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Questions about the MIND


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What is the MIND ? is the mind a concept known, or is the mind not a concept or thing at all?


And can the mind be defined using words if it's not a concept or thing?


I've always wondered if the mind can be defined. 🤔

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My two cents.


If tomorrow you suddenly became a young baby in Janes body, would you label the Mind as "Mind"?


You see, you wouldn't know, It was the mind simply because you haven't been doctrinated into labeling it with a simple word.


As to labeling the "Mind" with a word.

It's more complex.


A researcher name Boas studied the Inuit Language he discovered the language had varies words to describe a simple word: "Snow" thus causing a stronger, better understanding of what "Snow" is.


The same I would say goes for The Mind.





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I unpack the Mind vs./and Body duality generally like this:


(No hierarchy/hierarchies intended in this model) -- We all have an admixture of these

(Mind (including Consciousness) is generally Masculine and Body/Being is generally Feminine.)


I. The Divine (Generally Masculine): Monism/ Unchanging/ Idealism (Incl. Rationalism) The Essence of Differences

  • Masculine Mind = Intellect (Metaphysical/Meta-Ethical Knowledge (Jnana: Ultimate/Ideal Knowledge))
  • Feminine Mind = Consciousness (Pure Unchanging Awareness)

II. The human (Generally Feminine): Pluralism/ Changing/ Empiricism (Incl. Experientialism) The Relation among Differences

  • Masculine Body = Scientific Mentality/ Universal Practical Ethics (Practical/empirically verifiable knowledge)
  • Feminine Body = Being in the world (Relationship, Feelings/Emotions, Care/Compassion, Romanticism)
Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 6/26/2024 at 4:57 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

I unpack the Mind vs./and Body duality generally like this:


(No hierarchy/hierarchies intended in this model) -- We all have an admixture of these

(Mind (including Consciousness) is generally Masculine and Body/Being is generally Feminine.)


I. The Divine (Generally Masculine): Monism/ Unchanging/ Idealism (Incl. Rationalism) The Essence of Differences

  • Masculine Mind = Intellect (Metaphysical/Meta-Ethical Knowledge (Jnana: Ultimate/Ideal Knowledge))
  • Feminine Mind = Consciousness (Pure Unchanging Awareness)

II. The human (Generally Feminine): Pluralism/ Changing/ Empiricism (Incl. Experientialism) The Relation among Differences

  • Masculine Body = Scientific Mentality/ Universal Practical Ethics (Practical/empirically verifiable knowledge)
  • Feminine Body = Being in the world (Relationship, Feelings/Emotions, Care/Compassion, Romanticism)

Nicely put! 👍

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