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Posts posted by Alexander

  1. 32 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


    I see what you mean. Maybe.




    The only "real job" I've had when I was maybe 17 or 18 and my parents thought it was about time. So I got a job in this cleaning company. Cleaning schools, stairwells, construction sites.


    I worked there for 4 or 5 days. Started experiencing such depression and social anxiety that when the fifth day came, I just couldn't go and messaged the company that I'm sorry, can't do this.


    It's been over five years since and nothing much has changed.


    So you don't have any income on your own but like to drink alcohol and indulge yourself into spirituality.On your spot I would leave spirituality all together and focusing on improving my life first.To be empty vessel that experiences life since there is no self is foolish way.

  2. 1 hour ago, Phil said:


    It’s quite natural and innocent to believe thoughts about yourself are true or that anything is actually known about yourself, happiness (‘energy’). By questioning, inspecting & dispelling beliefs, the happiness you already are is unfettered, uncovered. 


    As far as the dreamboard, write something small and simple, just to see that indeed it does show up. 



    Is using OneNote good for this?

  3. 21 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


    Paradoxically, in taking the stance of the observer of drinking, there wouldn't be drinking anymore.

    Are you keep drinking? Justification of non duality,never heard that before.There are meds that can help you with leaving that addiction behind.Best of luck.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Given the unconditional nature of reality, arrogance is really no more than a holding of conditions, beliefs.

    Humility is then, dispelling the beliefs. 

    Resulting in a match; unconditional & unconditional.


    Does that make sense, and do you agree?


    More so, this holding of conditions is no more than the defending & protecting of a finite separate self which doesn’t exist.


    Are you seeing what I’m getting at here?


    For bonus points…. Is it seen, that there is and never was a “Phil”, and this is in actuality unconditional reality, trying to help you manifest, what you (so to speak of course), actually want?

    Yes it is seen thanks.I might attract unconditionally loving woman yes!

  5. 13 minutes ago, Phil said:

    As God, without any meaning behind any of it… why not a carrot, a tire and a toothpick?


    Also as God dreaming it up, why haven’t you dreamt those up already? 

    What are you waiting for?


    Also as God dreaming it up, why are you dreaming up schizoaffective disorder?

    Why not just dream up that isn’t the case?

    I have no explanations and I think 🤔 no one has.But I will give you benefit of a doubt and believe it is all 💕🙏 coming.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Phil said:

    With respect to manifesting what’s actually wanted, and reality being unconditional fubu… maybe there’s potential for ‘reality checks’ here, as to if your experience is a match to what’s wanted. Arrogance & humility might play a key role in that acknowledgment. 

    I still didn't manifested all that I want and I don't believe in manifesting at all.I believe I am God dreaming all this shit up without a meaning behind it all.So arrogant or humble doesn't matter to me.I am mostly humble but when I get stuff that I want I will be arrogant.

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