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Everything posted by solereproduction

  1. I don't do a manifesto. I describing genetics evolving as displaced reproduction existing in real time displacement being alive now. My brain navigates with a sense of proportion since conceived to be me in ever changing form arrived a fertilized cell replacement the people of my previous 4 generationslived as my specific 16 great great grandparents, my specific 8 great grandparents, my specific 4 grandparents, 2 parents, myself and 2 siblings , my siblings giving our parents 8 grandchildren along with my 2.. my simblings grandchildren have children and I only became a grandpa in late 2021. Life doesn't evolve naturally by clocks and calendars, that is for making reality work in real time by statitially averaged relative time logistics by longitude, latitude, attitude, platitude of how people behave cradle to grave historically sustaining societal evolution through vernacular tribalism. My honest brain didn't fall prey to power of suggestion. I retained my sense of proportion beyond 4 years old. Been hell these 67 years ever since. I am part of that fabled silent majority not allowed to discuss physical absolutes in any arena of ideas about better tomorrows than genetics sustained so far.
  2. you speak of mind social protocol; I discuss brain activity navigating being alive as physically displaced occupying space now. No intellectual planes higher than specifically evolving centered in one's sole being here now aging without exceeding the moment. Series parallel energy streaming individuals cannot create or destroy the natural balancing sustaining one's time displaced. The self in self-evident time being a unique one of a kind specifically ancestrally relative to the whole population adapting in the same space, same time, while geographically here. You strive for better tomorrows. I want to end the corruption added historically training every great greatgrandchild arriving to believe life isn't limited to adapting to the moment equally displaced as a replacement for one's previous 4 generation DNA donors forming each individuals unique DNA signature in every fiber of their being alive now. To believe eternity is beyond the moment has everyone thinking their point of origin isn't their fertilized cell. Doing that every generation historically has context directing content to follow hypothetical scenarios as all anyone needs to know about to save tomorrows children already limited to being born now naturally. thinking is kinetic navigating a situation taking place, thoughts are static ideas of remembering past experiences being told again and again. Evolving as kinetic changes compounding total sum evolution completed since conceived and everyone arrived from their individual conception sharing space occupying time specifically alive in ancestral order genetically achieved since inception of this species there is no way of putting a calendar date to it. Intellect compares the whole population against the individual parts within. Categorizes results as historical details in context of proper grammar and punctuation. The point I am making is the topic of "no self" is imagined into social fruition by people that want more out of life than living sustains as genetically present. That creates chaos in the natural order of things. Manmade doubts don't do anyone favors over generations of believing life isn't what it always has been.
  3. A mind that follows the debate between which governs life forward art or reality, doesn't navigate space when existing as eternally separated now with life remaining what it has every generation debating what defines who i should be cradle to grave, art or reality, left or right, leaderships or fellowships, male female parents giving birth to male female replacements making up the populaiton all the time reproducitons continue being added now. Brain navigates doesn't interpret, Brain is the organ that works internal funciton to be able to move about in the environment beynd one's ancestral displacement. People need to communicate while eolving at the same time, and that is where a mind develops after birth to exist as spontaneously alive one of a kind mutually evolving in same space currently alvie as the rest of the food chain native to the atmosphere it all works naturally evolving forward in plain sight. Self evident is about everything existing together, oneself is within life being one of a kind never duplicated again in form shaped since a fertilized cell evolving until dead, self. Intelelct is a brains ability to compare past to current events to change behavior forward to remain balancing with total sum never same again. It is a universal perpetual blanacing thing. All kinetics no potential tomorrows, just eternally separated adapting to the moment. Like 0 longitude and 360 longitude same time same place just another rotation complete and human intellect says that is a factual day in the life of living eternally separated now, but society says now cannot be eternity, and it always was and is.
  4. I discovered a universal constant, time is stationary and my sole position of displacement is evolving by compounding events simply added together while changing form since conceived. Creating better tomorrows avoids recognizing time is stationary when achieving goals for tomorrow while never same total sum currently alive. That is the root of all intellectual conundrums of best plans played out by mice and men are doomed to fail for one constant reason. Evolving doesn't exceed the moment here. Given a year to live means one has 365 more rotations of the planet to exist in a body that never duplicated changes added since conceived. Evolving works after death, reversing the process started since conception. Time is the duration of being alive now. Imagine you we're always part of eternity never being the same total sum currently alive instead of thinking the human spirit(intellect) can alter time and space physically evolving as genetics eternally separates current 5 generation gaps left existing forward one at a time like each great great grandchild added so far exists in plain sight. How much time has this species wasted pretending to be exceptional part of the food chain when actually just another reproducing species populating like any other. I lived my first 31 years believing what every human was educated to imagine possible, but something never added up to how my body had existed. Everything never stays the same constantly except intellectual facts people follow for generations or event horizons measuring relative time. Power of suggestion intellectually weaponized against instinctive brain creates doubt of how and why oneself is actually alive while occupying the moment specifically alive never same total sum twice "since" conceived. All my instinctive senses are aware of my displacement being a singularity within the whole and to imagine creating something more than how and why evolving eternally separates genetic results anyother way than life existing in plain sight distorts the actual time one is evolving in now. Fate and destiny exist genetically within an ever changing populaiton. when ancestries give away what they are individually here to intellectual ideas evolving doesn't happen as it has, the greatest intentions to develop a better tomorrow end up sustaining mayhem, madness, misery seeking power, wealth, fame, selling hope faith, charity honoring ideas real doesn't matter and changing how evolving works in plain sight is everything that counts to save career choices of building better tomorrows than evolving sustains now. Simple right and wrong without moralizing established doubt(history repeating itself ancestrally), legalizing economic values established by context over content, power of suggesting life exceeds evolving here now, intellect is immortal, genetics is temporary, time changes everything when nothing stays the same here. Doubt is the great temptation. Tomorrow is the great seductress, Natural World Order is evil, Humanity is God's gift to certain humans to lead them away from understanding their actual time eternally changing form shaped since conceived here now. Satan is an instinctive brain resisting humanity's laws that order ompliance or else eliminated from the family(shunned), village(exiled/excommunicated), traitor to country, blasphemy against humanity. Intellectual relative space time continuum by clock and calendar facts in linear social expectations of better tomorrows through promises made, dedication to possibilities kept ancestrally honored until extinction arrives. See what you imagine possible doesn't hurt anything, until ancestries are typecast into social identities of character on a world stage defying how and why they are evolving here one ancestor at a time. The human sacrifice of biological time adapting as displaced is given into ideas now wasn't eternity and it always has been. Forgiveness is Divine, but it starts within oneself, given to one's own ancestry. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.". That is civility without civic mind dedication to becoming the central authority capitalizing off manifested chaos established 400 generations ago when civilization began developing the humanities are greater than limited to evolving here one at a time. The original sin. Ignoring one's own body is actually existing as eternally separated now. it was nurtured between cradle and grave where living happens between inception and extinction while middle class ancestry is 8 great grandparents down to the 2 parenting each arriving great great grandchild of comppounding DNA arrivals as last generation reproduced in each lineage present. doubt creates inaccurate facts, not right or wrong, just moralizing ethics, legalizing denial, substituting content to have contextual meaning. The mistakes made with greatest of intentions produce eternal hell doing the same thing every generation so that all 5 generations left only learned about social truths used historically forward now. It only takes changing what one minds as real instead of reality. Nothing else has to change how societies function, just eliminate organized doubt used against everyone alive. civil brains outlast civic minds self destructing over who's who ranked globally by power, wealth, fame. Isn't that what you were aiming for as a better tomorrow here in your journal?
  5. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. no. not trying to say anything more than everything I said exactly how most people don't accept life evolving as it does in plain sight. the whole concept of "no self" is the idea intellect is a physical identity without a body to navigate for and a reproduction has no soul without context defining how living should evolve intellectually as a society instead of natural order of reproductions actively alive now. the misleading mind over matter scenario is organized doubt worked historically into current events in every social justification of rationality to "Nobody can know everything socially imagined throughout history. Here is the secret, one doesn't have to learn about everything imagined, just how reproductions are exactly separated in plain sight. What works for one works evertyhing present. So goes a person, place, thing, so goes mankind. The debate is which one thing is everyone focusing on to talk about. Which generation, which species, which singularity mutually timed apart spontaneously present or historically left behind current events never the same total sum achieved again individually present as a whole. Everything divided equally has to be separated at the same time regardless geographical location in the whole universe that singularity coexists. Specificity has a core, if not in one place, then it has to be one time. Space-time relativity of the whole is equal to total sum of all its parts geographically position in ancestrally here now.
  6. Free advice from an evolving sole not lost to the temptation to believe life isn't self evident. Evolving as one of akind is an eternally changing the individual process for being alive conceived to decomposed in a universe of compounding results never duplicated twice. Evolution of ideologies creates possibilties actual evolving isn't really how living evolved and society must train each great great grandchild to defend their previous 4 generations social behavior forward or humanity will fall prey to evil. Life has a simple compounding rule, adapt to the moment or become extinct. Humanity has laws ordering individuals to obey context or else. A human brain is the evolved nucleus of their original fertilized cell. A human mind is what they learned to obey without question after birth. Eternal conflict induced by mankind working against perpetual balancing outcomes. Humanity's fatal intellectual flaw believing now isn't eternity. Silver lining to 400 generation gaps corrupted by the process of ignoring now is eternity, humans figured out a way to cheat adapt or become extinct if they stay honest about living as eternally separated now. I discovered this adapting between all the "alternate realities: and parallel universes suggested in academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, social justifications, ancestral doubt throughout history generating the self inflicted chaos, mayhem, madness, misery pursuing power, wealth, fame through hope, faith, charity believing genetics didn't eternally separated the ancestries existing since dawn of civilization. By body is filled with rage for being deceived my entire time being alive, but destroying the environment ends the ability to live forward being eternally separated now. Self governance starts within your sole displacement and correcting behavior from following a believe until extinction can be corrected same way corruption educated people to stay in character last 7,000 years. Past 30 years my short term memory has turned to crap, but the one thing I never forget is I exist living as eternally separated now. Simple compounding results to evolving while never exceeding the moment here. I learned everything I defend and protect is never the ame results twice. You cannot fear change because nothing stays what it was since arrival. This is how I discovered understanding the concept of the nucleus of my fertilized cell is the brain(organ of my body's central nervous system that controls internal functions to navigate live outside my flesh a body developed around until birth that manufactured my 6 senses. 5 physical and 1 overall sense of proportionately alive = self uniquely here between inception and extinction exactly as displaced and behaviog foward now. Freedom from organized doubt held my ancestry hostage since dawn of civilization by persons within this species. I cannot know everyone involved so I quit remembering what I was educated to believe a greater good and started navigating time as a stationary entity the universe cycles through never repeating what results were accomplished to the point here. Simple compounding results never the same total sum again. Eternal separation of actual reproduction always different forms shaped ancestrally present harnessing energy during the transformations of fertilized cells, zygotes, embryos, fetuses, infants, toddlers, adolescence, puberty, teens, adults, did or didn't become 1 of 2 parents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents, 1 of 16 great great grandparents. Each event works in series parallel time each results is alive in series parallel tine and it doesn't matter plant, animal, predator, prey, asexual, male, female means to reproduce replacements arriving one at a time changing total sum population forward "now.". Thermodynamics. My point here is every brain never stops navigating as a sole results in its populaiton of ancestry and rest of one's species regardless variety within the ancestries populating space now. I discovered a serenity people of character only imagine possible practicing self deception to feel larger than just displaced in their own skin. That is what passive aggressive brain washing does philosophically, psychologically, in theory, in theology, by academia, art, economics, political wings, morality feet on the ground, social consensus protected by insubordination, treason, blasphemy against any reality governing tomorrows today. Civil war doesn't harm reproductions, people just change what they mind using their original nucleus of their fertilized cell nativing space uniquely timed paart now in plain sight. that is how I escape the eternal hell of organized doubt governing humanity now. Your choice. martyr or hero serving humanity. either way one never learns missing links never existed in real time. Just ignored process of living as eternally separated biolgical replacements adapting to the moment here. Peace in your own brain cradle to grave for everyone occupyingspace here and added from now on. Erenity is the limitless ability to stay in balance, until always attempting to tip the scales to favor one idealist over all ideologies working at the same time. Again free advice offered on a free forum, where in the last 16 years I get banned from most forums I join because people that believe now isn't eternity won't tolerate anyone saying it always was. I have always been the odd one out, I evened up being equally alive mutually evolving forward now. I am never alone, for I am empathic to the silent majority.
  7. first question answer, evolving in plain sight. second question, evolving as reproductively here being eternally separated since conceived. third question, what I am is a single male reproduction proportionately alive here among 8 billion others in the same species separate ancestries and the "no self" is intellectual translation of who I could rather be in reality ignoring what I am in real time as where humanity is the exception to eternity being now. But that is just social consensus working every generation forward silencing anyone debunking any reality. Honor among embezzlers of other people's natural time evolving here one at a time in series parallel displacement accounting for each of the 8 billion here in all the time evolving no two reproduction arrived twice. Reason? Simple compounding DNA with last great great grandchild being the total sum of all previous generations adding one's specific linage since inception. Self evident instinctively. Intellect creates doubts, then protects doubts morally, legally, ethically, economiclaly, socially, each generation added changing chain of command over to blind faith loyalists that won't question facts creating missing links to self evident results of each person alive. Honesty prevents mayhem, madness, misery making people reject what they are and die performing who society says they are worth to humanity.
  8. Since dawn of civilization comes the pride of who I become, the arrogance of what we accomplished, and the shame put down on anyone saying reality isn't better than evolving in plain sight. All you franchised realities explain yourselves? Is corrupting every added great great grandchild an over all generations to date a greater good historically to current events as specifically taken place with ancestries existing between cradle and grave genetics eternally separates conceived to birth and dead to decomposed? Means, motives, methods, reasonable doubt, mayhem, madness, misery induced through hope, faith, charity, seducing people to seek power, wealth, fame teaching next generations eternity is beyond being eternally separated now. Academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, social consensus, ancestrally practiced created a physical eternal hell where none existed before dawn of civilization. I didn't start this shit. I quit enabling it in 1982. I can't change what people mind when rule of law is stacked against me in court of public opinion and rule of law defending deniers until extinction event arrives.
  9. this morning I went online in another forum being accused of being gay, in the homosexual sense, not the happy to be alive as me since. anyway I responded like this and it showed me how an actual civil war should be faught same way realities corrupt each great great grandchild added to the species trained to ignore now is eternity with genetics eternally separating the 8 billion human reproductions occupying space now. Which use of the term gay are you inferring? Happy and care free 1890's interpretation or never happy with my gender 1980's version. What society-humanity does to great great grandchildren is evil, live by rule of law. Academia, arts, economics, political wings, spiritual souls, social consensus, ancestrally practicing believing now never was eternity. Always has been here eternally separating reproductions in plain sight. Wrath of God, Satan's Revenge, extraterrestrial implantation or invasion, Reincarnation, Karma all manifested from ignoring genetics eternally separates replacements added forward until they aren't reproduced anymore and extinction arrives at or after that event horizon be it individually never became a parent, ancestrally never became more than a parent after dying(no grandchildren), socially self inflicted within the same species(we are better than any other village), planetary natural disasters. Kinetic self evident evolving doesn't keep secrets from those reproduced one at a time, their brain is hardwired to adapt in the moment here. Vocabulary is softward to vernacular tribalism corrupting life while eternally separated now through simple power of suggestion and psychological persuasion of power we say so and anyone defying US will be eliminated one way or another starting with ridicule, shunning, exile, or executed for crimes against humanity beginning with insubordination, treasom, blasphemy wihtin one's own family, community, ideology serving God and country tis of we the people believe. Stop corrupting every last added generation gap. correct the corruption in previous 4 still alive. that fucking simple and achievable in real time. Intellectual Armageddon never harms a living sole reproduction because a person won't believe now isn't eternity. Always has been in plain sight of never evolving beyond being alive now. Self evident truth.
  10. I discuss thing in the kinetic state of evolving as a single reproduction inhabiting space in series parallel time occupying space as a replacement to the former DNA donors to me being individually alive now. My "self" without the duality of pretending my social identiy is a higher level of evolution. It is just induced energy within by brain due to activity of my body adapting as a sole displacement now. Humanity believes the brain has a portion used for consciousness when moving about everything else mutually evolving separately now, the brain has to work internal operations to move around outside the flesh, and that creates expanding and contracting muscle movements as a whole body working one direction from every other angle coming back at them from contracting results of their added detail movements. My point is induced energies carry over between each motion which creates the energy of awareness of everything outside the body to navigate around. Brain is working 6 senses, 5 physical and the other to compare past with current evolving and goals to accomplish. Genetic self vs social interpretation of who one rather be than just another ancestor being eternally separated now. All within one's own brain constantly taking place. Now what are dreams but memories working the contradictions of social activitiies pretending now isn't eternity and life always has been eternally separated by genetic reproductions here. The eternal conundrum every human ancestor experiences cradle to grave now doesn't change becoming 1 of 2 parents, arriving to 1 of 4 grandparents, etc. Life offers the opportunity to add ancestors, not every reproduction does but due to siblings when one doesn't another one did and the one that didn't doesn't add their specific DNA forward while the DNA donors move forward because of siblings or cousins did. Simple compounding evolving life never survives beyond living in series parallel placement now. thermodynamics working from periodic tables between erosion and decompositon everything changes and nothing is duplicated twice except event horizons mark balancing points between results actively here one at a time..
  11. What it does to oneself figuring out why and how any reproduction exists in the grand scheme of things used against them socially by everyone else alive as a mutually evolving reproduction here that won't accept living as eternally separated now. Discovering the distance between evolving and evolution theory, existing and existence as a whole is just being here now kinetically never being the same total sum twice. Equality in time, not equal in space creates the law of averaging outcomes based upon ever changing toal sum present explains why there is no such thing as fairness to outcomes adapting in the moment here. Also means it isn't a dog eat dog world order either. Survival of the fittest isn't about strongest winds and weakest becomes extinct. Balance exists between extremes, so one must never get involved with polarizing directives selecting a specific interpretation that allows self doubt become a social greater good. Self doubt can be from within or applied upon from external circumstances. One's brain has to understand which it is coming from. inside out or outside in. Evolving works inside out, evolution theory works outside in by the very things evolving inside out. Oops, there is the self evident eternal conundrum of relative time theory measuring life without compounding the separation of genetic results mutually evolving now. But statistically averaging previous 4 generations against arriving replacements one at a time. Look how corruption never ends. By choices made to agree to never accept living as life in plain sight practiced by the very species at war within itself every generation gap added. chaos is self induced, not understanding how and why is a choice to not accepting the specifics of what, where, when, which, person, place, thing only exists as spontaneously here simultaneously which translates into being alive in series parallel displacement conceived to decomposed now. This moment balancing did exist, does, exist, what adds forward next is all accomplished here, where ever here is to each details never duplicated again. Physical eternity every detail has been resulting as part of the cycles never the same twice now. One species has a history of never accepting it ancestrally nor socially and those in charge demnd everyone honor their commandments or else. Gee, now that someone discovered what has corrupted this species since dawn of civilization, how many want to stand against those that will never believe now is eternity with me? my experince in 16 years of trying, nobody of character.
  12. Awareness to memories isn't the same as awareness to your environment and current events. Awareness to what you wish arrives in the future again isn't current events taking place. Actual evolving vs planning outcomes, performing actions to create the end results in a desired outcome. Comparing what did and didn't work before, working what never stays the same now, waiting for results to fit expectations. Perspective is never the same for everyone else than yourself all together limited to evolving in specific time and space present. The great series parallel conundrum. Dealing with spontaneosuly occupying space simultaneously with all other reproductions alive in the last 5 generations left living since inception starte eternal separation of ancestral numbers currently alive by simple compounding DNA connections when actual evolving works while self contained to your own skin occupying space inhabiting this moment here equally as the rest of the universe present. the "big Pciture", now is actually physical eternity in the evolving results present as genetics eternally separating each occupant of space sharing the moment here since combined inorganic and specifically added ancestral displacements. thermodynamic principles working in universal constant results never same details twice and no ancestors born beyond the generation they lived or living forward now. So nobody has the same perspective adapting to space mutually evolving now. Every sole reproduction doesn't have a contextual soul granted by social consensus. But every ancestor is phyhsically a sole displacement occupying time now with a genetic form never same details twice compounding here now. the separation of exponential whole and all its relative parts eternally different now equally existing in plain sight balance depends on everyone understanding the same thing all 5 generation gaps present since there are 30 previous ancestors that make up 93.75% each great great grandchild's specific DNA unique inception to extinction of their species and conceived to no more great great grandchild in an ancestral lineage forward when each great great grandchild never reaches being 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents four more generations after their arrival. Think about it instinctively and stop measuring life by statistical averaging total sum of the past comparing against each added ancestor forward demanding the new arrivals never deviate from establsihed reasonable doubts now is eternity, or else.
  13. Understanding the kinetics of why things exist, how they mutually evolve sharing the moment when occupying space as geographically adapting to time remaining since conceived for one's unique cycle of life changing population forward now. Without understanding how one got here, where else is there to go but always feeling like something is missing and nothing is as everything never the same total sum again, now. What evolving leaves behind as exact results achieved so far.
  14. One should only start believing when they figured out how to understand what isn't possible so as to stay honest about evolving in plain sight genetics sustains eternal separation of current lifetimes occupying space now. again evolving is an ongoing process of compounding changing total sum results present details aren't the same after as arrived here adapting to space mutually evolving forward now. Only separation is ancestry and generation gap since arriving.
  15. I see you are getting angry. I describe kinetic evolving in real time as geneticlaly being eternally separated sharing the moment here as a biological displacement limited to the time I achieve conceived to dead and even after death my corpse continues to never be the same total sum twice now. A brain arrives evolving from the nucleus of one's specific fertilized cell and that organis the central nervous system of one's body cradle to grave same as fingerprints and DNA among the numbers of same species occupying space now. Life doesn't exceed evolving forward here by the current numbers existing as occupying space.
  16. Evolving is an equally ongoing process in real time, evolution is total sum of all evolving achieved here now in compounding effects that affects each reproduction alive here, in the shared moment living as genetically eternally separated now. It is your instinctive brain navigating the situation you are never same total sum again. Past ends here, future only developing forward now. Nothing real stays same details again. Why life is always this adapt or become extinct moment. Peace in understanding how and why each what, where, when, which, person, place, things were or are actively existing here currently evolving in plain sight. the whole is always total sum of everything universally present evolving as displaced. self evident beyond shadows of doubt. Like it or not, believe it or not. It is what it remains evolving forward in plain sight.
  17. I invented my own symbols to help me escape reasonable doubts. My path to instinctive sanity from the multiple universes and alternate realities manifest by reasonabl doubt life is part of eternally separated now. Universal constants combined from gasous, liquid, mineral content combined from at lest 120 universal molecular constant forms shaped outside the basic atoms. 6 degrees of separation on 3 axses of motion individual existing spontaneosuly present simultaneously happening all the time not canceling each other out event horizons. the infamous 24/7 rotating planet, revolving around the star, spiraling within a galaxy specific to universlaly present never reproducing same details twice. Eternity Gasous spinning, liquids balancing out center balancing, minerals filling the gaps between to either a cube or a sphere of equal proportions between inorganic universe never stationary and time never existing for each result ever established one at a time. red is north, pink is south, green is noon, blue is midnight, uellow is dawn, orange is dusk, Six sides of perpetual balancing being part of eternity in plane sight. Inorganic and ancestral Ancestral can fit into inorganic but organic would never exist without inorganic existing first. Also compares philsoophies against psychologies within intellectual engineered realities governed by reasonable doubt. next comes the separation between ancestor and ancestry showing the missing link science and religion never discovered or kept secret, and it doesn't matter here which other than figuring out a way to end corruption forward. male, female, thinking outside a box, saving humanity, ancestral displacements specific to ancestor and ancestry combined. the all white figure I will show with colors next, but the other two with 13 points of reproduction one can achieve cradle to grave without becoming 1 of 16 great great grandparents and the complete 31 positions of ancestry that occur between being a great great grandchild nd becoming 1 of 16 great great grandparents after death. Eternity sustaining life goes on with or without oneself. Removing intellectual doubt now is kineticlaly eternity/thermodynamics in motion evolving everything here taking place naturally not new world order. Anyway, let me review, red is north, pink is south, blue is midnight, green is noon, yellow is dawn, orange is dusk each ancestor sees adapting to the moment here each male, female, great great grandparent, great grandparent, grandparent, parenting, arriving replacements each generation forward there existed 16 originals, 8 second generation, 4 3rd generation, 2 4th generation, each arriving 5th generation, 6 degrees of separation corrupts the 5th added forward now. the final chapter in understanding instinctive ability to navigate life as a specific one male adapting to eternity leaving nothing the same again now with me only part within it. Peace is obtainable when one species quits playing pretend now isn't eternity. My guide to discovering real evolving in actual time existing without a doubt society imposes on people of character. Actuality of being real kinetic genetic me. Same works for anything universally present inorganic or ancestral, It is a universal compounding result going on in plain sight as eternally separated in displacement here now.
  18. What triggers me is the actions of others that patronize me politely never accepting what I discuss is actual evolving as displaced, then respond with hypothetical scenarios of anything else is possible honoring potential possibilities rather than evolving done in real time. It is intellect trying to over rule adapt or become extinct methods naturally sustaining life between predator and prey food chain, adapt or become extinct time staying alive in series parallel displacement as conceived to replace one's previous lived and living 4 generation gaps living equally inhabiting the moment specifically occupying space. I keep finding myself one brain against 8 billion other ancestors of my species saying it isn't possible to be eternally separated with time standing still and results never duplicating forward now. Simple compounding DNA, works in economics why not ancestral positions regardless species native to this atmosphere. Any other atmosphere on any other planet in any other solar system or galaxy has the same restrictions of mobility beyond their own atmosphere because it is the native environment that holds all current generations, eliminate last reproduced arrivals and extinction is the rest dying off never another generation gap arriving one at a time as it does currently changing population in plain sight. When theories and theologies operate society without a complete total sum understanding of the whole evolving process, no part of suggesting life exceeds what it does now is completely accurate facts to any reality doesn't accept the whole process genetics physiclaly eternally separates the lifetimes present.
  19. Follow common event horizons shared by every individual reproduction of the food chain existing at the same time occupying space evolving as individually here. Dawn, noon, dusk, mid night, new moon, first quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, solstice, equinox, solstice, equinox changes seasons 8 times per revolution around the the star this planet 365 rotations, 365 rotations, 365 rotations, 366 rotations until the 400th year since Gregorian calendar went into standard time relativity measuring the changes in populaiton existed since inception of the species. However in 2000 they didn't drop February 29 being the first 400th year since the calendar was issued to measuring space currently never same results twice. theories and theologies suggest real isn't self evident, and it always was. genetic evolving doesn't exceed series parallel time displaced occupying space when ancestrally present now. I am not asking anyone to believe me, watch for yourself using your own body since concieved to replace the 30 lifetimes to your specific 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents you being the 93.75% their combined DNA part of you being 100% different from any toher ancestor ever inhabited the moment here. thermodynamics supports everything i LISTED ABOVE. EVERY REALITY DEFIES IT OCCURS. I didn't create this chaos, I discovered how it never gets corrected by design from within the species against the species.
  20. passively avoiding the topic and redirecting the conversation is done by those in charge of keeping people on track with power of suggesting nobody can know everything about self evident results evolving forward now because humanity never teaches it as factual.
  21. Ancestors choose sides, there is no choice by the conception to be added into living here now. Lot of people hate their ancestry this much to keep reality going forward until extinction event arrives.
  22. I understand you agree to disagree without agreeing to disagree. When you ever get ready to change your mind, my post explains access to understand your nucleus of your original fertilized cell when conceived to be all you been since. Doesn't matter what reality you preferred.
  23. Paranoia is an instinctive state of brain aware of what society will do to one for defying humanity in any social reality defended by those obedient to power of suggesting life is more than reproductions mutually evolving ancestrally forward now in plain sight. Defy any reality and one is met with insubordination, treason to state of mind , and blasphemy against staying in character for one's eternal contextual soul recorded in history of living in a first world order even as a second class citizen is better than third world savage or less than an intellectual mind homo sapien. anyway, Paranoia is socially induced into individuals doubting humanity is all anyone needs to know factually seeking actual way evolving works naturally here. Anyone ever imagine what life would be if time didn't change evolution, but evolving eternally separates current results living here now? Why is balance necessary and why do people seeking leaderships or fellowships tend to self destruct every 6 generation gaps as a society.
  24. Not just on this thread. Character is role playing, characteristics is existing in plain sight in real time evolving genetics sustains as eternally separated in plain sight of mutually existing now with a body never same total sum achievents here again. Constant changing "compounding' results individually done in series parallel positions. Every reality is specifically what it does converting ancestors into contetual souls manipulated by power of suggestion. Everyone does it. I just explain it honestly being done. So yes I know you play a role. I adapt to space limited to evolving forward here. No name calling or flaming, blaming, shaming. Just explaining how things became so chaotic in real time existing as universally perpetually balancing outcomes arriving next, now. peace of mind, serenity can be achieved. Just understanding the means corruption never gets resolved each generation added forward here every great great grandchild the combination of its 4 previous generation contributors of existing now. Correcting compounding human error. Nothing more and nothing less. May the mistakes ancestrally practiced here never reach next rotation of the planet, tomorrow. I cannot stop what people choose to believe, but I can explain what everyone historically ignored saving humanity. Never harming a equal human ancestral reproduction in the process. peace can be real.
  25. no. I describe the numbers attached to kinetic evolving an ever changing population where it doesn't matter the species, there are no exceptions to the universal constant. Time doesn't move. What exists in form and shape is kinetically never same details again. look I explained why today is never yesterday again regardless what facts came from the international dateline. Series parallel compounding results, evolving by specific displacement perpetually balancing so nobody will ever know the total sum ahead, just that the total sum will never stay what arrives here now. Balance is the key, rather than trying to tip the scales to favor one interpretation in charge of everyone else believed possible and nobody will explain what isn't possible. Genetics will never exceed mutually evolving forward now. Humanity hasn't learned that history lesson yet.
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