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Nonduality & Advaita both mean the same; not two, or, no second. Neo Advaita means new not two. Nonduality & Advaita already mean there isn’t a new not two. That’d be second. That second, the you which there isn’t, the untruthful one, the one hiding, etc, isn’t. It’s not that there’s a you hiding, it’s that there isn’t a you. There is only neo advaita, or nonduality or Advaita really, for the illusory individual or separate self (of thought). 


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Neo-Advaita honestly just seems like what was before taught by mouth for monks and devotees in monasteries and ashrams is now widely available for the population due to the advancement of technology like internet and books. It's a good thing.


This forum also talks about other things than just Advaita Vedanta, as in non-duality in Indian terms. "Vedanta" means based in the Vedas, hindu scriptures. We also talk about buddhism, taoism, reiki, christianity, islam etc. And some that are not connected to any specific tradition, like Eckhart Tolle or Abraham Hicks.


On The Path - section, there is also extensive presentation of ACIM, which is definetely not "Neo-Advaita" as in Indian tradition or without preparatory practices. There is literally over 300 practices in that book. @Alexander I recommend you check it out.


One central theme in that book is the question: "Would you rather be right, or happy?"


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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