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Ever Notice Typecast People Protect Corruption Until Dead


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4 hours ago, solereproduction said:

Why does this never end?

Denial ends naturally in being aware of discord - in being aware of what’s actually discordant. It’s never what you think it is.  Specifically denial of emotions as to how thoughts feel (thoughts about there being  “people” in this case). It’s fruitless to expect an end, to what in direct experience technically has no beginning. Expecting the thoughts to be true, or feeling to line up with em, is an impossible expectation. That is what can come to an end, and as an apparent discordant facade of awareness typecasting awareness ends, therein is liberation from the underlying beliefs. Corruption is always an ‘inside job’, denial or not, and is never in an ‘objective reality’, with or of things & people, denial or not. Therein lies true, actual, freedom. 


4 hours ago, solereproduction said:

How could a species manage such a New World Order beyond adapt or become extinct?

‘It’ can’t. It’s not that anything is ‘beyond and-Adt or become extinct’, it’s that the truth is ‘beyond’ such limiting beliefs. The whole story is just assumptions & beliefs seemingly projected - while actually felt. The more you look into it, and the more you contribute to ‘your own’ alignment… the more projection, complaining, stubbornness, ornery-ness, resentment, blaming, self righteousness, etc is ‘seen’, processed, and transmuted. You’re not here, at all. So you’re definitely not here to “show the options” with your “free will”. There isn’t “somebody else” “in character”. 


The rope is not a snake.

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Sometimes typecasting is appropriate.  To over do it is wrong, but when well-placed it's often the right thing to do.  You gotta have courage in your conviction when that's necessary and appropriate.   Look there are plenty of things in life to be skeptical about, there are others that any reasonable person would say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc., it's most likely a duck.  Let's use the knowledge and common sense we have and not be afraid to say what reality is.  If you give this away, there's gonna be someone who's gonna come in to do it for you anyway and not be humble out their typecasting either.  I would rather be in charge of my thinking for myself.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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30 minutes ago, Phil said:

Denial ends naturally in being aware of discord - in being aware of what’s actually discordant. It’s never what you think it is.  Specifically denial of emotions as to how thoughts feel (thoughts about there being  “people” in this case). It’s fruitless to expect an end, to what in direct experience technically has no beginning. Expecting the thoughts to be true, or feeling to line up with em, is an impossible expectation. That is what can come to an end, and as an apparent discordant facade of awareness typecasting awareness ends, therein is liberation from the underlying beliefs. Corruption is always an ‘inside job’, denial or not, and is never in an ‘objective reality’, with or of things & people, denial or not. Therein lies true, actual, freedom. 

What does freedom feel like? 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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49 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Sometimes typecasting is appropriate.  To over do it is wrong, but when well-placed it's often the right thing to do.  You gotta have courage in your conviction when that's necessary and appropriate.   Look there are plenty of things in life to be skeptical about, there are others that any reasonable person would say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc., it's most likely a duck.  Let's use the knowledge and common sense we have and not be afraid to say what reality is.  If you give this away, there's gonna be someone who's gonna come in to do it for you anyway and not be humble out their typecasting either.  I would rather be in charge of my thinking for myself.

What comes after typecasting ancestries by rule of law?  Ancestors performing as stereotyped cradle to grave.

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

Denial ends naturally in being aware of discord - in being aware of what’s actually discordant. It’s never what you think it is.  Specifically denial of emotions as to how thoughts feel (thoughts about there being  “people” in this case). It’s fruitless to expect an end, to what in direct experience technically has no beginning. Expecting the thoughts to be true, or feeling to line up with em, is an impossible expectation. That is what can come to an end, and as an apparent discordant facade of awareness typecasting awareness ends, therein is liberation from the underlying beliefs. Corruption is always an ‘inside job’, denial or not, and is never in an ‘objective reality’, with or of things & people, denial or not. Therein lies true, actual, freedom. 


‘It’ can’t. It’s not that anything is ‘beyond and-Adt or become extinct’, it’s that the truth is ‘beyond’ such limiting beliefs. The whole story is just assumptions & beliefs seemingly projected - while actually felt. The more you look into it, and the more you contribute to ‘your own’ alignment… the more projection, complaining, stubbornness, ornery-ness, resentment, blaming, self righteousness, etc is ‘seen’, processed, and transmuted. You’re not here, at all. So you’re definitely not here to “show the options” with your “free will”. There isn’t “somebody else” “in character”.  

The rope is not a snake.

 There are genetics results and then comes intellectual interpretations by those same genetic results they didn't arrive the way they occupy time now.  You are debating the latter, I am describing the actual process evolving is doing all the time.


personal experience knowing my specific time displaced proportionately here where ever I am at now.  My body has constantly changed form spontaneously with everything else never same shape as originally arrived simultaneously here in that specific geographical position geometrically present geologically constructed.


Back to power of suggestion, power of choice, whom controls the information people choose to pick between ideas now isn't eternity?

Intellectual separation of leaders, followers, winners, losers, best, worst, all points between.

Edited by solereproduction
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14 hours ago, Phil said:


Genetics is intellectual interpretation. 

Gee, I always felt from experience as to how I exist in the first place being one of a kind mutually inhabiting space at the same time every other reproduction in the food chain is alive, now. I replaced my previous generations with DNA from all my previous generations.


but I guess actual evolving doesn't matter when people share out of body experiences dreaming life isn't biologically self evident and physically absolute to who, how, why living is what it is here now. 


Some reason I just will not believe syllables existed prior to humans inventing conversations cradle to grave.

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Check direct experience.

See if genetics is / are actually ‘in’ perception, or if there is an experience of the thought, ‘genetics’. 

Same for ‘intellectual’. 

Then the corruption & typecasting can be seen as well. 

Even death. 


Imagine you’re sitting in a theater watching a movie. There seems to be genetics, intellectuals, ancestry, time passing, evolution, etc, etc, etc. 

Then imagine the projector stops. 


Where are the genetics? What happened to the intellectuals? Where is the evolution you were so sure was happening? What happened to the typecast people protecting corruption?  


The movie could be seen as a production, and the narrative added as a reproduction. 

But as the projector stops… what happened to the narrative, the reproduction? 

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28 minutes ago, Phil said:


Check direct experience.

See if genetics is / are actually ‘in’ perception, or if there is an experience of the thought, ‘genetics’. 

Same for ‘intellectual’. 

Then the corruption & typecasting can be seen as well. 

Even death. 


Think of it like you’re sitting in a theater watching a movie. There seems to be genetics, intellectuals, ancestry, time passing, evolution, etc, etc, etc. 

Then imagine the projector stops. 

Where are the genetics? What happened to the intellectuals? Where is the evolution you were so sure was happening? 


The movie could be seen as a production, and the narrative added as a reproduction. 


I understand the concept of mind over matter, intellect beyond what instincts navigate adapting as timed apart here. I was trained since birth to never accept all I was since conceived. 


I never gave away my ability to recognize how evolving happens naturally here. My instincts and intellect are on a even plane in plain sight adapting uniquely here in series parallel time a different reproduction than any other ever has or will be added, including my children and grandchild. Including my siblings cousins, parents  aunts, uncles, grandparents and their siblings and added generation gaps.


I am sure you understand my point. You disagree life is limited to genetics eternally separating the numbers here and there are most likely 7.5 billion others alive that agree with you.


I am outnumbered, but I am as uniquely here as anyone or anything universally present. Equality in quality of life separating those living here now. I don't rank male and female displacements, just calculate which generation gap they are in currently alive.


I have to adjust everything I do to be left alone by those trying to rule tomorrow's results arriving today. I sacrificed all I was to be just left alone for the time I get adapting here now within the ever changing interpretation of where humanity needs to be tomorrow.


I pulled my own weight and I did it civilly working within the corruption destroying this species inside out without disrupting evolving in plain sight  last 17 years.  nobody agrees with me, and I have never harmed anyone because everyone won't accept now is eternity.

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6 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I understand the concept of mind over matter, intellect beyond what instincts navigate adapting as timed apart here. I was trained since birth to never accept all I was since conceived. 

When the projector stops… where is the one trained since birth which understands? 

Where is the one that was born?


6 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I never gave away my ability to recognize how evolving happens naturally here. My instincts and intellect are on a even plane in plain sight adapting uniquely here in series parallel time a different reproduction than any other ever has or will be added, including my children and grandchild. Including my siblings cousins, parents  aunts, uncles, grandparents and their siblings and added generation gaps.

When the projector stops… what happened to the one with the ability? What happened to here? To instincts, intellect, time, etc? 


6 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I am sure you understand my point. You disagree life is limited to genetics eternally separating the numbers here and there are most likely 7.5 billion others alive that agree with you.

When the projector stops… what happened to the one one was so sure understood? The one disagreeing? Where did they go? 


6 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I am outnumbered, but I am as uniquely here as anyone or anything universally present. Equality in quality of life separating those living here now. I don't rank male and female displacements just calculate which generation gap they are in currently alive.

When the projector stops… what happened to the one that is outnumbered? The one who was here? The generations, etc.

Where did they go? 

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12 minutes ago, Phil said:

When the projector stops… where is the one trained since birth which understands? 

Where is the one that was born?


When the projector stops… what happened to the one with the ability? What happened to here? To instincts, intellect, time, etc? 


When the projector stops… what happened to the one one was so sure understood? The one disagreeing? Where did they go? 


When the projector stops… what happened to the one that is outnumbered? The one who was here? The generations, etc.

Where did they go? 

Here it comes again.  navigating life isn't projecting and describing what I navigate isn't directing anyone else to believe what I say.  Intellect is comparing past to current events to be able to correct things that didn't go as planned to survive living eternally separated as one of a kind living in series parallel time displaced uniquely here spontaneously different while evolving simultaneously present since , you guessed it, conceived to replace previous ancestors becoming one's specific ancestry.


Passive power of suggesting life isn't what it is works non physically as a person bullying another into obeying their commands demanding to be treated as exceptional, exempt from naturally adapting as displaced to rank above everyone else in series parallel time displaced in plain sight.

See I am discussing means, motives, methods, not personal which, what, where, when, whom, a person became a we say so social new world order.

Edited by solereproduction
correcting context in content.
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2 hours ago, Phil said:


When the projector stops… where is this past of present comparison?

What happened to the comparison?

What happened to beliefs… means, motives, methods, what, where, when, whom?

You reciting relative time logistics or while actual time evolving genetics keeps things occupying space eternally separated by thermodynamic principles that apply equally to molecular and chromosomes(ancestries never same ancestors twice) the same way  at the same time individuals exist evolving here in plain sight?


Specificity of kinetic time adapting as displaced proportionately occupying time now.

Edited by solereproduction
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