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Posts posted by Ceejay

  1. 11 hours ago, Phil said:

    This doesn’t mean there aren’t directly experienced interpretations to the contrary. It just means those are beliefs.


    11 hours ago, Phil said:

    Bring thought to rest, and all will be revealed to you effortlessly.

    "And then what?", or "what next?" -- are also thoughts with an assumed subject.


    11 hours ago, Phil said:

    An emotion is felt, but a thought is believed, and so it seems like aversion is other than from feeling emotions.

    So there is no aversion other than an assertion (thought).  The labelling of the feeling (using emotional scale) is a thought, isn't it? But if it is used without it getting in the way, it doesn't get in the way, and represents an aligned thought.

    11 hours ago, Phil said:

    When this is ‘seen’ in direct experience, it is simultaneously seen why everyone does everything they do and does not do everything they do not do. Matrix is made of aversion. Liberation is non-aversion.




  2. 7 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Father son relationships are sometimes like this.  I'm a father and sometimes I am quick to be judgemental.   It's because we want the best for him, but sometimes i have to realize that maybe I'm actually  more worried about what is best for me and not best for him.  But it's a balancing act.  We have to parent but also allow you guys to be yourselves. 

    Yes, agreed.

    8 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

    I would say talk to him...communication is the way to a healthy relationship.  He may want to communicate but doesn't know how to begin.   Try that.  If it doesn't work at least you can say you tried.

    Already tried that. It only creates more discord, and things tend to quickly escalate, with doors being closed and more cut off from each other than before. When we communicate minimally/only-functionally, there seems to be greater mutual alignment.

  3. 2 hours ago, Phil said:

    Sure but what is the actuality of a subject? 


    2 hours ago, Phil said:

    And an object as well?


    2 hours ago, Phil said:

    When it’s said “nothing’s happening”, often it seems it’s heard as “there’s nothing to do” / “there’s nothing to be done”.

    Maybe the implications of the statement "nothing's happening" is not getting fully felt and/or fully explicated.

    2 hours ago, Phil said:

    Then it doesn’t. Our aim here is not half ass satisfaction and manifesting. It’s absolute. 

    Which is unalloyed happiness without subject and object.

  4. 1 hour ago, Phil said:

    The ‘ego’ is very sneaky, in that it is the exception

    How so? Exception to what?


    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Same for ‘he is the judgmental type’.  In what way is that not the direct experience of judgment?

    Admitting this one.

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Could another secretly read my thoughts?

    Another is a thought.


    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    The experience pointed to is possible, yes, but the another and secretly aspects are not.

    Because it is nondual.

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    It’s like with walkie talkies. If the button isn’t pushed at ‘the other end’, no sound will come through.

    Truly - there is no assertion. 

    Didn't get what is meant here. What is an assertion?

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Where do you have thoughts, shadow issues… where does he have numerous psychological issues?

    Likewise where is a / the subconscious that seems to be concerning?

    "Where" as in, can it be pinpointed like something objective? The location of it?

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Is the experience of what’s referred to, or of the thoughts about?

    Are you being grammatically correct, or did you miss any word in between, because I don't seem to get what you meant here.

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    How do you know the aversion is to your father?

    How do I?

    1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Maybe the gripe is, yet isn’t with him?


  5. Just now, Ceejay said:

    My father's toe nails have some sort of infection.. and it is in a weird shape.. I have aversion to this... you know, this feeling of aversion is palpable... and it increases when I try to release my gripe with him...

    Plus, whenever I release my pressure valves.. and beliefs... and become softened with him... he too becomes softened with me (he is a soft guy who loves me) recognizing my state... and this creates resistance in me.. as I naturally act more lovingly towards him... which wasn't typical until this point... (i used to create much ruckus and arguments and I think I am attached to that image or who I was)... 


    Reluctance to let go detected.

  6. I think I have shadow issues regarding my father. He is so restrictive and has numerous psychological issues and is on medication.


    I suspect that I have aversion towards him. Since, both him and me, are "strange folk with strange intuitive abilities"... sometimes when serendipitous or synchronous moments occur... I over-think/over-read that experience to the point of suspecting that my father (and sometimes other people I think as very perceptive) would be reading my vibration... and this includes the secret thoughts that I harbour... or that are being harboured in the subconscious without getting a release yet...


    It's like I feel that I cannot keep any secret.. or secrets cannot be kept... and if someone is highly developed intuition-wise, they can read others' intentions/secrets, albeit they wisely choose not to tell the party concerned..


    This is not a problem, if I realize that my father is not judging me.. but he is a judgmental type, and that is what creates the tension... I know I need to release aversion to my father.. 


    My father's toe nails have some sort of infection.. and it is in a weird shape.. I have aversion to this... you know, this feeling of aversion is palpable... and it increases when I try to release my gripe with him...



    Of course, everything that I said above are thoughts.. which presume a subject-object duality... I know that, and when I am in a meditative mood, such thoughts won't occur... But I said what I said, in this thread, so as to get some insights from others regarding some of this, and approaches to work with this.. or question such thoughts...

  7. In the attempt to "empty myself of thoughts/beliefs" I bump into fantasties/desires, which I could spell out to myself. Then I could ask them the Byron Katie set of questions like: Is it true? What happens when I believe this thought? etc.


    For example:

    I want to move to another city and meet new people.

    Is it true?

    What happens when I believe this thought?

    Why do I want to do it?

    Who wants to move to another city and meet new people?




    Such questions tends to descontruct the subject and the object.

    Therefore, dissolving the very desire itself.

    If the very desire itself is dissolved in the inquiry of it, is that a good sign (that there is nothing then to write on the dreamboard at that time)?

  8. I need 7-9 hours of sleep.


    I have heard Sadhguru say that he usually sleeps around 3-4 hours and that is enough for him. He considers "rest" is important, whereas "sleep" is negotioable. Ramana Maharshi also reportedly slept like 4 hours or something.


    The Zen Buddhist meditators are notorious for sleep deprivation.


    Martin Ball had a sleep crises, whereas his "off switch" got broken and didn't slept for 11 days or something, and states that not being able to sleep is truly hell.


    A spiritual guide of mine slept like 5 hours everyday and meditated/did-yoga for 1-2 hours every morning and says that meditation could substitute sleep to some extent (but not entirely). He also says that sleep is necessary for the consolidation of memory and so on.


    Why do different people need different duration of sleep in order to feel fully restored?


    How much do you need?

  9. 5 hours ago, Orb said:

    The thoughts trigger a fight or flight response and I experience irritation. Feels like a ptsd attack sometimes

    Oh that's what might be happening.


    5 hours ago, Orb said:

    Thank you for bringing this up, it's very helpful

    And thank you.


    5 hours ago, Orb said:


    🙏guess that's how OCD works. Like the thoughts are so disturbing and there's the possibility of it happening forrealz. 

    I guess... and for people who does not have the sufficient understanding and awareness to recognize it as what it is, they might be the ones' acting it out (as in committing some crime) and getting busted.

  10. 5 hours ago, Phil said:

    A shifting of attention from thought to perception and or sensation.



    5 hours ago, Phil said:

    Looking specifically at different objects & textures. Listening intricately to sounds (small and big, near and far). You could even simple say ‘stop’ out loud affirmatively to ‘snap’ attention to sound /perception.


    Singing might be best, as it involves attention on feeling breathing, vibration in the body

    Thanks for these approaches.


    5 hours ago, Phil said:

    Just like there’s a momentum to getting going, there de-momentum of the fizzling out. It’s less & less until it’s gone. 


  11. 5 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

    This is OCD.  And it's OK.  Just realize it is OCD and that these thoughts aren't "real" and then move on.

    Yes, it's not real and knowing that is a relief. Like those shizo images happening to Josh Nash in A Beautiful Mind. But that's an extreme example of course. I don't have that much of a problem. And I think this will cure more as I heal more.

  12. I tend to get intrusive violent, or sexually inappropriate imagery/thoughts... or thoughts about saying something awkward to someone, or doing something harmful... these thoughts happen without my wanting it to happen..


    during my intense period of addiction, I had even intrusive violent thoughts about own self.. now that i am sober and meditating daily.. it has reduced (and possibly is reducing i think)


    I don't act on these thoughts of course.. but they happen sometimes.. I generally try to shun them using my mind.. or make it less sharp by framing it in different ways...


  13. On 2/24/2024 at 9:04 PM, fopylo said:


    My social skills are so terrible that it makes me worry.

    This belief should be questioned. You don't have to socialize the way your brother socializes or do everything like he does. You have your own unique identity and you need to find out your own exclusive method of socialization and style.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    It seems that some kind of relief from those emotions are assumed to be found in death.


    However, at the same time, what death holds is assumed to be unknown.

    I think many folks, including even those who consider themselves to be 'theistic', adopts ever the more fully the materialistic paradigm, and it's resultant belief that "committing suicide" is possible, and all they have to do is to make the body stop breathing and the heart stop beating by any of the various methods. They totally assume that it is the end of life, and there is nothing after that.


    Therefore, as far as these folks are concerned, "what death holds" is NOT "assumed to be unknown." The totally assume that death is THE END.

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