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An interesting quote


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"Sickness is just an attempt to deny eternal life. It's an attempt to defend against the truth. The truth is you are immortal."


That makes sense to me. I was in the hospital today taking an EKG because of arrhythmia. I was sitting there and wondering about that quote. It does make sense that sickness is some sort of denial. I'm sure there is no birth, arrhythmia and death in the Real World. It has to be me denying the Real World. It must be a veil, a hiding place from eternal life. It's my own choosing.


But why do I deny it? Why do I hide? Why do I choose to see birth, sickness and death?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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