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If you give unsolicited advice, don’t be surprised if other person blames you for the outcome

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My mother today told me that I like to “blame everyone” and she doesn’t even want to tell me what to do anymore. Lol, if this becomes true I will be very happy indeed 😂


My religious family thinks they know best and have a habit of giving unsolicited advice. A few years ago, my mom’s cousin was pregnant, and because she was planning on getting a divorce from her abusive husband, living very poorly with 6 people in a two room apartment, she wanted to get an abortion. After learning about that, my grandmother got involved, lecturing her about how big of a sin this is and “no way you are getting an aborting, we will all help you, think what a tragedy it would be, eternal sin”

My mom’s cousin was smoking throughout her pregnancy and very stressed out constantly arguing with her husband, even with physical fights. The girl was born with a developmental condition. She is now 11 and disabled, barely learning to speak. 

I know about my grandma being involved because my mom’s cousin mentioned that a few times to me and others (and I believe her because it sounds exactly like my grandma)


All this to say to avoid giving unsolicited advice. We don’t know which headspace the other person may be in and our advice might do significant damage to someone’s life trajectory. 



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Worry feels better than blame. What's the worry? 


Are abilities really all they are cracked up to be? If you were fully loved no matter what, unconditionally without needing to perform to earn it, would a disabled child be any less worthy of life than any other? 

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Mandy said:

Worry feels better than blame. What's the worry? 

Why does worry feel better than blame? Could you please explain this?


15 hours ago, Mandy said:

Are abilities really all they are cracked up to be? If you were fully loved no matter what, unconditionally without needing to perform to earn it, would a disabled child be any less worthy of life than any other? 

Based on survival a disabled child has far less chances to survive, especially if there are no parents able to take care of it all its life. So according to the universe - it seems to be less worthy of life..


For some reason majority of humans need some form of performance to give/receive more love.

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9 hours ago, Rose said:

Why does worry feel better than blame? Could you please explain this?


Doesn't it though?

9 hours ago, Rose said:

Based on survival a disabled child has far less chances to survive, especially if there are no parents able to take care of it all its life. So according to the universe - it seems to be less worthy of life..


There's no opposite to life, nor is there any extra value in a longer life. 

9 hours ago, Rose said:


For some reason majority of humans need some form of performance to give/receive more love.

This is a personal belief that is coloring this whole thing. Alignment is the recognition of the infinite love that is already there, already you. There is trying to prove yourself in the eyes of others of being worthy of more love, but this just turns out to be a symptom of a self reinforcing belief that "I'm not enough right now." There is nothing BUT right now, so you can't get there from here, as there is only here. 

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Advice is synonymous with guidance.


Conjecture is an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.


Eternal sin, survival & conditional or relative love are not advice or guidance, they’re conjecture.


Concepts which make it seem like the awareness presently aware judges, is surviving, and knows of a relative, a “second awareness” or “reality”. It’s egocentric fear-based dogma - conceptualizations of infinite consciousness (love) - based on ignorance, or, the belief one is a separate self, a knower which knows these things.


The smoking was / is likely a coping mechanism for managing the stress, fear, discomfort & emotional turmoil of the highly discordant dogmatic egocentric self (love) conceptualizations. 


Imagine someone saying to you the Empire State Building is actually a toothpick. It’s utter nonsense & points to how discordant these dogmatic beliefs are. 


These apparent experiences are like invitations to question these dogmas, feel emotions, dispel beliefs, and liberate of the discord & suffering of the ignorance of one’s own true nature.


Worry feels better than blame because it’s about the unfolding of events and what might manifest, as opposed to the deeper ignorance of the belief in assertion. 


Advice is truly neither solicited nor unsolicited, as the truth is not eternally sinning, surviving nor conditional -  but rather you, love, are in fact appearing as all you are experiencing - which is, love. 


The unworthiness is a projection, via the belief in other, with a conscious experience of it’s own. There is no evidence, direct experience or reality of that belief, beyond the appearing thought or concept, just as there is no evidence, direct experience or reality of eternal sin, survival, a relative or conditional or relative love. The deeper yet discord is the belief there is a relationship between need and love (via performance), as this is on behalf of a nonexistent self. (The “knower” / “performer”.)


These are thoughts & concepts which self-aware, infinite & eternal unconditional love is appearing as. The reality of ‘someone else blaming you’ is the overlooking of the emotion (guidance) being felt, ignored, and projected, coloring perception with misinterpretation & misidentification. 


“My religious family” is a discordant belief, because it’s not actually true. It’s a conceptualization of self (love). A concept love is appearing as, and believing, obscured by. 


Consciousness, being infinite, must initially overlook its own infinitude & unconditionality by appearing. The guidance is self-inherent, intrinsic, irremovable, inseparable. As the guidance is allowed & felt, limiting discordant beliefs are dispelled. As these beliefs are dispelled, preferences (what’s actually wanted) manifest. There is no greater thrill or fun than this, and there is no certainty but this.  

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