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Investigating Direct Experience & Self-Realization, Awakening, Enlightenment.


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In accordance with direct experience there is no experience of people or humans whatsoever. 


There is perception via being two spheres. 

There is thought via being the lens-sphere. 


Thought attachment is the thought ‘person’, ‘people’ or ‘human’ appears, and is believed to match or describe - perception. 

Then it’s presumed you are a person, and that is… suffering. 



As this thought attachment, this illusion of ignorance reigns and emotional guidance remains suppressed, a remedy is sought in an outside world, an objective reality. 


The belief, the misidentification paired with the intensity of emotional suppression is so seemingly strong, that the illusory experience of conditioning, or, ego, attracts in kind, and a “teacher shows up” of the same ilk, reinforcing the illusion of ignorance (innocence), creating ‘deeper’ suffering & delusion with complicated conceptualizations. 


Therapists, medications, retreats, books, videos… on and on. 


Yet as this all plays out, wether ostensibly for a day, a week, months, years or a lifetime… in accordance with direct experience, you never actually moved, learned, became or awakened, because in accordance with direct experience there is no experience of people or humans whatsoever. 

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Some fundamental direct experience pointers…


Awareness of thoughts. Notice you, awareness, are not ‘in’ thoughts, but are aware of thoughts. You are the ‘space’, the awareness, in which thoughts as it were, appear. 

You, awareness, are infinite and therein can appear as anything - yet can never actually be “inside of anything”. 


Perception = ‘Now’ (only). Perception occurs directly as this present moment - and there is no exception to this regardless of any implications or contexts or contents of any thought. Thoughts might reference a past or future, but perception remains immediate and this is true without exception.


Perception appears without any thoughts appearing. Thoughts appear as if labels or interpretations of reality - only seemingly obscuring reality.


Direct experience / perception is immediate, vivid, visceral aliveness. Thoughts (which seem to be) describing direct experience -  are not actually describing.


Feel ‘inward’, deeply into sensation. Attempt to find any actual separation in sensation. Try to find any actual border, edge, beginning or ending of sensation - of aliveness. 


Then, as no actual separation is found - ‘see’ that perception is also Aliveness. 


Aliveness is not of a body. Aliveness is appearing as perception, and the thought “body”. 


This (perception) is thing-less. 


This is not “a screen”. 


There is not “someone at the other end of an internet typing”. 


There is no “electricity”. 


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