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Everything posted by Ges

  1. @Reena Nobody of importance. Don't mind me. I'm not gonna stay for too long. Cheers.
  2. @Reena I can't believe I kinda missed you. Haha! It felt refreshing reading your posts again. God bless you.
  3. Couldn't imagine being you even in my wildest dreams. Lol.
  4. Nope. Love is a lie and a delusion. It is exactly the opposite of truth-- self-deception at its finest. Truth is the most absolutest of self-interest at all costs. And love just happens to be merely one of those occurring "costs" at certain times, so to speak. But you're all yet to realize. Be warned. The truth has been spoken. Lol. πŸ’…πŸ‘°πŸ¦
  5. Jesus dude! So disappointed in you lol.
  6. Step1: People need to stop worshiping authority. Step2: People need to start listening to reason. Step3: I'll be on Actulaized if you ever decide to come back there.
  7. Resorting to power when empirically defeated is a sign of weakness and ego 🀫🀣
  8. For those who don't know what a flying monkey is: https://narcissistabusesupport.com/red-flags/use-flying-monkeys/ "The term β€˜flying monkeys’ is another way of saying β€˜abuse by proxy’ or having someone else do the bidding of in this case a narcissist. The term flying monkey was coined after the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz that were under the spell of the Wicked Witch of the East, to do her bidding against Dorothy and her friends." πŸ€€πŸ™‰πŸΌ
  9. Then how come I did apologize about the other posts that I acknowledged were inappropriate? πŸŽ…πŸΎ
  10. That's a narrative that you've constructed by misconstruing the original context, dear πŸ’˜ Phil was talking to me originally. Mandy was defending him (a mod who replied to me first). Dave and I are good. blendinginfinite was defending Phil (a member/flying monkey who replied to me first). You were defending Phil too (another mod who replied to me first), by projecting this story of being pissed onto me. I reflected and found out that my way of interaction was reactive, but I denied being pissed. You kept projecting that I was pissed, told me you were sorry about the electrical problem that I had, and I ignored that and thanked you πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸŒ Conclusion: My story holds up. Your story doesn't βœ¨πŸ€—
  11. After reflecting, I sadly conclude that your perception is wrong πŸ€™πŸ˜ΈπŸ’• What you are calling "trying to start trouble" is basically two events: The first event with that person, I don't want to talk about that anymore. The second event with Phil and his never-ending "trying to reach clarity" even after clarifying time and time again that I answered his original question πŸ§β€β™€οΈ The rest is just you and other people chiming in and telling me that I'm wrong etc. and me replying to some of your comments, entertaining your feedback and changing some of my behaviors. But when I reply to you and you don't like it, you make it to be all about me, the evil devil who is starting trouble. Not too convenient of a narrative to construct about me, if you think about it, is it? πŸ’… Basically the same cult dynamics that we used to see on Actualized where the admin can do no wrong and the mods immediately jump to his defense, and let's not forget about the flying monkeys πŸ˜πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ Apparently, cults don't necessarily form consciously or on purpose. It's almost like the natural trajectory of any hierarchical structure that humans build 🀣🐳
  12. I can read, and think, too πŸ£πŸ‘» Take what you like and leave the rest πŸ’«πŸ‘€ It's no trouble for me, but people are different πŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸ›°οΈ
  13. @Phil Thank you πŸ˜πŸ’˜πŸ’Œ
  14. It looks like you are asking, but it also seems you aren't really. Probably it doesn't matter. Enjoy life, that's better πŸ€ͺπŸŒπŸ””
  15. I am thinking there are a lot of dolls here 🚦✨
  16. You seem so sure. Not really sure why πŸ‘’πŸ₯°πŸ€© Self-reflection is exclusive to me, it seems. That's fine, it never hurt me anyway βš“πŸ‘¦πŸ‡
  17. How to deal with snowflakes online? Use emojis after each statement to make them sound less serious, less masculine, more feminine, etc. You can use inappropriate emojis as long as they look colorful and positive, or at least not negative. The more emojis, the better. For example: I don't like you πŸ™ˆπŸ’°πŸŒˆ The weather looks great 🦷πŸ₯²πŸ‘Ύ How are you doing? 🍦1οΈβƒ£βœ‚οΈ Thank you dear πŸβ›²πŸοΈ Emojis are probably the main antagonist of the masculine frame. Many girls lost attraction after I started using them while texting. Now I keep it to a minimum, and let them use all the emojis that they want. For online forums, the masculine frame is not necessary, and many people here seem to have a shadow/traumas around masculinity in general, so emojis are fine as they decrease the overall masculine tone of the communication. I'll just attach random emojis to the end of each statement from now on πŸ½οΈπŸ‘—πŸοΈ
  18. I would say that it's none of your business. You don't have to moderate my intentions or motives.
  19. Feedback: This is super annoying. It's clear what Joseph meant. Yet, you twisted the meaning around and made sarcasm out of it, while pretending that you are being serious. You deflected the point with this straw-man answer, as you always do. But of course, this is all my projection, etc. False. My roommate is sleeping right here in the same room, while I'm awake replying to you. Don't be surprised. That's just typical Phil twisting around of the point.
  20. I think I have had a milder version of this experience a couple of times during prolonged meditation sessions. Lost the sense of "I" and became the surroundings, so basically awareness. Though, I didn't experience this shock state that feels like a vegetative state. But it was clear that I was not here in the middle of the experience, behind the eyes, nor really anywhere.
  21. This is gold! And it is what I actually like the most about you, man. I am not even a philosophy student, nor do I read philosophy books or anything like that. But in your videos, you make it sound super easy, it's all clear and understandable. You give me clarity. Every time I watch a video of yours, I notice that I gain some more clarity. The same happens every time I read one of your posts. I think you should market yourself some more to gain more audience, because the value you provide is enormous, imo.
  22. Tarkin is a too specific reference for someone that hasn't watched any of the Star Wars movies.
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