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What's the Role of Focus/Concentration on the Path?


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I notice most successful people and also people who self realize tend to have a great ability to focus/concentrate. 


What role does this play? 


Phil recently suggested for me to do concentration meditation before going into self inquiry so I'm interested in what concentration does.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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21 hours ago, Orb said:

I notice most successful people and also people who self realize tend to have a great ability to focus/concentrate. 


What role does this play? 


Phil recently suggested for me to do concentration meditation before going into self inquiry so I'm interested in what concentration does.

A brain navigates everything beyond one's position existing in plain sight and to concentrate on anyone thing outside their flesh creates a state of mind having an out of body experience rationalization to the possibility evolving doesn't eternally separate the self from everything else universally proportionately here evolving at the same time.


A path is what others take from one position to another.  No path then one is in the wilderness of self reliance to figure out everything beyond their own skin.


What nobody knows scares people into huddling around what ancestries to colonize around to believe in different possibilities living is more than the time one gets evolving in series parallel displacement.


So that leaves how, why, what, where, when, which, place, person, thing exists and means, motives, methods, opportunities, power, wealth, fame, can benefit from mayhem, madness, misery keeping each generation loyal to a common set of beliefs people stereotype themselves into when not accepting how evolving sustains numbers occupying time now.


simplicity maintains natural time results are What does keep going forward now as specifically here.  Actuality of being.

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‘Focus’ & ‘concentration’ point to what is already perfectly naturally occurring, yet might be obscured. Redirecting focus / concentration back upon ‘itself’, such as feeling breathing in the stomach, is ‘the non’, or, non-focus / non-concentration on… thoughts.


The meditative practice of single pointed concentration is the same in that it’s non-focus / non-concentration on thoughts… using instead an object rather than feeling breathing in the stomach.


If I’m not istaken, the dots were recently connected in regard to a breath work exercise being at the ready equaling not spider webbing / ‘freaking out’ 🙂. This is more of the same really.


Likewise, it seems ‘deeper’ or more comfortable beliefs have been noticed. In that way, this could likewise be thought of as a deeper appreciation for ‘the non’. 


Focus / concentration being perfectly natural, isn’t an ability developed but is an uncovering, via non-focus on thoughts, of what is already the effortless & indeed indescribable magical actuality of appearance.


Self Inquiry wise, thoughts arise and are given no focus / concentration, as Self Inquiry is the direct inquiry into the feeling (of being me). When some thoughts aren’t noticed to be thoughts, there is attachment. Emotional and identity. For this to be more readily noticed in Self Inquiry, Single Pointed Concentration is suggested. 


This is admittedly suggested in spite of the collective conditioning (which is an overlooking of direct experience) and therein the dolling out of mental labels like add, adhd, etc. Could also be referred to as ‘knowers’ ‘knowing’ what’s wrong with you via overlooking there isn’t a knower of a you. 


Also, mind the note below Single Pointed Concentration:


This pertains to the un-obscuring / unfettering.

Expression. Liberation. 

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@Phil in my direct experience, theres no such thing as a concentrator or focuser. Theres just feeling. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Focusing on what one wants makes a person forget what they need.  The need to want more than life offers reproductions clouds the individual brain with context of possibilities life isn't actuality of being eternally separated when evolving here now.


A mind is created obedience to power of suggestion.  Those leading suggestions gain advantage over those that stop navigating space living equally occupying time now.



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