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Every enlightened person is a masochist

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Some thoughts feel discordant because they’re not true, they’re limited beliefs.


Consciousness is conscious (of these thoughts) / awareness is aware (of these thoughts) / feeling is feeling (these thoughts).


Masochist(s), enlightened people, unenlightened people, people who suffer and people who don’t suffer … are discordant thoughts (limited beliefs).


The discord is of the ‘not me’ (limited) aspect. As in… there is “not me”, and therein, I’m a finite separate self. (Limited belief). 


Suffering is - I am a finite, physical separate self which is conscious, aware and feeling (limited belief). 


The opposite of masochism is sadism, not “unenlightened people”. Masochism & sadism are seeking (mental constructs, self objectification). 


Acknowledging Insanity. 🤷‍♂️ 


Enlightenment is cessation. ♥️

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