting it doesn't feel good 



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10 minutes ago, Phil said:

What comes up naturally to you with respect to that non-resonating contraction? 

What resonates? 

There is no right or wrong answer. Whatever comes to mind and feels better, even if ever so slightly, share that if comfortable doing so. 


okay after some struggle, listening to Quran feels better I did it yesterday after feeling discord before sleeping today too after waking up I felt really bad and discordant 

so Quran feels relieving to me now 

Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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Just now, Phil said:

Does it in seem like thoughts arise about having an illness & discord is felt… and as thoughts arise about the Quran, discord declines, recedes or is lessoned?  

yeah i don't hear the tinnitus it only works when I am completely still or when I am thinking about it



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@Isagi Yoichi

What if in fact you are completely still aren’t thinking about it? 


Sand falling slowly through your fingers feels pleasant. 

It’s an experience of how sand falling through fingers feels, to you.

Your fingers falling through sand doesn’t sound pleasant, and doesn’t seem to make any sense. 


Could it be the same way with thoughts? 

And with the thought, tinnitus?

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3 minutes ago, Phil said:


What if in fact you are completely still aren’t thinking about it? 


Sand falling slowly through your fingers feels pleasant. 

It’s an experience of how sand falling through fingers feels, to you.

Your fingers falling through sand doesn’t sound pleasant, and doesn’t seem to make any sense. 


Could it be the same way with thoughts? 

And with the thought, tinnitus?

yeah exactly , its the thought that feels discordant not the exp



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@Isagi Yoichi

Yeah totally. In the same way that I’m always rambling on about emotions being guidance for thoughts…  sensation wise, relax / feel more deeply, and see how it feels to think, think about, contemplate or consider… the ringing is much more related to connection, unity, well-being & alignment, and not labeling, separating, dis-ease / disease or illness. 

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