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Posts posted by bnyland

  1. 1 hour ago, Someone here said:

    Why?  Truth can't appear as a thought ?

    Thought is the veil that hides truth.


    You're using the veil to tie yourself in knots, hoping that the veil will finally show you the truth.


    It won't . But what it will do, is keep veiling

  2. 3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Because solipsism is thinking . Without thinking there cannot be solipsism. But guess what ..that's also the case with nonduality.  All worldviews must be skewed.  However..some are more representative of truth than others . Solipsism is a very powerful Epistemological stance . You can never ever disprove it .


    Because disproving anything involves more thinking, and thinking is NEVER truth.

  3. What do you want from the relationship, how do you expect her to behave differently?


    Neediness might work with certain people that either have unmet needs themselves or are the carer type. But when  you evolve and don't have the same needs anymore, or they feel like not being that caring anymore, what happens to the relationship?


    Sounds like you need to date lots more women, find some that satisfy your perceived needs for a while, then move on to the next one... Until maybe you progress and clarify where the neediness is coming from. What are the beliefs that manifest as neediness? Unworthiness, fear of abandonment etc? That's for you to explore.

  4. 18 hours ago, nuwu said:

    I am not sure what the drama of yours is about. However, apathy, pseudo-nondualism, blatant dismissiveness, over-emphasis on superficial harmony over the legitimate well-being of extraneous perspectives, passive-aggressive entitlement, belittlement, perpetuate nonchalant maceration of victims, sophistry (particularly strawman, status quoism, appeal to naturalism, short-sighted disregard on fundamental principles | needs, oxymoronic exclusion of perfect actuality based on symbolic misinterpretations, …), all of such contentions are inappropriate rebuttals to the stoic distressful states of vulnerable entities. Refusal to provide simple concrete solutions to traumatized agents optimizing their slim chances of self-imposed perspectival survival, is iniquitous. I will not reiterate my request. Please delete my account.

    So many complicated words and sentences to justify rolling around in your self created victim mentality mud puddle.


    Once identified as a victim, it is very difficult, statistically speaking, to get out of it.


    Better luck next life.

  5. It's easy to feel equanimous when there's no perceived suffering, right? That's why real equanimity is especially tested in difficult conditions.

    You have 2 choices:

    - the hard path: disidentify your bodily sensations and resulting mind states/thoughts from your identity, which means that even if the body/mind is perceived to not feel alright , that's not who you are, so while not ideal, you could live with these sensations for the rest of your life, and use the ups and downs as teachers

    - the harder path: getting clean of your addictions. I used kratom for about 5.5 years, and took me about 6-8 months to feel 'normal' again after giving it up. I learned people used kratom to get rid of opiate addictions, I only used it recreationally in the beginning, until I realized I was addicted. At one point I was using valium/diazepam to make the withdrawal symptoms easier to manage 🙂 I feel lucky that I never got addicted to valium, I can go for months/for ever without taking it, especially since giving up caffeine and my sleep is amazing now.


    Today I'm in day 5 of quitting caffeine and it seems to be much easier than quitting kratom. While the kratom effects are obvious, caffeine in my case is quite insidious, in that after a few days with no caffeine, thoughts appear of "surely it's not as bad as I thought", "millions/billions of people drink it everyday and they're alright", and next thing I know I'm back to 4 cups a day and poor sleep...


    Both kratom and caffeine affect the body in multiple ways, the most important seemed to me the dopamine effect. Caffeine apparently puts your body in fight-or-flight mode which can feel amazing for the modern person, but after a long time (ab)using it the additional stress catches up to you. If you need motivation quitting caffeine, look up various caffeine quitting videos on youtube...

  6. 7 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Maybe his teachings will evolve.  Leo fell off the map though because of his overuse of psychedelics.   When he started believing it is an alien mind that is when it was realized that he was never truly enlightened to begin with.  He used drugs to reach mystical states- but it is like accessing a bunch of cheat codes.  It is not an authentic awakening.   There are none to currently rival his material up to the infinity of Gods video.  Beyond that it became a hodgepodge. 

    Are you saying the "Infinity of Gods" is canon? I stopped following him with that video, didn't see how an Infinity of Gods is any higher state when compared to Infinity. Sure, Infinity can imagine an Infinity of Gods, of Alien Mice, of ... anything. But is that not implied in "Actual Infinity" ? 


    Then he really lost it with the Alien Mouse God, I mean, if he considers that as "higher" than his previous awakenings, how deep would those previous awakenings have been?

  7. 8 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

    However in this it is also realized how scary the fact that it is all illusory- all created by your hungry and passionate mind.

    Agree with the rest, however, never got the 'scary' part of awakening. You may say that I didn't go deep enough, but even on 5Meo DMT (re-contextualized after "coming back" and the ego reassembled as "highest state, Godhead, superconductor for consciousness etc") fear never came into it. If anything, I found it always funny when coming back, the cosmic joke, wait until I tell "the others", they'll die laughing 🤣

  8. On 5/3/2023 at 1:14 AM, Phil said:


    You’re just avoiding the truth and not meeting people where they’re at. Kinda living in your own bubble. If you persist with your neo-advaitan teaching style of ‘it’s just a thought’ we’re gonna have a problem and I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. 


    In our previous Zoom group calls last weekend I wanted to chime in with "Don't you people get it? all these concepts you seem to be tangled in are just thoughts!"

    I got the impression from your words @Phil that this is the essence of the so-called teachings, but you were somehow held back from saying it out loud because of... reasons.


    "It's just a thought" may seem dismissive or spiritual bypassing or whatever, but in my case this was the most decisive and liberating insight. And I'd guess it would be so for most "people". 


    There's no liberation until the nature of thoughts is seen. Until that is seen, any "insights" or any concept-based, mind-based constructions will be just more of the same, adding to "the veil", "the person", "the spiritual ego". You may get better feeling thoughts and believe progress is made on "the path", until some life situation is generating more beliefs in the illusion, and the person will maybe try to fight it with spiritual concepts, not realizing that the concepts themselves are the trap.


    Thoughts are not bad, or wrong, they are what they are... but most people do not know what thoughts are, they take them for granted, and believe that thoughts present reality as it is... the belief in thoughts is the veil. 


    Story time... 6 months after breaking up with my girlfriend (and thinking I was doing pretty well getting over it), one morning I couldn't get out of bed for the amount of thoughts that was invading my mind about that past relationship ("I should have done this, she shouldn't have said that etc"), I was simply paralysed for about an hour... until the "thought" (ha!) appeared... wait a minute, all these are just thoughts, they have no real power, unless power is given to them... which I was doing for the past hour, believing that the thoughts represented actual reality. This thought was so liberating that immediately all the contracted energy stuck in thoughts was released and there was only this, the sensory perceptions, bodily sensations... a mini awakening if you want to call it that.


    So @Phil my impression is that your teaching style lends itself more to dismantling concepts and observing thoughts and sensations and feelings which are not thoughts etc, (forgive me from improvising), whereas @Robed Mystic points more to the actuality of Absolute Truth (as opposed to the concept of..., but people that haven't realized the "it's just a thought" awakening would interpret horsie's words as the concept of Absolute Truth).


    In the end, you're both pointing to the same no-thing with different methods, I found both to be extremely helpful.


    anyway... my 2c.



  9. 1 hour ago, Phil said:

    I’m here asking for simple practical advice or tips for realizing ”no self”, and you’re suggesting that’s by “being a teacher”?  How would “being a teacher”not be being “a self”. How’s that supposed to help me realize “no self”!? What you’re saying seems like nonsense. As if you don’t even actually listen to what you’re saying. Like you’re very confused and contradicting yourself and not even caring to notice.

    So you ignored the only important post of mine, right after the one you quoted ? Grand.

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