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The end of free speech will be the end of Western Civilization. Take it.

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These days everything is suppressed in the West. Any form of criticism or opposite opinion is shut down because it's not "classy" enough or PC enough. If you have an opinion on certain community, behavior, groups of people, men and women, it's shut down as homophobia, sexism and labels are invented to put it away. This will suppress the truth. Everything is not hate speech. Every person is not looking to hate groups of people. But if people have opinions then they will boil over and spill over at some point. It's the inconvenient truth but truth was never convenient. 

I think and it's my stringent opinion that Western Civilization will come to a tragic end with this madness. Because Man is adapted to truth and reality. You cannot live in deception for too long. Reality will work against you. We are not here to bend reality to our preference. We are here to align ourselves to reality. But when Egos begin to touch Mount Everest, we get a problem. These egos will clash even over the pettiest things. These egos will not look for the truth of the matter, not even the truth of principle. But shit hits the fan, there is no saving grace. It will crumble like a pack of dominoes. It will be in your face that your own Godlessness caused your decline. 

End of free speech is the End of God. 

Jordan Peterson makes a brilliant point about free speech. You can't please everyone in a crowd. But that should not suppress the truth. 

You can't always have it your way. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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