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What is the point of expression journals


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8 minutes ago, Alexander said:

No,never I pre meditate what will I type.

Well flow of consciousness writing would be with absolutely no premeditation. Glancing through your journals, you don't seem to write about emotions or feelings or random stuff, or dreams, or anything like that, more just stuff along the trajectory of your life kinda stuff. Have you tried being looser with it? Writing about something that doesn't really seem to have a purpose at all and seeing what happens? I'll often write something I'm thinking and initially think/judge it being really random but then how it was symbolic often arises later on its own. Nothing is meaningless, nothing is pointless, it's just a premature judgement to say so. It also doesn't have to have a premediated point or meaning, it's often more revealing if it doesn't. 

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I have a friend who claims he has three arms.

I don’t see this alleged third arm and invite my friend to check as well, but my friend insists he has three arms. 


This belief started as an interpretation about himself which did not resonate because it isn’t true.

I point this out to my friend, and he reiterates that he has a third arm. 


I invite my friend to look together, and he reiterates there is no need to because he already knows he has three arms and he knows he’s right about this.

I invite my friend to actually look though, to check, to inspect. 

He reiterates that a doctor has confirmed he has a third arm. 

He defends the third arm. He suspects I have an ulterior motive. 


I’m like “but come on man, actually look!”.

He reiterates that he doesn’t need to look, because he already knows the truth, that he has three arms. 


There is suffering.

He does not know why. 


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6 minutes ago, Phil said:

It’s like you’re claiming you have three arms. 

 Why you and Mandy are "in love " with not getting straight to the point sometimes?😅 I don't like taking a long route to explain an obvious thing . I'm sure it might bother you as well to be at the receiving end of ambiguity. 

But I get what you're saying anyways . I'm taking English classes where we study literature and trying to improve my writing . Notice that I'm Indian. Speaking in English flawlessly and without grammar mistakes is not a piece of cake for me . Let alone expressing in a poetic manner .

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

 Why you and Mandy are "in love " with not getting straight to the point sometimes?😅 I don't like taking a long route to explain an obvious thing . I'm sure it might bother you as well to be at the receiving end of ambiguity. 

But I get what you're saying anyways . I'm taking English classes where we study literature and trying to improve my writing . Notice that I'm Indian. Speaking in English flawlessly and without grammar mistakes is not a piece of cake for me . Let alone expressing in a poetic manner .

Seems ambiguous, like you’re saying you don’t get the point, yet you do get the point. I’ll be as direct as possible. 


58 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Because im a bad writer .

This is a belief. 


58 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And everyone here will be reading my shit.

This is a belief. 


58 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's gonna be overall a net negative experience for me 


This is a belief. 



You keep saying it, it keeps seeming true. Like someone who says they are bipolar, or manic depressive, or depressed, etc, etc, etc. 

These are beliefs. 

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