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Road To Recover Instinctive Honesty Lost In Relative Time Semantics


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I have yet to meet anyone willing to change the mind society gave them after birth and so I have to accept the ridicule I received standing my time as just an average reproduciton mutulaly evolving in plain sight aware time is stationary to my body compounding differently forward from how I arrived to be eternally seprated now in plain sight.


I am dealing with people trained for over 400 generation gaps to think beyond Pandora's Box. To imagine the impossible is possible for their relative reality's sake for the greater good of making dream state of minds possible until extinction event occurs and those governed won't ever know the signs of that arriving in the day to day living believing in an afterlife and tomorrows defending the humanities.


How does eternal life work when only evolving forward here now?


I have posted enough on this site, those that have read my posts seen the answer. It is within each person's brain but not available in what each character of realtiy believes possible.


Reasonable doubt is just that, excuses to never accept life in real time.

Edited by solereproduction
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I ask myself if I am the only reproduction left honest enough to discuss life outside what humanity believes possible?  Lot of threads addressing no self and duality but anyone ever considered duality comes from senses of sight where each person looks at what everyone else sees also. those not deaf hear same sounds but listen differently because each has to adapt at the same time to same total sum actions and reactions with mutually evolving in series parallel time. i.e. personally adapting now.


Social relative time is the simultaneously here since conceived to replace previous 4 generation gaps adding oneself to the mix of living as a species still evolving forward one at a time that began with inception of original generation gap that eventually became those achieved 1 of 16 great great grandparents to each great great grandchild linked to their 2nd generation offspring, 3 generation being the great great grandchild's grandparents.


Where has instinctive honesty gone?

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I have to say there is a universal constant to passive aggressive behavior denying life in plain sight thninking they aren't denying life in plain sight by using syllogism in a debate to turn other persons winning arugements against them using reasonable doubt as planned obsolescence.


A person discusses self evident genetic evolving by the numbers present and the person protecting reasonable doubt will respond, I don't understand what you are saying.


When that doesn't work they start listing all the variable theories and theologies suggesting it cannot be self evident because billions of people throughout history cannot believe it does.


then intellectual rules of engagement always side with character counts and genetics is just one sole at a time.  majority wins.

Edited by solereproduction
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23 hours ago, Phil said:

You might like this…


American version of Channeling without doing all that personality changes like separate souls visiting.  She is still a fan of mind over matter, uses reasonable doubt to her advantage over others trained since birth to doubt natural timing to evolving here now.


Her great awakening came in feb 1986. mine was personal experience dealing with double standards all the time and it came in 1982. The concept of my original idea bloodless Armageddon I started in late 2006, I renamed Intellectual Armageddon around 2016.


Publishers won't print my work, so I went message board and give it away for free.  Doing something different. Not capitalizing off reasonable doubt.


If it ever works maybe I would get a Nobel Peace prize for dicovering what self evident life does in real time.


doesn't look like that will turn out either since people Like Al Gore and Brarack Obama got one for misdirection.

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11 hours ago, Phil said:


I don’t really know anything about her. I just meant the work. Especially the turnarounds. It’s powerful stuff. 

I was discussing the work, but I guess how she was presenting it is all that matters.  Reborn intellectual minds really abandoned their conceived brain to believe real is just imagination and possibilies are actual life to people of character.



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My job as an ancestor is protect my ancestry. My ancestry's job is to assure the species continues evolving forward one lifetime at a time balancing out forward now as total sum remaining in plain sight of one another as genetics always eternally separated numbers of the food chain still alive adapting to space here in this atmosphere specifically where they geographically live adapting to the moment here now.

I understand everything you avoid saying. My eyes see forward, my ears hear to the sides, my skin and smell cover the blind spots. Memories reflect the past, current situations show life never stays what it was again.

future is just evolving forward now as individually part of the universe here. Not a mystery if one eliminates false possibilities living exceeds the moment here.

Gee, intellectual power of suggestion is the great Satan of Eternal Hell self inflicted within this species by persons within each ancestral lineage. Collective souls of reasonable doubt legislating morality, legality, situational ethics to favor chain of command middle class from 1st worlders and 3rd world savages being 2nd class citizens.

Alpha, beta, omega. gaseous, liquid, mineral. hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame leading mayhem, madness, misery playing 2nd class citizens against 3rd world savages each generation gaps since dawn of civilization to current events ALL RECORDED IN HISORY OF OMISSIONS.

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1 hour ago, solereproduction said:

I was discussing the work, but I guess how she was presenting it is all that matters.  Reborn intellectual minds really abandoned their conceived brain to believe real is just imagination and possibilies are actual life to people of character.



The way the ‘turnaround’ aspect works is what you’re saying about others, you essentially ‘turnaround’ and see that it’s what you’re saying. Like instead of ‘reborn intellectual minds really abandoned…’, the consideration would be ‘really abandoned…’., or, instead of ‘I understand everything you avoid saying’… ‘what I’m avoiding saying is…’, etc. ‘The work’ is in doing the turnarounds though, not in commenting about her or the work. 

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

The way the ‘turnaround’ aspect works is what you’re saying about others, you essentially ‘turnaround’ and see that it’s what you’re saying. Like instead of ‘reborn intellectual minds really abandoned…’, the consideration would be ‘really abandoned…’., or, instead of ‘I understand everything you avoid saying’… ‘what I’m avoiding saying is…’, etc. ‘The work’ is in doing the turnarounds though, not in commenting about her or the work. 

got the feeling I am being set up again. 


Self evident cannot be described in real time with a "no self " seeking discovery of how and why everything is evident all the time forms are never same shape as arrived when departing.


Evolving is a process where everything that is anything specific from sub atomic material to the whole universe evolving as displaced now is a self in total sum here.

single atoms become combined characteristics to molecular elements to the chemical periodic table.  That accounts for all the nuclei that sustain evolving forward here inorganic or celluar and the rest of the subatomic matter saturates the vacuum between atmospheres of unique specific planets like Earth having life hang in the balance of total sum reached here now.


Change one's mind is a turnaround I agree, but what was a mind(obedient brain to power of suggestion) before it was a soul mentality?  fertilized cell, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, toddler learning to mind traditional values of their previous 4 generation gaps contributed 93.75% their unique fertilized cell evolving forward now.


I think beyond my trained to imagine life beyond my time evolving here now. that "no self" you admire.  ready for my second warning now.



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17 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

Self evident cannot be described in real time with a "no self " seeking discovery of how and why everything is evident all the time forms are never same shape as arrived when departing.


Evolving is a process where everything that is anything specific from sub atomic material to the whole universe evolving as displaced now is a self in total sum here.

single atoms become combined characteristics to molecular elements to the chemical periodic table.  That accounts for all the nuclei that sustain evolving forward here inorganic or celluar and the rest of the subatomic matter saturates the vacuum between atmospheres of unique specific planets like Earth having life hang in the balance of total sum reached here now.


Change one's mind is a turnaround I agree, but what was a mind(obedient brain to power of suggestion) before it was a soul mentality?  fertilized cell, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, toddler learning to mind traditional values of their previous 4 generation gaps contributed 93.75% their unique fertilized cell evolving forward now.


I think beyond my trained to imagine life beyond my time evolving here now. that "no self" you admire.  ready for my second warning now.



I have no idea what was said there or what you’re talking about. 


17 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

got the feeling I am being set up again. 

Not at all. I’m not really sure what that means either. Or what the ‘again’ implies or points to. The work can be applied to that, to the belief you’re being set up. 


Utilizing Byron Katie’s method and tools is just a suggestion. If you want to check it out, check it out. If it’s clarifying, it’s clarifying. If you’re not interested, or if there’s no self which could be interested, cool. 

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36 minutes ago, Phil said:

I have no idea what was said there or what you’re talking about. 


Not at all. I’m not really sure what that means either. Or what the ‘again’ implies or points to. The work can be applied to that, to the belief you’re being set up. 


Utilizing Byron Katie’s method and tools is just a suggestion. If you want to check it out, check it out. If it’s clarifying, it’s clarifying. If you’re not interested, or if there’s no self which could be interested, cool. 

Going to try again to break through our failure to communicate at the same level of understanding what I understand about evolving in plain sight and you believe true to reality.


common time since conceived to one's specific ancestral displacement.  Binary code of zero or one, never happened compared to did or does exist before or currently here.


Now I ask you to imagine time as an immovable objective and evolving as a perpetual changing total sum arriving next for every individual object occupying space now.


I am sure you are well aware of kinetic flowing energy and potential energy and what built static charged potentials.  Now for things to be individually here there has to be common event horizons between details never same form shaped upon arrival as combinations of atoms and chemical molecular elements that are the physical things that sustain forms occupying time now.


Again wht is a phsycal self but one of a kind positions within the whole of everything here nothing has no room to occupy space between inverting results from erosion to decomposition of each 1 cycle present as a whole evolving sequence never ends because molecular results decompose back into original atoms to become combined again into inorganic results of gaseous, liquid, mineral content eroding into combned organic results ther replace previous additions of ancestry forward each great great grandchild that evolved into 1 of 16 great great grandparents and siblings that didn't add anoter generation forward.


Again economic rule of 72  using DNA instead of currency yields.  Evey conception carring combined DNA from previous generations gaps making each addition unique from any other within their species or mututations done for a couple reproductive cycles a natural disaster does to a food chain geographiclaly home to each ancestral variety within a species globally present.


I am describing the whole evolving process inside out, not defining it as it has been since dawn of civilization creating he humanities governing outcomes tomorrow only arriving today.


Your way of thinking is looking back into the core of separation, I am seeing being separated in series parallel flow of adapting to space specificlaly me since conceived. 


Your seeking no self is comparing kinetic 0 or 1 and since birth you were trained to follow suggestions living cannot be limited to genetics eternally separating your time occupying space now.


this is where What the Bryon katie's works were about with tunarounds, change one's intellectual mind hurtured after birth  and navigating by instinctive brain the evolved nucleus of one's fertilized cell. Kinetic conceived sole battling one's nurture contextual soul created after birth.


Society demands a person pick one to save humanity with and punishes anyone using the other not complying to power of suggesting life cannot be limited to eternally separated here.


The cause and effect to human self inflected mayhem, madness, misery since dawn of civilization and into tomorrows arriving current events.

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6 minutes ago, Phil said:


Ya lost me at levels of understanding. If what’s desired is to be understood, the turnaround work is really great for that imo. Again though, it’s just a suggestion. If not interested, no problem. 

you're evolving in space mutually timed apart as ancestrally positioned here.  I don't care how old your are, what generation gap you are in, your body is as unique as the original ancestors arrived that 8 billion humans remain from.


Time is unyielding.  Evolving yields the compounding changes done and continuing forward in real time and every human being has been compromised to giving up all they were since individually conceived to replace their specific previus 4 genertion gaps for some ideas what humanity can do tomorrow.  


It was all done within the species.  

Edited by solereproduction
add context to clarify life's specificity to evolving forward now.
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5 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

you're evolving in space mutually timed apart as ancestrally positioned here.

Even the first sentence there. I have no idea what you’re saying is evolving, or what space is that I’m in, or what times apart means, or what ancestral positioned means, or where here is or what that means. It just seems like gibberish. 🤷 

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

Even the first sentence there. I have no idea what you’re saying is evolving, or what space is that I’m in, or what times apart means, or what ancestral positioned means, or where here is or what that means. It just seems like gibberish. 🤷 

"seems like gibberish" is an opinion that you cannot believe what I said.  Now search your "no self" why your "oneself" doesn't want to know about?  Power of choice has its own dark side an enlightened mind represses for their intelelctual soul's sake.  


Everyone wants peace, but at what sacrifice


I think with the simplicity of right and wrong ways to navigate living as eternally separated in plain sight.  Morality, legality, ethical scenarios block that conversation in debating tomorrows outcomes arriving today.

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10 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

"seems like gibberish" is an opinion


No, it's not an opinion. "Seems like gibberish" mean that something seems like gibberish. That is not a statement of opinion or judgement, which would be "that is gibberish".


95% of everything you have posted on this forum, seems like gibberish.


There isn't a single person on the face on this forum who can decipher what you are saying because you are not writing text that can be understood. You're not using proper language.


Tomorrow-last year fifteen rotational non-axis eighty lasting great white eventually separated time-off fillings.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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17 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


No, it's not an opinion. "Seems like gibberish" mean that something seems like gibberish. That is not a statement of opinion or judgement, which would be "that is gibberish".


95% of everything you have posted on this forum, seems like gibberish.


There isn't a single person on the face on this forum who can decipher what you are saying because you are not writing text that can be understood. You're not using proper language.


Tomorrow-last year fifteen rotational non-axis eighty lasting great white eventually separated time-off fillings.

Here is some priceless information you call gibberish:


Stop deceiving yourself first, and you won't be fooled again.>Context for thought since life only evolves genetically changing population forward now, one ancestor at a time from here as total sum generations gaps left adding the last great great grandchildren arriving now..

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