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Anyone who experiences transmutation has my absolute respect and admiration. 

These are the people who inspire me relentlessly, unabashedly & unapologetically. 

To me, these are real life God-size Hero’s. 


People who don’t settle for suppression.

People who say “there must be more to life, to This”, and inspect rather than continue to deflect & project.

Those who no longer be leaving. 

People willing to allow true sincerity, who admit there is a ‘thorn’, that there is suffering, and inspect the armor.

People who allow the expression of Truth, and wake up from the matrix, and are wholly aligned as betterment. 


People who don’t continue attempting to fight & overcome, but who actually transmute their grievances, who actually forgive the ‘trespasses against them’, by transmuting the suffering into any aspect of an array of beautification of Our creation. 

People who do not hope, but be the change. 

People who not only transmute, but offer support for people to transmute. 

People who stand in - that it is certainly possible for every one - and speak from direct experience. 

These are my hero’s and I’m in awe of them. 

Transmutation is first directly experienced, discovered in yourself - and then - and only then -  can it be seen who has, and who has not. 

And of course to all of this… not even. 🤍


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