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Are you continuing the cycle or ending the cycle?


Do you see the cycles? 


Is there clarity on conditioning & the suffering therein, or are you just sweeping it under rugs of “that’s how it is”, “that’s how I am”, “I’m just burning my karma”, “it’s just how the world is”, “you don’t understand”, etc, etc ?


The suppression of this is felt. Is it inspected, and therein the suffering dispelled? 


Do you see yet therein is the realization you are the creator of your reality? 



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On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

Are you continuing the cycle or ending the cycle?

Sometimes continuing, sometimes ending. In the recognition of continuing the cycle do I get a chance of ending it. Sometimes I can be cold and uninterested when being with others, but if I don‘t act from that conditioned place, I‘m warm and interested. 


On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

Do you see the cycles? 

Yes. Not always, but once you see one, you start to see more.


On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

Is there clarity on conditioning & the suffering therein, or are you just sweeping it under rugs of “that’s how it is”, “that’s how I am”, “I’m just burning my karma”, “it’s just how the world is”, “you don’t understand”, etc, etc ?


The suppression of this is felt. Is it inspected, and therein the suffering dispelled? 

When I recognize that I suppress something, I immediately notice how I‘m perpetuating suffering and conditioning. This feels so off that I can‘t hold it within. And it always feels so good to let go and break those cycles. The best part of it is the clarity and simply and truly feeling like me (good). 


On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

Do you see yet therein is the realization you are the creator of your reality? 

It‘s dawning on me. 

Edited by Lotus
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On 10/7/2022 at 2:02 PM, Devin said:

What are some of the conditioning cycles? Is there a list or thread already somewhere?

“I feel the way I do right now because of you, the past, circumstances, what someone said, how someone was, etc”. 

(The condition).


What I’m feeling right now - the condition. 

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