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Wake up paralysis


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Mmmmmh, I have been having it couple times since last year.

 My spirit is awake but my body is asleep. 

I can rotate, but the body doesn't turn around and I can perceive what's in the room vividly, vibrationally.

I say to myself "wake up, wake up, wake up" because it can feel a bit like a trap after some time.


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I used to experience this a lot as a kid. It has been a long time since the last time it happen, in which I let it happen, no resistance. Then I went into a lucid dream state.


Don’t try to wake up, or try to fall back asleep, just let it happen. As soon as you wake up is one of the best times to explore dream states, a lot of the time you can just set the intention to lucid dream and then wait and you will. 

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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