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Enlightened Ants


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Yesterday I was spending time outside and there was some ants doing their thing.


Just being the appearance an ant is.


And there is the One Self, untouched, detached from appearance.


It's weird how ants don't have thoughts about being something other, than ants.


Ants don't have thoughts like "I know I am an ant". 😂


Ant is an appearance.



Humans have a crapload of thoughts about being something other they are.




"Should / shouldn't"


"I know I'm a human."




Is knowing/understanding an appearance, like an ant?



There must be an effortless way.

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This came to mind…

Sitting here, studying, taking a chapter quiz of randomly generated questions for the same chapter, for the eighth time. Scores on this chapter’s quiz are more or less steadily improving, not quite to the percentage suggested before moving onto the next chapter yet though. Almost. The whole time, I’m aware the only ‘thing’ behind the movie is the screen. That memories appear now, and appear in such a way as to imply there is a past. But there isn’t. All that’s ‘behind’ the appearing memories is the screen appearing as the memories. So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 

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21 minutes ago, Phil said:

So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 


The screen would also be appearing as the wrong answer and the failed quiz.


Though I got a feeling it might be too far to even say the screen appears as anything. There is only the screen.


Maybe a wrong answer is Right. The screen. 🤔



What makes you so inspired to study?


I'm trying to get into university this spring. Theology. It's somewhat interesting so maybe I'll try a bit more seriously.


Though when I read theology material, the history of christianity, how the dogma etc. came about, it's really quite ridiculous. The basic idea of science. Observer and observed. The materialist matrix. What would be the point?


I experience a lot of pessimism and boredom when I encounter the sort of questions these school exams might have. A theology question could be something like "what sort of role did historical event X have in the formation of early christian doctrine?" Jeez, I lose interest. These are just stories. A lot like philosophy, just endless rumination.


And I don't think you would get far in university studies un-ruminating. Cause it's not scientific. Can't really make a scientific paper out of un-ruminating and direct experience.


Isn't a scientific paper really just... A lie? 🤔


There must be an effortless way.

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 


6 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

The screen would also be appearing as the wrong answer and the failed quiz.


Though I got a feeling it might be too far to even say the screen appears as anything. There is only the screen.


Maybe a wrong answer is Right. The screen. 🤔

Not quite. 


6 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What makes you so inspired to study?

This question would be the same as this one…

1 hour ago, Phil said:

So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 

And would have the same answer. 


8 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

I experience a lot of pessimism and boredom when I encounter the sort of questions these school exams might have

And the answer to my question would also be the answer to this question.


8 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

And I don't think you would get far in university studies un-ruminating. Cause it's not scientific.

this I would agree with, but for a different reason.


9 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Isn't a scientific paper really just... A lie? 🤔

No, it’s the truth. Like the ant.

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On 4/24/2023 at 10:11 PM, Phil said:

So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 


I have no idea.


For some reason that is the appearance. But why? I don't know.


What even is an appearance? "As if but not really"?


Totally baffled. Thanks for the great question to contemplate.


There must be an effortless way.

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On 4/24/2023 at 9:11 PM, Phil said:

So why in the hell do I need to sit here and memorize these facts / answers? 




This attitude also recognizes what some people have called the 'like from like' principle, which says that anything coming from God must be like Him.


I don't know.


There must be an effortless way.

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