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Posts posted by arjuna

  1. 3 hours ago, Cathal said:

    You feel guilt because you are still identified to your cravings as yourself. In the case of anger, there is just view attachment to not eating meat. This is what Buddha talks about with wrong view and that's why there's always failure in educating people so we tend to give up and think 'I shouldn't try to help, it doesn't work' but the reality is there is an energy of anger from subtleto gross (think blue haired screaming femboy) to protect ourselves from being wrong and take elation in being right, this is delusional.  I agree on the inspiration, but to be an inspiration you cannot be insecure about what you're saying because you will never really say it and touch anyones heart, because it's not really deeply in your heart but created in thought form like all wrong views, @arjuna Like I said, I myself would devour a cow for my survival, but I sit here 20 mins from a supermarket overwhelmed with abundance and health options, why would I then choose to eat an animal if I don't need to? Because, it tastes good, and I prefer the pleasure of my taste and my social comforts over the suffering from the cow - my emotional centers have not really been formed enough because I am not confronted with that suffering - the antidote here is to investigate the truth about these things and give up the lies that bind us to our comforts and causes suffering to ourselves and so many other beings.

    Wtf is that about the "blue haired screaming femboy"?

    That sounds a little bit more than mildly judgemental/offensively stereotypical.

  2. 7 hours ago, Cathal said:

    Being enlightened doesn't mean you suddenly comprehend japenese and spanish, nor do you comprehend the impact on the planet by eating meat.


    There is no 'bad' karma for eating an animal, there is no bad karma inherent in anything. But once you become aware that you no longer need to eat meat, that you can easily supplement anything your body needs, then what remains is you are choosing to cause suffering because you prefer your comfort over the right action. Now, karma comes in, cognitive dissonance arises, you start lieng and bullshitting all kinds of things 'well this holy man does it so I can do it' ' this culture believes this so I can do it' 'i'll be sick if i don't eat it even though it's just something i choose to believe instead of actually researching it'

    I mean cmon man, grow up and make your own choices


    Make your own heart your authority

    People in tibet, because of the difficulty in growing a variety of vegetables, have a hard time not eating meat because their bodies have become so reliant on it.  Some people really cant be healthy as vegetarians.

  3. Some cultures believe that eating an animal is the best thing you could do for it, as you are elevating its karma to a human level, which is above animal, consciousness wise, by involving the animal in aiding you by giving you strength, its seen as the highest purpose an animal can serve.  But thats probably also dependent on the intentions and means of killing the animal.  I dont usually eat meat because the industry is ghastly, but i dont think eating an animal is bad on its own.

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