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What Is Nondualism? What Is A Nondualist?


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The term nonduality essentially means “not two”, or, “no second”. 


Is nondualism (‘not two ism’), actually… an ism? 

Is the ‘ism’, and like wise the ‘ist’ - the ‘second’, which ‘not two’ points out, there isn’t?


How & why do the terms nondualism and Nondualist arise?


What are the implications? 

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Non dual means not two like you just said. It's not a thing. 


Nondualism/nondualist is used when it's believed that nonduality is a thing. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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10 minutes ago, Phil said:

The term nonduality essentially means “not two”, or, “no second”. 


Is nondualism (‘not two ism’), actually… an ism? 

Is the ‘ism’, and like wise the ‘ist’ - the ‘second’, which ‘not two’ points out, there isn’t?


How & why do the terms nondualism and Nondualist arise?


What are the implications? 

Just my instinctive awareness analyzing the thesis.  Everyone can make up their own mind, just saying what my brain sees coming out of the topic. Patterns of behavior I have navigated for 6 decades experience.


Creation of vocabulary to manifest reasonable doubt for generations ahead keep believing life isn't self evident.  In the great detecting of cause and effect, lets pull out the 7 degrees of separation.


How, why, which, what, where, when, who(person, place, thing) is being insultated from the rest isolating an issue during time all things are mutually evolving now.


Universal binary code is a duality zero or one. More than two sides of an outcome with 8 bilion residents adapting at the same time.

Edited by solereproduction
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Non-Duality isn’t a structure, philosophy, or practice, an ‘ism’. 
Nor is there an ‘ist’ which understands or doesn’t understand, or practices or doesn’t practice an ‘ism’.

The terms Non-Dualism & Non-Dualist arise from assuming Non-Duality to be about a something, a ‘ism’ & or an ‘ist’.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

The term nonduality essentially means “not two”, or, “no second”. 


Is nondualism (‘not two ism’), actually… an ism? 

Is the ‘ism’, and like wise the ‘ist’ - the ‘second’, which ‘not two’ points out, there isn’t?


How & why do the terms nondualism and Nondualist arise?


What are the implications? 


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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