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Great channel I wanted to share, it resonates a lot with the topics discussed on this forum 🙂 .






"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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2 minutes ago, Orb said:

Great channel I wanted to share, it resonates a lot with the topics discussed on this forum 🙂 .






Your higher self is empty. Your lower self is full of drama queen 🤣🤣😍😍😎😎😎 joking joking ♥️♥️♥️

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 lol. This person says things similar to you, like how everything will be forgotten after self realization 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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On 1/21/2023 at 9:36 AM, James123 said:

☺️☺️ Identical for everyone. Not special ☺️☺️☺️ we are all same ☺️☺️☺️

you aware what generates uniqueness between everything sharing the moment evolving as individually alive in series parallel displacement never staying same form since arriving one's fertilized cell?


Living is a spontaneously here, simultaneously adapting, at the same time, same atmosphere, specific to geographical point of occupying time here inhabiting space now.


Evolving is an ongoing process, evolution is a theory it cannot be self contained to numbers present, and it always has been.

Edited by solereproduction
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1 hour ago, solereproduction said:

everything sharing the moment evolving as individually alive in series parallel displacement never staying same form since arriving one's fertilized cell?


Living is a spontaneously here, simultaneously adapting, at the same time, same atmosphere, specific to geographical point of occupying time here inhabiting space now.


How do you know? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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15 hours ago, James123 said:

How do you know? 

I studied my own time living and watched how I never stay same details again, neither does anything else in series parallel changes taking place currently.  evolving is an active process, not a theory measured in relative time scenarios.


4 corners of evolving one at a time on a level moment nothing stays the same again.  series parallel time, spontaneously alive simultaneously ancestrally displaced now.


that is how I know from personally experiencing I have never remained same details twice.  


there was this old saying I heard "So goes a man, so goes mankind.".  Now take the Lord's prayer and the line asking god not to lead people into temptation and deliver us from evil.....


look at the letters of live and evil, reverse psychology at a subliminal level.


Power of suggesting life exceeds existing in plain sight is the greatest temptation to ignore now has always been eternity socially creating mob rule scenarios silencing individual brain from navigating time being alive in series parallel displacement.


the original sin of human intellect. Denying now is eternity.  See, God is molcular migration of how the universe exists perpetually balancing out diffent total sums universally present as specifically evolving when individually here.


7 degrees of separation.  how and why each what, where, when, which, person, place, thing mutually is occupying space in plain sight.  Only God knows isn't completely accurate.


Serenity is knowing what never changes and what never stays the same twice.

Edited by solereproduction
correcting my usual typos,
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56 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I studied my own time living and watched how I never stay same details again, neither does anything else in series parallel changes taking place currently.  evolving is an active process, not a theory measured in relative time scenarios.


4 corners of evolving one at a time on a level moment nothing stays the same again.  series parallel time, spontaneously alive simultaneously ancestrally displaced now.


that is how I know from personally experiencing I have never remained same details twice.  


there was this old saying I heard "So goes a man, so goes mankind.".  Now take the Lord's prayer and the line asking god not to lead people into temptation and deliver us from evil.....


look at the letters of live and evil, reverse psychology at a subliminal level.


Power of suggesting life exceeds existing in plain sight is the greatest temptation to ignore now has always been eternity socially creating mob rule scenarios silencing individual brain from navigating time being alive in series parallel displacement.


the original sin of human intellect. Denying now is eternity.  See, God is molcular migration of how the universe exists perpetually balancing out diffent total sums universally present as specifically evolving when individually here.


7 degrees of separation.  how and why each what, where, when, which, person, place, thing mutually is occupying space in plain sight.  Only God knows isn't completely accurate.


Serenity is knowing what never changes and what never stays the same twice.

Do not trust the knowledge and knower. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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10 minutes ago, James123 said:

Do not trust the knowledge and knower. 

I trust believers will never admit they were always aware of what they ignore in good faith to ideologies are better than living simply adapting to the moment here.  Reality imposes penalities for insubordination, treason, blasphemy regardless the promises of better tomorrows offered to those complying to rule of law currently enforced.


A great grandchild cannot change what they mind even when arriving as 1 of 16 great great grandparents without being shunned by own family, exiled by their own community, executed for not beleiving reality is more than self evident evolving in a body never same details twice since arriving a fertilized cell.


Again absolute power corrupts absolutely since power of suggestion controls human behavior of each added great great grandchild cradle to grave to ignore living as eternally separated in plain sight.


there is the mutual conundrum of humanity.  Everyone never accepts life in real time, I changed my mind in 1982.

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49 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

I trust believers will never admit they were always aware of what they ignore in good faith to ideologies are better than living simply adapting to the moment here.  Reality imposes penalities for insubordination, treason, blasphemy regardless the promises of better tomorrows offered to those complying to rule of law currently enforced.


A great grandchild cannot change what they mind even when arriving as 1 of 16 great great grandparents without being shunned by own family, exiled by their own community, executed for not beleiving reality is more than self evident evolving in a body never same details twice since arriving a fertilized cell.


Again absolute power corrupts absolutely since power of suggestion controls human behavior of each added great great grandchild cradle to grave to ignore living as eternally separated in plain sight.


there is the mutual conundrum of humanity.  Everyone never accepts life in real time, I changed my mind in 1982.

What about when you realize there is no such thing as mind?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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14 minutes ago, James123 said:

What about when you realize there is no such thing as mind?

minds physically exist because ancestors choose to perform as citizens to ideology, therefore mind power of suggestion.  so minds do exist but in the process of making social minds happen ancestors have to sacrificie understanding their ancestral position adapting to space oly timed apart now.


That mind over matter phisosophy.


Those in charge make it next to impossible to disprove the idea now isn't eternity factually.  You have to stand against academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, social justificaitons that ever generation embraces all all anyone needs to believe to save humanity's promises of better tomorrows than genetics delivered now.



so to have a "civil" war within your own species it has to be fuaght same way it was designed into fruition historically.


Instinctive brain has the advantage here. Brain was created within fertilized cell to each ancestor occupying space now. A mind is preconditioned after birth historiclaly punisihing anyone that resists power of suggestion commandments factually defining life cannot be limited to evolving currently being genetically eternally spearated in plain sight.


So, what can one reproduction do against 8 billion others that won't accept life in real time.  Use cyberspace free message boards to reach inot each brain using the site.


Unknown to me which person reads what I post, responds to my posts, ignores my post.  I spark the dormant awareness to proportionately alive.  A person spending decades believing won't change what they believe instantly, so I whittle away at reasonable doubt every social iorder is built upon and doing so I cover all 5 generation gaps at the same time.


I discuss the whole, not compare divided parts against one another.  That is why I call it Intellectual Armageddon.  It physically harms nothing, but it does rattle the foundations of organized doubt in this atmosphere.

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