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Hello! I’m new here, and not quite sure how this forum works but I’ve been searching and finding these types of communities in the strangest places. Anyways, I have a suspicion that language is interpreted in many different ways. For instance- a best friend who I could view as “not spiritual” might actually be trying to communicate with me from a different state of being, but appear to me as I see them… which is a reflection of myself… hm.  Anywho, there is no answer to this anyways. It’s just fun to ponder because recently my life has felt like a great mystery that’s slowly being uncovered, and the answer is there, right under my nose… I just have to know how to look. A thought I had as a child was “what if everyone is on this different level of existence, and they have no way of telling me because I’m blind in some way?” And when I find out it’ll be like the greatest cosmic punchline or solved mystery of all time. And we’ll all wink at each other and silently leave our houses as god, as one, and walk into the sunset as a cryptic church choir sings us away. And… SCENE. Apologies, I have to make everything super dramatic 😂

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