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Conscious creation vs doing "good" in the world / science.

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I have some difficulty in my mind when looking at the need to help the climate vs not paying attention to it and focusing on other things i want to create. I am considering going into some work doing calculations of where people have the possibility of saving the most resources / energy. But on the other hand, people and myself are able to consciously create their own reality, so it it necessary to try to help something that is that big, and that is ultimately a belief (since none of us actually has a clue whats going on with the climate, we have to conclude and believe things)? A big reason for doing that sort of job would be because i would like to help, if not for that i might want to do something different. 

So i guess im a little confused if we are all manifesting/creating in a world of boundaries or not. 

Edited by WhiteOwl
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@WhiteOwl First off, if I haven't told you already, "Welcome to the forum!"😊

Anyways, I feel that ppl are drawn into what areas need them the most or that would fit them best. Like, I would never have been drawn into anything regarding climate.

Not because I'm an asshole and don't care at all, but it doesn't spark a fire in me that would motivate me to want to do that. However, other ppl I'm sure it does. I am a nurse (now doing QA/coding) and I'm sure many ppl wouldn't ever do that.  See?

I say do what you really have a passion for or you won't be happy and over time the choices change sometimes and that's okay too.

I'm really not sure if I answered your question, but I enjoyed writing this, lol. 🤣


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@FaithI feel very welcome 🙂

I like the analogy with being a nurse, that makes a lot more sense. I just realized maybe ive put environmental work on some pedestal. We are all contributing in the fields we are drawn to, like you said.

Yea i think my question does boil down to being afraid of not choosing the thing that makes me the most happy. But like you said, its always possible to make a change.

Thank you for your reply, enjoyed it also.


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Nice! Glad I helped. I've also found that changing careers is sometimes a part of evolving as a person. What you were drawn to as a 20 yr old may not be what you're drawn to as a 40 yr old.

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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On 3/23/2022 at 9:13 AM, WhiteOwl said:

So i guess im a little confused if we are all manifesting/creating in a world of boundaries or not. 

One way to put it… there’s one lens and one world. The lens makes it seem like you’re in the world, which makes it seem like there’s more than one lens. World is perfection (made of if you will), and we’re always changing it no matter what we do. I agree with doing what you’re drawn to, what you love. Also, climate change is a co-creating endeavor. And for one drawn to it, a passion and career. In both situations, the personal and the world if you will, it’s about equanimity & alignment. Perfection can never be perfection. ‘And here we are’. 🙂

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