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Lucid Dreaming


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I've recently spoke with a high-school friend of mine, who was into lucid dreaming, astral projection etc for quite some time now and it was the first time we actually went into details about his experiences. From what he shared he was able to "leave his body" and fly to different places in the world real time. He would be conscious of his body laying in bed, fly away, go visit some place, see actual people etc and then go back to find his body and return so to speak. 
That was quite fascinating to listen, he even mentioned that some people are meeting their "astral" partners in this plane and then find each other in the real world.

He also shared with me a lot of his experiences with lucid dreaming. He told me about numerous stuff that actually happened in his dreams, had sex with amazing women, wild experiences, he was "building" stuff in a snap, flying, basically whatever you want. 

I recently saw an article of Tim Ferris' podcast where he shared how in his dreams he trained with John Smith - a wrestling legend who had like 80-0 domestic freestyle record and 100-5 international freestyle record. 
Tim's words: 
"The problem was, of course, that I was in New Hampshire at boarding school and had never met John Smith. I only trained with him 45-60 minutes per night while I was lucid dreaming. I went on to have my best career season, which culminated with a more than 20-0 record before the national championships…"


I immediately thought about "utilizing" my sleep and doing something productive during that time. Since the major theme in my life now is healing and integrating those scattered pieces from the past I was thinking if it's actually possible to do something in that direction while lucidly dreaming? Like speak to a therapist, or "relive" in my mind's eye different experiences from my past and feel what I felt back then.

Have anyone had such an experience? Would be interesting to share.
Also if so, is there a specific way to induce such a lucid dreaming state and to guide or create a certain experience?

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