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Isagi Yoichi

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Everything posted by Isagi Yoichi

  1. I dont care about what i think about jesus but i got the similar shit same responses its like they feed it to them while they're babies
  2. Here its the fucking dogmatic christian narrative. Why yes lol
  3. Who else is a son of god? Anyone who convey a message is a son of god?
  4. @Phil Why Jesus is the son of god?
  5. @Jonas Long Jesus how is jesus son and god at the same time lol?
  6. am i allowed to talk about religions here , am I breaking rules?
  7. yeah in the quran its the same too the word our is used even tough its god who is speaking
  8. why christians say Jesus is god and the son of god at the same time? I was talking to a Christian he said that our nature as humans is not divine as Jesus lol. he also said this lol : "Because we are made in the image of God and are not God himself. ‭Genesis 1:26 ESV‬ [26] Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Message #christianity"
  9. like you spoke to a person who didn't like what you said and physically attack you
  10. you used communication but they're still stubborn and do what they want so it clearly didn't work
  11. how would you deal with the people who will fight you? so they won't accept the system you want to implement and will do everything they can to destroy your system what will you do in that situation?
  12. I got a dream today where I returned back to high school and forced to take tests
  13. 😂 you're funny why are you quoting a reply not made for you lol
  14. Certainly, let's engage with this perspective and challenge the notion that the analogy of a night dream falls flat in the context of understanding spirituality and manifestation. Firstly, while it's true that in a night dream, one might not always have conscious control over the events or contents of the dream, the analogy serves to illustrate a deeper point about the nature of reality and consciousness. In a dream, even though the dreamer may not consciously control every aspect, they are still the creator of the dream world and the experiences within it. Similarly, in waking life, while we may not have direct control over every external circumstance, we are still active participants in shaping our reality through our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. Furthermore, the analogy of a dream highlights the fluid and malleable nature of reality. Just as one might learn to become lucid in a dream and exert greater influence over its unfolding, individuals can cultivate awareness and intentionality in waking life to manifest desired outcomes. This process involves aligning one's beliefs, desires, and actions with the vibrational frequencies of abundance and prosperity. Regarding the assertion that the only way to attract wealth is through persuading others to give it, it's important to recognize that abundance is not solely dependent on external factors or the actions of others. While interpersonal relationships and collaboration certainly play a role in the acquisition of wealth, the principles of manifestation suggest that one's internal state of being and vibrational frequency also significantly influence the flow of abundance into one's life. In this view, attracting wealth involves more than just convincing others to provide resources; it entails cultivating a mindset of abundance, aligning with the frequency of prosperity, and taking inspired action towards one's goals. This approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of all phenomena and empowers individuals to become active participants in co-creating their reality. In summary, while the analogy of a night dream may have limitations in illustrating the intricacies of manifestation, it nonetheless offers valuable insights into the nature of consciousness and the role of perception in shaping reality. By expanding our understanding of spirituality and manifestation beyond the confines of conventional thinking, we open ourselves to new possibilities and pathways towards realizing our desires and aspirations.
  15. @Joseph Maynor In delving into the profound depths of existential philosophy and metaphysical speculation, one must navigate the labyrinthine intricacies of consciousness and the illusory nature of the self. At the core of this inquiry lies the paradoxical notion that consciousness, in its boundless infinitude, transcends the confines of individual identity and temporal existence. The assertion that consciousness is infinite challenges the conventional understanding of selfhood as a discrete entity encapsulated within the confines of personal identity. Instead, it posits that the experience of selfhood arises as a transient phenomenon within the vast expanse of consciousness, akin to a fleeting mirage amidst the boundless desert of existence. In this paradigm, the notion of abundance transcends its conventional interpretation as a material accumulation or attainment. Rather, abundance is redefined as the inherent richness of being, manifesting in the limitless potentiality of consciousness to express and experience itself in myriad forms and manifestations. Moreover, the assertion that there is no separate self of thoughts challenges the dualistic notion of subject-object duality, wherein the observer and the observed are perceived as distinct entities. Instead, it suggests that the experience of thoughts arises within the boundless field of consciousness, devoid of a separate knower or observer. To overlook the actuality of reality by clinging to the belief in a separate self is to perpetuate the illusion of individual agency and control. In truth, the notion of a separate self as the "knower" who comprehends and manipulates reality is but a facade, obscuring the deeper truth of interconnectedness and interdependence. Furthermore, the denial of a separate doer challenges the conventional understanding of agency and volition. It suggests that the notion of personal agency is illusory, as all actions and manifestations arise spontaneously within the infinite expanse of consciousness, devoid of a discrete agent or actor. In this cosmic dance of Creator-Creating-Creation, the boundaries between subject and object, knower and known, dissolve into the ineffable mystery of existence. Each moment becomes an expression of the infinite creativity and potentiality inherent in the fabric of consciousness, unfolding in a symphony of cosmic proportions.
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