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Here's how you can see, that you are actually ageless.


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Recently i visited my "old place" i used to live most of my life, but i acted like i was still living there.  Like i was still 20 years old ( i'm 30 now), and like i had the same thoughts which created "story of me", same problems, friends, etc.


While doing this, i forgot about my "current life situation" to the point of really freaking out, that all what happened "later" was just a "trip/dream/memory" and it never happened. 


And it's pretty interesting, because the sense of "me" or "I" or "i am" is THE SAME no matter of your AGE/STORY/ LIFE SITUATION!

That sense of "i'm" is ageless!

It's timeless!

All you experience is literally 6 things: visual, sound, sensation, taste, smell, and thought.
Nothing more.


And it's THE SAME "knowing" or "substance" as you were 10/15/20 years old. And it will be the same all your life.


To get sense of that, just imagine that you are still teenager, still going to school etc, experience all those thoughts you used to have, and see, that it's stil the exact same "i am" . 

Only movie/story/content of thoughts changes.


But awarenes/knowing/sense of "i'm"  is still the same.



Edited by Forza21
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On 8/8/2022 at 1:53 PM, Forza21 said:

And it's THE SAME "knowing" or "substance" as you were 10/15/20 years old. And it will be the same all your life.

Yep, wait until you're in your 50's like me. I'm 52! You really realize it then, if you didn't already. 😄 


Same ole' awareness awaring the "little me" at any age. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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