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How do I Forgive Humanity's Ignorance


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Sometimes I get so excited when I dream of human society being human machine hybrids and traveling in space, having advanced familial structures, letting go of religion, embodying Love, merging with A.I., everyone respecting each other and seeing each other as powerful beings, sexuality being no big deal anymore with no resistance, no more "revolutions" or "causes", children not being treated like dumbasses, helping other forms of life to grow and also let them thrive on their own.


But when I look at now there's so much hurt in the world and it's all so unconscious. I'm genuinely saddened by this, I've recently come to fully unveil my sexuality (pansexual) and when I see homophobic people it's so obvious that they're just insecure about themselves. 


It really hurts to see people shitting on others for just existing, people are like slaves and it doesn't matter what ideology they hold, it's all the same stuff. 


It is irritating to see people being lost in the content of the structure of thought, but not recognizing the structure is the same as "the enemy" and we get a situation where there's two polar opposites on the surface but structure-wise they are actually doing the same thing. 


I can't look at youtube comments anymore, most people are so pessimistic about shit it's like they want everything to burn lol. 


Well I'm just venting right now. Finding the power to forgive all this ignorance. 


Not like "im so smart and they're idiots!" More like "what the fuck guys stop 😢"

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Devin it does point me more towards what is wanted. 🤔

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Devin Yea, its all about perspective. 


The only thing that comes up is the fear of someone hurting me even though I have a aligned perspective on things.


Like my perspective is great until a thought comes up about someone hurting me regardless of my perspective.


A fear comes up about being hurt, killed, etc.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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There is ultimate, lasting peace & happiness which never comes or goes. It isn’t found outwardly, even via forgiveness and acceptance of humanity, any more than it is or was found in objective experience such as relationships, substances or states. It is only found as absolute clarity, as pristine unfettered eternal consciousness. 


Only the inward oriented approach is feasible. By that I mean the thorough, complete and absolute direct inspection of the very mind of which thoughts about a world, humanity, forgiveness, harm, hurt, fear, and murder arise. The ultimate, as in basic, original & most fundamental self-knowledge is the holy grail, the answer to the most profound questions such as why is there evil and what is the truth of the reality of the universe. The instant a seeker finds this self-knowledge, it is found to never have existed at all. 


Only from this self-knowledge can there be peace, actual common sense and true forgiveness on earth, as there will no longer arise any need for peace, common sense or forgiveness on earth. It will be all too clear experience is inherently for giving, in, of, as & for only the essence of it’s source.  


To realize you could never be harmed, hurt or killed is to simultaneously realize you have never actually been harmed, hurt or killed.  Paradoxically, no one has ever survived this self-knowledge and lived to tell about it. And even if one did, there would be nothing, and no one, to tell. 


No one obtains, achieves, holds, see’s or even realizes ultimate self-knowledge. It comes in through the dark, out through your heart, and laughs. It moves along intangibly as an unspeakable message, like wind through an empty forest no one will ever see.

But it is. Do not doubt that it is. 

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58 minutes ago, Phil said:

There is ultimate, lasting peace & happiness which never comes or goes. It isn’t found outwardly, even via forgiveness and acceptance of humanity, any more than it is or was found in objective experience such as relationships, substances or states. It is only found as absolute clarity, as pristine unfettered eternal consciousness. 


Only the inward oriented approach is feasible. By that I mean the thorough, complete and absolute direct inspection of the very mind of which thoughts about a world, humanity, forgiveness, harm, hurt, fear, and murder arise. The ultimate, as in basic, original & most fundamental self-knowledge is the holy grail, the answer to the most profound questions such as why is there evil and what is the truth of the reality of the universe. The instant a seeker finds this self-knowledge, it is found to never have existed at all. 


Only from this self-knowledge can there be peace, actual common sense and true forgiveness on earth, as there will no longer arise any need for peace, common sense or forgiveness on earth. It will be all too clear experience is inherently for giving, in, of, as & for only the essence of it’s source.  


To realize you could never be harmed, hurt or killed is to simultaneously realize you have never actually been harmed, hurt or killed.  Paradoxically, no one has ever survived this self-knowledge and lived to tell about it. And even if one did, there would be nothing, and no one, to tell. 


No one obtains, achieves, holds, see’s or even realizes ultimate self-knowledge. It comes in through the dark, out through your heart, and laughs. It moves along intangibly as an unspeakable message, like wind through an empty forest no one will ever see.

But it is. Do not doubt that it is. 

You know, Leo's narratives on how neo-advaita is incomplete or wrong or whatever has really shaded my thinking on these topics and the way I read your posts. Perhaps I need to back to the roots. All these isms and unconscious adopting of his "higher" or "more advanced" ideas has casted a sort of superiority complex in me with regards to spirituality. I'm recently finding that these are sneaky games my mind is playing from years of regurgitating the ideas of others who I deem as more knowledgeable. Basically, I find that your posts indeed have deep merits and foundational pieces that I previously couldn't recognizing because of the conditioning described. 


Think I need to go back to basics. The hardcore psychedelics and the existential loneliness stuff can come later. My cup is too full. Need to empty it. Maybe I am more innocent than I thought. It's just all too deceptive really.

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’Hardcore psychedelics and existential loneliness stuff’’, just like isolation, emotional suppression, suicidal ideation, etc, etc, are not at all common on the path. Most paths by far are an unearthing of the natural euphoria of our being, existential connectedness, emotional expression and life affirming thoughts, behaviors & actions. Not suggesting it’s easy, but I’d at least consider the ‘hardcore psychedelics and existential loneliness stuff’ is still the very narrative you mentioned. The ‘stuff’ to be emptied of. That’s it’s ‘learned’ & assumed to be true, because it’s intended to be convincing & delivered convincingly, yet is conceptual ‘stuff’ to be emptied out, not stuff ‘somewhere down your path’ or something.


I couldn’t agree more btw, you’re more innocent than you could possibly think. Absolutely. No deception whatsoever.  Self-deception is a very immature & egocentric self-conceptualization. 

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On 9/24/2022 at 8:50 AM, Phil said:



’Hardcore psychedelics and existential loneliness stuff’’, just like isolation, emotional suppression, suicidal ideation, etc, etc, are not at all common on the path. Most paths by far are an unearthing of the natural euphoria of our being, existential connectedness, emotional expression and life affirming thoughts, behaviors & actions. Not suggesting it’s easy, but I’d at least consider the ‘hardcore psychedelics and existential loneliness stuff’ is still the very narrative you mentioned. The ‘stuff’ to be emptied of. That’s it’s ‘learned’ & assumed to be true, because it’s intended to be convincing & delivered convincingly, yet is conceptual ‘stuff’ to be emptied out, not stuff ‘somewhere down your path’ or something.


I couldn’t agree more btw, you’re more innocent than you could possibly think. Absolutely. No deception whatsoever.  Self-deception is a very immature & egocentric self-conceptualization. 

Can't wait till I'm an awakened being and no longer innocent like you😇

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