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There are infinite narratives. There is a God. I can become God. God’s being me. There’s God but no me. There’s Me but no God. Self-realization is when I become God in the future. I’m already God but I forgot by being reality and when I remember I’ll be enlightened & happy. If I do enough meditation I’ll transcend and wake up. After inspecting & dispelling beliefs I’ll be infinite or God. If I do enough or the right consciousness work or read the right books or take the right courses I’ll be enlightened. I’m deceiving myself. I became God and can help others to self-realize too. God consciousness or self-awareness is different than other consciousness or states. God’s deceiving me. I am God. I’m not God. I just need more knowledge & understanding. I need to be more authentic, then I’ll feel better. I woke up but I haven’t grown up yet. But the sheer beauty of nonduality is  - ‘not two’. The Good (nondual) news. 🤍


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2 hours ago, Alexander said:

So self is God there is no duality btw 2.Thanks for admitting.It is what it is is just my direct experience and I am God of it.Quite empowering.

If you say you are god, you are not. Because god is silence, deep sleep, before so called birth. YOU ARE THE EGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and ego is in the heaven now.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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4 minutes ago, Alexander said:

There is no duality btw ego and God.Wake up you are God that is the whole point of spirituality is for you to realize you @James123 is God.

Lol. What is god? Anything you learned from human being has nothing to do with spirituality. Listen jiddu Krishnamurti, you are just in the beginning of path. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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