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Isagi Yoichi

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Everything posted by Isagi Yoichi

  1. No bro this is so wrong ethics are just what society people communities religions etc consider true and acceptable. ethics exist as a fundamental value as psychological human beings it will exist with or without religions.
  2. I haven't read anything yet a lot of posts lol I have been off the internet for a few days
  3. Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
  4. How to recognize a belief that I didn't recognize it as a belief?
  5. How to know what are our unconscious beliefs? does it lie in the thoughts we have every day or does it come out as the situation requires bec we are not usually aware of them so they come out in different situations?
  6. A Theory of Human Motivation (Maslow) A treatise on White Magic The Way of Disciple Awakening Intuition Frames of Mind The Theory of Multiple Intelligences The Laws of Human Nature (Robert Greene) Toward a Psychology of Being (Maslow) Reality Transurfing (Vadim Zeland) * Great book highly recommended* Increase Your Energy (Frederick Dodson) the 50th law (Robert Greene) No More Mr. Nice Guy Big Magic Mastery The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths To Greater Self-Knowledge The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security You Can Read Anyone: Never Be Fooled, Lied to, or Taken Advantage of Again The Prince (by Niccolo Machiavelli) The Origins and History of Consciousness (by Erich Neumann) The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (by Julian Jaynes) People Patterns (by Stephen Montgomery) Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The reservoir of consciousness Interaction Essentials: 3 Proven Strategies to Remove Communication Barriers
  7. Today I bought a board pen to write on my board for the first time in a long time I wasn't using it as a dreamboard. Anyways I wrote a bunch of stuff and I noticed they are all materialistic stuff should I erase them after they are manifested?
  8. It's great anime its rare to find people who like it though so underrated your taste in anime is shit exactly as your videos lol
  9. should I share my dream here? i want to keep it private to myself
  10. yeah but i prefer other dreams too, I said some of them are unpleasant
  11. Bec you don't have to deal with human bs, the business world or any kind of hustle with other people must be full of shit.
  12. did you know what your dreams were telling you? yeah, this is actually what's happening I have the opportunity to escape the cooperate world and work for myself. am I sabotaging myself with sleeping or bec I feel like I do not have to deal with shit?
  13. I don't know exactly but I feel like I am healing I feel very good after the dreams this thing is going with me recently in the past two months. I feel feelings I think i had in the past and forgot about them they are too good or maybe bec i am always depressed idk
  14. I have this experience during the week where I sleep most of the time, like I wake up go drink some water then return back to sleep I can't count how many dreams I had but every time I go to sleep I must dream and I hate it when I wake up I wish I could keep dreaming forever. I don't have any responsibilities to do I finished my exams and I have no desire to do anything or achieve anything nothing is interesting enough for me to devote time to when I can just go to sleep and dream every kind of dream I have this weird ability that I like my dreams even if they are not so pleasant most of them are pleasant but I like all of them. is it about my unconscious world that I am exploring that makes dreaming amazing more than anything in life?
  15. I have rewatched hxh more than twice already, the blue lock anime is so great the best sporting anime ever
  16. I have watched most of their animes spirited away is the best
  17. I have watched all of them except naruto. probably I have watched 160+ animes my profile pic is from anime blue lock great anime
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