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Can Atheists have a relationship with religious people?

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

Of course, all good love stories are about expansion. Either you keep up with it or not. 


yeah but there are cultures where religion is deeply rooted in them atheists cannot fully express themselves or avoid conflicts with their partners 

sometimes religious people value their religion over their partners is that a fake love then?


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I have noticed a problem where atheists love someone but they don't tell them that they are atheists to avoid conflicts this may be more of a problem in a third-world country and in Islam specifically they are serious about religion bec religion there tells them what to do and what not.


they all go for religion for consultation and if you do not want to draw attention to you you just better get someone who is atheist as well, and to avoid potential harm bec people there are fucking assholes literally they act like they are god messengers and get into people's life (bec religion told them or at least they can justify it with religion) without anyone giving them permission stuff like this is faced with prison in Europe or a first-world country.

Edited by Omar Osama


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Of course. God’s obviously atheist. 



The key with conversational boundaries and assertiveness is sincerity. 

Lighthearted, humorous even. 

Not triggered, defensive, argumentative, accusatory or debating . 


If of course it’s more about peace, happiness & love, yours and theirs so to speak, and it’s not about being right. 

If it’s about being right, inspect the triggers and underlying beliefs. 


The very Good news is we don’t have to kill each other over beliefs anymore. 

Thought stories (cultures, deep rooted, etc) are beliefs which are only experienced presently. 

(Deflection & projection vs inspection). 


The instant a problem is actually noticed, it isn’t. 

Sans more deflection etc. 

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I would never date a religious person. That being said I would never date an atheist neither. But to me an atheist is still more rational than a religious person. 

It’s like dating someone who is an adult but genuinely believes in Santa Clause. 

This is a complete and total values mismatch. Usually men are more lenient in whom they date and don’t care about values as much though - likely because they don’t think of things as long term as women do.

Edited by Rose
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2 hours ago, Rose said:

likely because they don’t think of things as long term as women do.


thats not something about men and women lol  


2 hours ago, Rose said:

I would never date a religious person. That being said I would never date an atheist neither. But to me an atheist is still more rational than a religious person. 


yes most of the time 


2 hours ago, Rose said:

It’s like dating someone who is an adult but genuinely believes in Santa Clause. 


it's worse than just believing in Santa clause they have so many destructive beliefs that can fuck up both partners 


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Tinder profile: “If you believe in God, swipe left. If you don’t believe in God, swipe left”. 

Every male & female on earth: Swipes left. 


Tinder profile: “If you’re looking for love and won’t enable my beliefs in meaning, purpose, value & worth, swipe left”.

Every male & female on earth: Swipes left. 


Tinder profile: “If you don’t believe pushing against unwanted results in wanted & it takes two to tango, swipe left”.

Everyone male & female on earth: Intuitively swipes left. 


Tinder profile: “If you’re looking for a passion filled, fun, exhilarating relationship based on truth, honesty, sincerity, integrity & expression in which love obliterates all of our ideas and notions of who we are and what is possible for us to create together, swipe right”. 

You & every male & female on earth: Swipes right. 

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