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Her: Tall but thin, pretty, she just looks so fucking fragile

Him: Tall but not too tall, but muscular, beard, face of just a fucking typical asshole, of course poorly dressed because all this guys are just fucking stupid.


I was walking behind them and I was just flowing inside with rage. And you know what happened? The fucking guy gave a small slap to her ass. The girl replied to him in a child-like manner like she is 5 fucking years old, whining to him that don't he do that again. 

My god, why the fuck are you so fragile and weak?? Didn't you grow up? How do you don't have some fucking self-respect? You are an adult for christ sake. 


I'm telling you, this type of couples make reality a bad place. I fucking hate them with all my heart. If there were no consequences I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet inside one of each heads. The girl weak and fragile, the guy asshole and mediocrally strong. Fuck both of them. You make reality shit. Fuck you.

Posted (edited)

That’s a couple with a huge polarity between the Masculine and the Feminine.  Many couples enjoy experiencing polarity.  Usually it’s not all the time.  Polarity is they key word though.   It’s one of the principles behind why opposites attract.  The Feminine is the small, weak, child, surrender.  The Masculine os the big, strong, adult, competitor.  All of us have a bit of the Masculine and Feminine.  What couples do sometimes is they like to experience the emotions caused by exaggerating the polarity between the Masculine and Feminine.   This creates a huge electric charge almost and is exhilarating sometimes.  It has to be experienced to understand and value.  You might have the Feminine in your shadow based on your dislike of what the woman was doing.  Or you might have the exaggerated Masculine and exaggerated Feminine in your shadow.  But there’s a reason why these exaggerations are done in relationships — to share the thrill of that polarity.  It’s something couples can do together.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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