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The End of "Wanting-ness" in Relationship

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The wanting-ness in relationship is dissolving whereas before special qualities were projected onto the seeming object creating the experience of egoic emotional and sexual desire aimed at finding fulfillment through the acquisition of another.


The desire for relationship and sex still arises, though the experience of confusion arises particularly when contemplating relationship because more and more all I experience is myself. How then can relationship be experienced with a woman who takes herself to be a separate-self? 

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23 hours ago, Finitude said:

The desire for relationship and sex still arises, though the experience of confusion arises particularly when contemplating relationship because more and more all I experience is myself.

I certainly understand and can appreciate the communicative framing of ‘more & more all I experience is myself’. 

Another framing is all I’ve ever experienced is myself, and more & more the thoughts, perceptions & sensations align with this understanding & recognition. 


23 hours ago, Finitude said:

How then can relationship be experienced with a woman who takes herself to be a separate-self? 

In your understanding & recognition the relationship would likely be experienced primarily or mostly as giving, or, a sharing of your being. At her end there might be more of the traditional relationship ‘push & pull’ of, as you mentioned, seeking fulfillment through the acquisition of another. Generally speaking, how that plays out is ‘I feel this way because of you’, day to day in the relationship in many subtle and sneaky ways. So I would say the answer or really the suggestion would be with great enjoyment in the Message, without ‘lording’, and with great patience & compassion. 



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On 9/6/2022 at 3:22 PM, Finitude said:

How then can relationship be experienced with a woman who takes herself to be a separate-self? 

 How can "a woman" take herself to be  a seperate self when you are first believing that seperate people can believe that they are seperate. There's no conflict, just seems that there is. 

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