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Posts posted by bardh

  1. On 5/10/2022 at 10:14 AM, Forza21 said:

    Bernardo Kastrup scientist, who was lately talking with Rupert Spira, and his explanation:

    What do you think about it?

    I think logic would never grasp it, and Bernardo still thinks in the roam of "separated entity" with "experience" , "life "etc.   Nevertheless i'm curious what's your approach to it?

    I think he means that we all are conscious so we all are the same. He doesn't say this specifically  - he tires to argue that reality is made out of conscious(he also calls it mind) but we cannot experience because we have DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder), and it is not like an experiential DID but it is of the sort that we don't realize we have. If we didn't have DID we can hear each other thoughts and be one with reality and so on. I suspect this idea came to him - to put it simply, if you let conscious produce thoughts automatically, most of the thoughts will be similar to different individuals.  But my idea is that, these type of thoughts can loop and end on themself without the need of another individual. So, I don't think he has a good understanding of what conscious is - because in his state it is mixed with thoughts. I suspect in Bernardo Kastrup case consciousness rest with thought as in Rupert Spira case consciousness rest into itself as a feeling. I still find it interesting his approach to reality and meaning. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:



    You had me there. 


    But then there's no crazy sh*t that people won't say spiritually. There's a guy on YouTube who claims he's God and can cure all disease. 



    In my case the crazy shit that happened to be was that I believe that non duality is attention. This is the main problem with spirituality from my perspective: There is this idea I don't know if you saw in YouTube it talks about how things are just appearing(Ariana, Occult Theo) there is almost a personification of the subject(attention) in their face when they speak about it. In one of the YouTube video - one of these guys actually is spontaneously reflecting and at some moment hears a baby the baby in the park crying, he says its not a baby crying it is just a sound, he says that the only real thing is this subject. Of course there appears to be a baby. This a complete misunderstanding. Complete naivety. This is being self aware of the subject! Even back when I commented this video I intuitively understood and shared with him that he was wrong. 


    So, after this follows that yourself projected shits are strictly yours and you should fix it against the background of non duality, attention, subject or whatever you want to call it. Or, you are the subject and the projected shit doesn't exist as doesn't the baby in the park. Yes you are the subject, yet you are self aware, egoistic, emotional, have a body in this world, feel pain. The subject is unreachable by self awareness because it is what everyone in the world is. That is the reality. Y


    My believe now is that we will not ever pin point non duality, attention, subject. We can of course be self aware about these things: Were is my attention? How am I feeling it? How does my body feel? Or be part of certain meditation that I have put above? You can have a strong of egoic self which you are self aware, or all of this thing at the same time. Super important to do this type of work. Most important is to understand, what has not stopped "working" during the entire time we spent doing this stuff or living life is consciousness. Its not like the moment we started meditating it got on and then it got off. This is believing in reality.


    One can push himself into his thoughts and create a mini reality. My joke in the previous comments. One can make a "framework" this is thought space, outside is walls, there is my dad my mother, this is my girlfriend, someone is feeling sad when someone feels sad I should tap on his shoulder. Did I tap too hard? Is this tapping in line with my framework? Or say, enough with "frameworks" I will not create any framework this is all illusion. Still the same misunderstanding framework or not framework. Whatever. In the meanwhile, this is all created within the consciousness/reality we all share. My believe now is that, If there is a need for a framework it will be created itself. 

  3. @orb I am joking ofc hyhy


    My current honest thought on this matter is that all your experience, thoughts, perception, beliefs, sense of self are "generated" "automatically" and I believe that they are healthy. No matter what you do you cannot stop it.  It doesn't really matter how or what you practice it will just more of the same thing.


    I think Mandy mentioned somewhere: you can have your cake and eat it too.

  4. On 5/15/2022 at 5:03 PM, Orb said:

    In meditation, thoughts still arise, and any attempt to not think is more thinking. 


    What's going on here? 


    When will source stop appearing as thoughts?

    Okay, so sit in meditation and if a thought arises, stop it, even if you you start having a headache, force your way through. Really try this. No thoughts mode. Whatever the thought might be, stop the thought. Clench your jaw and to also stop thinking outload. Thinking out loud and thinking will not happen! Keep your eyes open - this is the most important part of this mediation. If it is becoming hard just breath your way through. No thinking, no thinking outload and eyes open. Only breathing. Do this for 3 min.


    If the thinking back after you have finished the meditation then you have not successfully dissociated yourself yet. For sure, 3 min is not enough to get yourself dissociated you need something like 2-3 years of practice. If it comes back go ahead and try more times until you get dissociated. If you think that emotion are producing you the thoughts then try clenching your stomach. If this doesn't work then fill yourself with tension and let it penetrate through the place were thought, speaking, emotion, are.  Remember the goal. Once you get to the point that your only memories are this place you have now created then you have successfully dissociated yourself.


    Try practicing while you are doing an activity. Direct this practice towards that activity, for example reading. This is also very important part. It has to become your nature.


    Now this is the most important part. Step inside this open place and live through that open space. So this is your new filter. Your new personality.  This is how you relate to others. This is what separates you from the world out there. But it is not the end yet, because this space reaches the walls, the other person's - realize this. You should get rid of the duality this space is creating by going deeper inside this space. 


    You can never leave. I know its sad but you cant do anything about it.  

  5. 7 hours ago, Phil said:

    Experience most fundamentally is that of awareness aware of thought, perception and sensation. 

    Do you agree with this statement / is anything else found in direct experience? 

    In direct experience there is no awareness; yes, I agree with your statement. 

  6. I have tested with smth like Ruper Spira does and its good. I have exp this before but now it feels right for this time. 

    The practice is to let go of controlling non duality or the knowing which arises inside your sense of self. At some point the sense of self it is lost completely or felt.

    This way much more control and ownership is felt compared to just resting as non duality. If i rest just as non duality then the sense of ownership and doing is almost completely lost. For practicing anything i think it is more useful to stay non dual on ourselves. This practice gives a feeling of physical separation  while still feeling part of others, which I think it is useful and healthy. 


    I understand that most of you could be familiar with this but mby it is useful for someone who is newer on this path. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Faith said:

    Yes, through negating what I had thought "I" was including body, sensations, mind/thought, feeling you can "know" what you are by inference. You can not know it, as an object, you can only BE it.  It's a shift in identification, yet still acting your part as a little "me". 



    In terms of experience, IT can be a felt, IT can vanish the sense of I. In terms of identifying with It in experience: It can be small? It can be inside the "I", It can be prior any effort, It can be the surface of who you really feel you are, IT can be inside the super ego(you will notice being accurate on your ego defenses), It can feel like friendliness. But what you cannot do with IT is to lean on it as a basis for identification.


    To further share with you that I understand and know what IT is from my experience: No matter how forced our bodies or mind or how much resistant we are having, we can for a moment, lose to IT or shift to IT, it will give us precision/love or however you want to define the characteristic of this experience. This difference in functioning is best notice for me when practicing any sports, games or music. It is computational and coordinates every movement in the present moment. This does not mean that "I" is accurate or well coordinated. I and IT, completely different in terms of functionality. Though I understand that if It is being used it can explode into flow or energy(it is not always the same for me). In the end, It is just a function we have in us. 


    If you want to get serious about what IT is then, I claim and know for certain that you cannot be IT. IT is. If try to be IT then you will be projecting IT(energy, feeling). And I am talking in moment by moment. 


    To get back to my suggestion and the workflow so to speak: If you(I am of course talking about myself) having a feeling of turmoil or suffering, let IT reveal: what I am feeling and not actually create a story of what I want or suspect to feel. This is super simple like when doing mediation, there are thoughts that you expect and thoughts that come by themselves.


    Does this make sense?



  8. I have a good example of what i mean: lets say you are involved in a car accident not much happens and you survive, go to a bar near to drink a coffe and so on. Now you are feeling the shock of the accident - you can stand there keep up a poker face and deal with situation as rational as possible, burst into laughter or start crying. In my position i feel better quicker to burst into laughter, crying or out-loud self indulgent. Eventually all of the roads will reduce or calm the sense of self - sometimes even feel as awareness. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Faith said:


    When I refer to life I'm suggesting the animating force that illuminates all beings aka awareness/consciousness. So, I find it worth mentioning that that's exactly what you and I are, although it may "appear" that this isn't so. 


    I'm wondering if the unconscious mind crept back in while you thought you were letting life live you, which caused the "sense of me" to enhance. 


    In experience, can you know and feel this animating force? How do you really know that is exactly what you are?

    I have had the experience that i can let go but be stuck in the same thought loop (it feels much more unconscious), i dont mean this kind of letting go. I can explain to you what i mean but i would not do a good job and i don’t think the story is relevant for you. 


  10. 20 minutes ago, Faith said:

    "Living life without trying"



     Life is living the you, you think you are, but really, you are life, not a you. 😊






    Today i noticed that there are things in my experience which come by themselves and things that i try to do or achieve. I had previously noticed this with thoughts. I had two hard days at work and at the end felt super empty. I went to sleep this afternoon and felt super detached and awkward with everyone. I didnt know what to do and thought it was a good idea to go with what came without me trying! Mby because deeply i was terrified of the emptiness i felt. I ended up talking much more than i am use to these past years.  It was very liberating! So i agree that it is like life is living you but i think it is worth mentioning that I or you cannot possible be life and vice versa.  As i let life to live me my sense of me actually just enhanced in a way or got more complete on as time passed by. Many details that i would have not thought bother me, surprisingly bother me. 


    On 5/10/2022 at 11:02 PM, Phil said:



    Yes for sure! 

  11. @IndisguiseFor example i try to focus on something and by trying i create a separate self(that is pushed out of myself), this also happens if i am feeling pain or trying to resist pain. Does this make sense? I mean moment to moment. But I know that this separate  self is not the true one. The worst part, in order to let it vanish i add thoughts of how the non duality/direct experience or the direct sense of self is functioning, then i run this thoughts in the separate self which makes it even bigger.

  12. 4 hours ago, Indisguise said:

    Of course not. You can learn to let go of inhibition, in other words; you can learn how to not give a shit.

    Yes, thumbs up for the optimism. 

    3 hours ago, Mandy said:

    You want to be moving towards what you want not moving away from what you don't want. We want to connect with intuition and inspiration and listen to our real time guidance rather than being inhibited. Inhibition is having a desire to let go, love, and also feeling at the same time that it's not safe to do so. It's resisting and conflicting yourself.

    I appreciate your comment but not sure how to respond.


    @Indisguise@MandyToday i noticed that I create a I(self-aware), out of habit. I have a thought about wanting something then in seconds i start to create someone who is going to get that thing. I can go inside this creation and feels bigger or stay at the border or be outside. But it takes so much effort to maintain it and also it take some patience and remembering to get rid of it. Does this make sense for you? Its like a skill i presume? The worst part is that when I dont have to do shit it gets away and when i have to do something useful it comes.

    @MandyTo your point, initially the wanting is aligned with the I that created it, after a while i get stuck into my own creation(self aware I) and many times i have actual physical pain(eye strains or feel disconnected) so definitely a conflict with myself. 

  13. @Indisguise  

    4 hours ago, Indisguise said:

    Depends on what you're trying to do, no? Jumping 10ft in the air or making Sushi?

    Yes for certain! Like typing for example the effort that is actually needed to press the right keys and how much bash the keyboard. But yeah I agree with you. 

    @Mandy Hi Mandy, both not trying to be cool or trying really hard are the same there should be a third way. The ultimate way of trying. 

  14. 16 hours ago, Indisguise said:

    No. That's pretty clichee... 


    What I wanted to share is this: music clubs (or raves for that matter) are excelent opportunities to let go. We are so inhibited in our bodies and in our behavior as to what movements are acceptable that we don't dare to dance. Funny thing, when we entered the club, there were almost no people. Inhibition goes way up. 

    I hope you guys occasionally do things of this kind. It's rather cleansing for the soul, so to speak. I mean for god's sake, the universe is a party that went completely out of control. Brahman just vibing.

    I was on Berlin last week and had a similar experience. Is inhibition something like being self aware in Balkans we call it complex? 

  15. Bro imagine like there being  a door that allow you to get back from transcendence.  Like going somewhere abroad for a long time then you go back to your hometown - mega fixed, full wallet, clean haircut. The folks asking how is in the transcendence  plane ? Oh, its good just like here you get bored after while. Trying to make up their mind to not come and live cause then there will be two folks from home town in the transcended plane. Seek into your mind and you find transcendence you dont have to come there, trust me is boring. 

    You know shit like this. Hehe

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